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Charles Oakford & Sons in the Continental, hats, caps, and furs, wholesale and retail, 826-828 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

Oliver Brooks, wholesale and retail, hat, cap & fancy fur warehouse

Charles Oakford's hat & cap store, wholesale & retail, No. 104, Chesnut [sic] Street, Philadelphia.

John B. Stetson & Co., manufacturers of fine fur soft and stiff felt hats, Philadelphia. : [graphic] Office and salesroom, 1746-62 North 4th St. Philadelphia. Salesroom, 546 Broadway, New York. Phototype [by] F. Gutekunst.

Centennial Circular 1876.

[Wm. H. Oakford trade cards]

Chestnut Street from Seventh to Sixth, (north side). [graphic].