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Charles Oakford & Sons in the Continental, hats, caps, and furs, wholesale and retail, 826-828 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

I. Oakford & Son, hatters, 28 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia.

Geo. W. Allen, hatter, 808 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

Edward Geary, Jr. dealer in Lehigh and Schuylkill coal. Orders received and promptly attended to, at No. 814 North Second St. above Brown, S.E. cor. Ridge Avenue & Wallace St., (or through despatch directed as above,) Philadelphia. Cash on delivery.

[Interior view of Charles Oakford & Sons hat store, Continental Hotel, 826-828 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia]

[Interior view of Charles Oakford & Sons hat store, Continental Hotel, 826-828 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia]

[Interior view of Charles Oakford & Sons hat store, Continental Hotel, 826-828 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia]

[Interior view of Charles Oakford & Sons hat store, Continental Hotel, 826-828 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia]

[Wm. H. Oakford trade cards]

Continental Hotel, Philadelphia

Sixth and Chestnut St[reet]s Philada.

Post Office, Philadelphia.

Custom House & Post Office Phila, Pa.

Panoramic view of Philadelphia west from State House.

[Panorama of Philadelphia northwest from State House]

[Panorama of Philadelphia northwest from State House]