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The new Masonic Temple, Philadelphia.

[The new Masonic Temple, Philadelphia]

The pagoda and labyrinth garden.

Bought of Edward C. Jones & Co. Successors to Amos H. Yarnall & Co. Wholesale druggists, manufacturers and dealers in drugs, chemicals, pharmaceutical preparations, perfumery, spices, patent medicines, druggists' sundries, & c. Also, paints, oils, glass,

Bought of Russell & Landis, importers & wholesale druggists, & dealers in paints, oils, glass, varnishes, & c., also manufacturers of pure lily white lead, hunters iron paint, & ivory white lead. no. 5 North Fifth Street (3 doors above Market.)

Bought of Stretch, Bennett & Co. (Successors to Peter T. Wright & Co.) Importers of and dealers in drugs and medicines. Also brandies & wines for medical purposes. No. 609 Market St.

[Gumpert Bros., cigar manufacturers, 1341 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.] [graphic].

Bought of Edwin Hall, no. 28 South Second St., silks, shawls, dress goods, cloths, mourning goods, furnishing goods, gloves, hosiery, embroideries, laces, white goods &c.

"The Continental" Schottisch. /

Odd Fellows' Cemetery, Islington Lane Philadelphia.

Main Exhibition Building. Machinery Hall. International Exhibition. 1876. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Art Gallery. Main Building. Centennial International Exhibition. 1876. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Centennial music.

Grand United States Centennial Exhibition 1876. Main Building. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Girard College for Orphans, at Philadelphia, Pa.

Belmont Petroleum Refinery. Refiners of and dealers in illuminating and lubricating oil. Benzine & parafine. For exportation and home consumption. Office No. 333 Market St. Refinery at Belmont. [graphic].

[P. R. Schuyler, furnishing undertaker, N.E. cor. Beaver & 4th Sts., Philadelphia. N. B. lots for sale in Monument Cemetery on reasonable terms. Also single interments.]

View Chestnut St., Phila

View of Robert Buist's city nursery & greenhouses No. 140 South Twelfth Str. Phila. 1846.

W. P. Hacker, importer and wholesale dealer in china, glass, queensware & fancy goods, No. 60, North Second Street, Philadelphia.

[Market Street, looking east from below Twelfth Street, Philadelphia]

Bennett's Tower Hall, clothing bazaar, no. 518 Market Street, bet[ween] 5th & 6th, Philadelphia.

Cornelius & Baker, 181 Cherry Street, Philadelphia. Manufacturers of lamps, gas fixtures etc.

Masonic Hall Chesnut St. Philada. Erected A.D. 1813. Destroyed by Fire A.D. 1819.

Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia.

Merchants' Exchange.

Art Gallery, Centennial International Exhibition. 1876. Fairmount Park Philadelphia.

Main Building International Exhibition 1876. Fairmount Park Philadelphia.

Robert Morris Hotel & Fairmount House

Main building, International Exhibition. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, 1876.

Columbia Avenue & 5th St. Factory

Winter scene in Philadelphia. [graphic].

Winter scene in Philadelphia.

[Frederick Brown, storefront] 1868.

Schweitzer & Grimm's [sic] Brewery, Columbia Ave and 11th streets, Phila.

Chas. A. Smith. Barbers supplies. Jefferson and Randolph [Streets] Philadelphia.

Girard House

Deaf & Dumb Asylum. Broad Street

Neall, Matthews Y Moore, maquinistas y fundidores, de hierro en Bush Hill, esquina de las galles de Fairview y la septima de Schuylkill, Filadelfia = Neall, Matthews & Moore, iron founders and machinists, Bush Hill Iron Works.

Jacob Haehnlen's steam power lithographic & letter press printing rooms

Chemical laboratory of Crew, Rogers & Crew Philadelphia Penna.

[Bennet's Tower Hall Clothing Bazaar, 518]

Peter Schemm & Son. Brewery, 25th & Poplar sts. Philadelphia.

Continental Hotel, corner of Chestnut & Ninth St. Philadelphia.

Birds eye view of the Centennial Exhibition buildings. Philadelphia, Pa.

Murphy & Allison.

Leedom, Shaw & Stewart. Philadelphia Carpet Mills. Office and Warehouse 635 Market St.

Grand masonic march

International Electrical Exhibition march.

Centennial March
