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Founder's Week, Industrial Day Oct. 7th 1908. Philadelphia Brewing Co.'s float. By courtesy of Philadelphia liquor dealers journal

Founder's Week, Industrial Day, Oct. 7th, 1908. Philadelphia Brewing Co's float. By courtesy of Philadelphia liquor dealers journal

R. & G.A. Wright. Manufacturers of fine perfumery &c. 624 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

[Founders' Week parade, procession of Keystone Phone Co. float, 300 block of South Broad Street, Industrial Day, October 7, 1908]

Pennsylvania Rail Road Co. connecting bridge at Girard Ave.

Ledger carriers annual greeting 1862.

City Marble Works and Steam Mantel Factory. Corner Tenth and Vine Streets Philadelphia. J.E. & B. Schell.

Market St. Ferry.

Market St. Ferry

Market St. Ferry

Market St. Ferry

U.S. Custom House (formerly U.S. Bank)

White's great cattle show, and grand procession of the victuallers of Philadelphia

[Employees of the Philadelphia Grain Elevator Company's Twentieth Street elevator]

Colonnade Hotel, SW corner 15th & Chestnut, Phila., 1896, showing monument on the ground of Epiphany Ch[urch]

U.S. Custom House (formerly U.S. Bank)

Race Street in Philadelphia's Chinatown.

Grand Centennial depot, at the main entrance to the exhibition grounds. [graphic].

[Market building, Market and Fifteenth Streets] [graphic] / Frank H. Taylor from photo.

 [Robeson's Ridge Road, Philadelphia]   [graphic].

High Street in 1799 at present Market Street postcards.

[Procession of Poor Richard Club members down Locust Street, Philadelphia]

Girard's Bank, late the Bank of the United States, in Third Street Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn & Published by W. Birch Enamel Painter 1800.

Funeral Car, used at the obesequies of President Lincoln, in Philadelphia, April 22nd, 1865,

[Evans, Card & Fancy Printer. Office, Fourth St. below Chestnut, Philadelphia]

Evans, Card & Fancy Printer. Office, Fourth St. below Chestnut, Philadelphia

Evans, Card & Fancy Printer. Office, Fourth St. below Chestnut, cor. of Library St. Philadelphia

Louis L. Peck manufacturer & dealer in burning fluid varnishes...

McNeely & Co. manufacturers of morocco, buckskin & chamois, white leather, bark tanned, sheep, calf & deer skins, parchment, vellum &c. 64 N[or]th 4th. St. below Arch St. near the Merchants Hotel, Philadelphia. Manufactory 4th & Franklin Aven[ue]

Wm. D. Rogers' coach and light carriage manufactory, corner of 6th & Master Streets, Philadelphia.

Wm.D. Rogers' coach and light carriage manufactory, corner of 6th & Master Streets, Philadelphia. [graphic] / From nature and on stone by Rease & Schell, No. 17 So. 5th St., Phila.

A "jam" on Dock Street, Philadelphia's produce market place. [graphic].

Goodyears Rubber-Packing & Belting Company.

Goodyears Rubber, Packing & Belting Company.
