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Trotting stallion woodcut

Cavalry charge woodcut

Dausman Tobacco Company, St. Louis.

To make good butter use Kerr's "Acme," 'Kerr's "Unexcelled," or Kerr's "F.F." salt for sale by Wm. Auchenbach & Sons, Pottstown Pa.

Sweet Briar Mansion, in 1843. (In Fairmount Park) [graphic].

Chasseurs et chevaux, Amerique du Sud.

Le cavalier Marocain.

[Clement B. Webster, with horse, on Stouton farm, Philadelphia, Pa.] [graphic].

O. Sheridan, Chestnut Hill.

Diploma of the Montgomery County Agricultural Society of the state of Pennsylvania [certificate]

F[ire] and P[olice] Dept. Record. [certificate] [graphic].

S. A. Hagner, saddle harness and trunk manufactory, South (No.39) 8th St. 1st Door above Chesnut [sic] Philada.

Jersey Wash Day Tremont H. Pavillion, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Jersey Wash Day, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

One of our buckboards. Thunder Cove and Great Herd in background, [Mount Desert Island, ME] [graphic].

Possibly peak of Otter from Ocean Drive, [Mount Desert Island, ME] [graphic].

Our baggage on dock at N.E. Harbor just before leaving for home. [Mount Desert Island, ME] [graphic].

M[arriott] C. M[orris] in carriage at Sea Girt [graphic].

[Canoes stacked on a cart, Maurice River, New Jersey] [graphic].

Custom House & E. end of State House from 4 & Library Sts. 2nd story, [Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Custom House & E. end of State House from 4 & Library Sts. 2nd story. Philadelphia] [graphic].

Jersey Wash Day from top of Pavilion western section, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Jersey Wash Day, [top of pavilion], Eastern section, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Jersey Wash Day, from top of Tremont N. Pavilion. Looking N. [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Main St. depot from Wister's meadow, [Germantown] [graphic].

[Jersey Wash Day, Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

[Jersey Wash Day, Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Broad St. looking South from Sansom St. [Constitutional Centennial Celebration, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Broad St. looking N. from Sansom St. on 3rd day of Centennial of our Constitution, showing Arch with coats of arms of states. Constitutional Centennial Celebration, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Ocean Day, from bath-house, [Sea Girt, NJ] graphic].

R[obert] Morris' House [near Bailey's Corner] [graphic].

Second Ocean Day, from bath-house, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

[Street scene, probably London] [graphic].

Monument & Square from our front steps, [Germantown] [graphic].

Jersey Wash Day, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Milkman, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Crowd on beach, Ocean Day, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Ed. Strawbridge in buggy at their house, [Germantown] [graphic].

Strawbridge's horse, Genesta, [Germantown] [graphic].

[Genesta], Fred Strawbridge in buggy, [Germantown] [graphic].

Par-la-ville from Reid St. Hamilton. [Bermuda] [graphic].

[Old Log Cabin, Wissahickon]

[Auburn, residence of John McAllister Sr., Old Front St. Road, Philadelphia, Pa.] [graphic].


[J.H. Davis driving a horsecar out of a carbarn, Fifth & Sixth Street line, Fifth & Jackson Streets, Philadelphia.]

[John Davis driving a horsecar out of a carbarn, Fifth & Sixth Street line, Fifth & Jackson Streets, Philadelphia.]

[Working plaster sculpture of D.C. French and E.C. Potter Columbian Exposition statue of African American teamster with work horse]

Digging potatoes with modern machinery
