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[Champion horse]

[Horse race]

Digging potatoes with modern machinery

[Procession of Poor Richard Club members down Locust Street, Philadelphia]

[Stable with man, woman, and horse] [graphic].

[Janet Morris on horseback, Canada] [graphic].

Paradise Valley day trip [graphic].

3 day horseback trip, [Canada] [graphic].

Paradise Valley day trip, [British Columbia] [graphic].

3 day horseback trip, [Canada] [graphic].

3 day horseback trip, [Canada] [graphic].

Pier 80, foot of Snyder Av. [graphic].

Tally Ho at Manheim Fete [graphic].

Fete at Manheim for G[erman]t[ow]n Hospital [graphic]

Pennsylvania Rail Road Co. connecting bridge at Girard Ave.

[Man with a horse drawn carriage], Pocono Lake, [PA] [graphic].

[Man with a horse-drawn carriage, Pocono Lake, PA] [graphic].

Fording to the Island. Boys Parlors Asso[ciation] first camp, Upper Delaware R[iver] [graphic].

Frank & his darkies. A wagon load of beets just in from the field

Use Dannemiller's Cordova coffee, in 1 pound papers, because it's the best [graphic].

[Marriott Canby Morris Jr., Janet Morris, and Jane Rhoads Morris playing in], Pocono Lake, [PA] [graphic].

[Men working on the roadside], Pocono Lake, [PA] [graphic].

[Men working on the roadside], Pocono Lake, [PA] [graphic].

[Man driving a horse drawn cart], Pocono Lake, [PA] [graphic].

[Men working on the roadside, Pocono Lake, PA] [graphic].

High Street in 1799 at present Market Street postcards.

[Founders' Week parade, Philadelphia Brewing Co. floats, Industrial Day, October 7, 1908, Philadelphia]

Founder's Week, Industrial Day Oct. 7th 1908. Philadelphia Brewing Co's float. By courtesy of Philadelphia liquor dealers journal

Founder's Week, Industrial Day, Oct. 7th 1908. Phila. Brewing Co.'s float. By courtesy of Philadelphia liquor dealers journal

Founder's Week, Industrial Day Oct. 7th 1908. Philadelphia Brewing Co.'s float. By courtesy of Philadelphia liquor dealers journal

Founder's Week, Industrial Day Oct. 7th 1908. Philadelphia Brewing Co.'s float. By courtesy of Philadelphia liquor dealers journal

Founder's Week, Industrial Day, Oct. 7th, 1908. Philadelphia Brewing Co's float. By courtesy of Philadelphia liquor dealers journal

[Founders' Week parade, procession of Keystone Phone Co. float, 300 block of South Broad Street, Industrial Day, October 7, 1908]

[Cart carrying canoes and people] [graphic].

[225th aniversary of Germantown parade, Germantown, Pa.] [graphic].

[Cart carrying canoes and people], canoeing, Egg Harbor River, NJ [graphic].

2[25]th Anniversary parade in Germantown, [PA] [graphic].

2[25]th Anniversary parade in Germantown, [PA] [graphic].

[Canoes stacked on a cart, Maurice River, New Jersey] [graphic].

The Hairless Wonder, "Blue Bell," 1315 Market Street, Philadelphia.

F[ire] and P[olice] Dept. Record. [certificate] [graphic].

Views of Tuskegee Institute

[Carlin's Park, white horse diving from a high platform, Baltimore, Md.]

[Carlin's Park, white horse diving from a high platform, Baltimore, Md.]

Major H. (English hackney.) J. L. Huye, owner, Lancaster, Pa.

Samuel F. Heflick, Pittsburg, Pa. Heflick's rein supporter. Price card.

1227 + 1229 Market St., [Philadelphia, PA] [graphic].

1227 + 1229 Market St., [Philadelphia, PA] [graphic].

[Street scene, probably London] [graphic].

Colonnade Hotel, SW corner 15th & Chestnut, Phila., 1896, showing monument on the ground of Epiphany Ch[urch]
