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[Man with a horse drawn carriage], Pocono Lake, [PA] [graphic].

[Men working on the roadside], Pocono Lake, [PA] [graphic].

[Men working on the roadside], Pocono Lake, [PA] [graphic].

[Man driving a horse drawn cart], Pocono Lake, [PA] [graphic].

[Men working on the roadside, Pocono Lake, PA] [graphic].

[Man with a horse-drawn carriage, Pocono Lake, PA] [graphic].

The cruel boys. [graphic] : What shows a worse disposition than to abuse a poor dumb creature. It is the beginning of a course, that leads to robbery and murder.

[225th aniversary of Germantown parade, Germantown, Pa.] [graphic].

[Proofs before titles of lithographs for City Sights for Country Eyes] [graphic].

[Janet Morris on horseback, Canada] [graphic].

3 day horseback trip, [Canada] [graphic].

[Jersey Wash Day. Several horse and wagons line the beach at Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

[Jersey Wash Day. Several horse and wagons line the beach at Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

[Spring Lake and Villa Park tram stuck in a flooded area, near Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

The Start [graphic].

In danger [graphic].

The Finish [graphic].

The Finish [graphic].

The Start [graphic].

In danger [graphic].

Fording to the Island. Boys Parlors Asso[ciation] first camp, Upper Delaware R[iver] [graphic].

Memorial Hall.

Main Building, north entrance.

Memorial Hall.

Penn Hotel & Denny's harness shop.

Centennial opening - the choristers.

Centennial opening - the choristers.

Centennial opening - the choristers.

Phila[delphia] Dispensary from Independence Square [graphic].

International Live Stock Exhibition, Philad'a, 1876.

Wagons &c in crowd, Wash Day, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Pier 80, foot of Snyder Av. [graphic].

Observatory on top of Mt. Jefferson with our party and stage, [Albemarle County, VA] [graphic].

Bess & Miss Grace Taylor on horseback at Elbow Bay, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Two old women & 2 children on beach, Ocean Day, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

John C. Farr & Co. importers of watches, watchmakers tools. Silver & plated ware, musical boxes, etc. No. 112, Chestnut St. between 3rd & 4th St. Philada.

[Stable with man, woman, and horse] [graphic].

Southside Chestnut St. from Carpenters Court to 4th St., 1809

[Horse race]

[Country place of worship] [graphic] / Drawn & lithd. at Kollners Lithy. Philada.

[Photographic reproduction of an allegorical view including Abraham Lincoln, a pavilion, and marching soldiers] [graphic] / P. Philipoteaux; Allen & Rowell, photographers, 25 Winter Street, Boston.

Guns in Front of Government Building

Women's Pavilion.

Judge's Pavilion.

Selections from Russian section - Main Building.

Main Building - for "Art and Industry".

Winged Horses.

Silver and bronzes, Russian section - Main Building.

Memorial Hall.

General Washington's carriage.
