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[Partridge & Richardson trade cards]

[Partridge & Richardson trade cards]

[A.C. Yates & Co. clothing trade cards]

Scenes from Uncle Tom's Cabin. No. 1

[George Washington crossing the Delaware]

Views of Ocean Grove, New Jersey.

Outer-Edge Backward.

William B. Dixey trade cards

In eighteen fourteen, Scott, the Indian hero, made red hot work for the red men-yes and redder himself he cooled with Juleps, cold as zero iced by the famous Enterprise ice shredder.

Terrible conflagration and destruction of the steam-boat "New Jersey," [graphic] : On the Delaware River, opposite Philadelphia, on the night of Saturday, March 15th, 1856, between 8 and 9 o'clock, by which dreadful calamity sixty-one lives were lost. Nam

Terrible conflagration and destruction of the steam-boat "New Jersey"

Terrible conflagration and destruction of the steam-boat "New Jersey,"

Windy Day.

Ice Yacht - Machinery Hall

Windy Day.

Thin Legs.

The Exquisite.


[Partridge's cafe and dining rooms trade cards]

Ice scenes after the burning of the Jayne Building on March 5, 1872, Philadelphia.

Souvenir of the coldest winter on record. Scene on the Delaware River at Philada. during the severe winter of 1856.

Burholme Park outing. "Ice Cream."

Burholme Park outing. "Ice Cream."

The Rivals embrace [graphic] : Clarence Brooks & Co. Manufacturers of fine coach varnishes, cor. West 12th Sts. New York.

Muzzy's corn starch [graphic].

The "Gem" freezer [graphic].

W.W. Knight Son & Co. 509, Commerce St. between 5th. & 6th & Market and Arch Sts. Formerly 619, Market St. Philadelphia.

A Swan.

Heads I Win--Tails You Loose.

Hog on Ice

Scene--any Skating Park.


Propriety Personified.

[G. Byron Morse trade cards]

[Wm. Gunzer trade cards]

American Machine Co. manufacturers of hardware specialties, N.E. cor. Lehigh Ave. amd American St., Philadelphia.

Fairmount waterworks

Cold Comfort--Ice Cream.

Elephant on Skates.

What Is It on Ice?


`Twould be a rather serious joke

When ancient damsels take to ice

Trying to Skate.

Compliments of Nice & Rau, varnishes, paints, oils, etc. 328 & 330 S. Second St. Philadelphia.

[Textile labels advertising Ginghams, and Balmoral skirts]

[Textile labels advertising Ginghams, and Balmoral skirts] [graphic].

J. P. Buggy, palmoral [sic] skirts. Manufacturer.

J. P. Buggy, palmoral [sic] skirts. Manufacturer. [graphic].

[Fitzgerald & Sons trade cards]
