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[Higgins' German laundry soap trade cards]

[Francis Bond trade cards]

[Brainerd & Armstrong Co. trade cards]

Noix de coco, manufactured by Warner & Merritt, Philadelphia.

Vienna pudding, G.W. Barlow, manufacturer, New York.

Ph. J. Lauber's restaurant, Centennial grounds, near Horticultural Hall.

What Senator Jones said about Noix de Coco.

Darlington, Runk & Co., Philadelphia.

"It's easy to dye with Diamond Dyes"

Buckingham's dye for the whiskers.

[Clark's O.N.T. spool cotton trade cards]

Hall's vegetable Sicilian hair renewer. Prevents gray hairs and baldness.

Friends' Book Association, 706 Arch St., Phila. Stationery, engraving and printing.

Arbuckle's ariosa coffee. Arbuckle Bros. Coffee Company, New York. [graphic].

Liberty Stove Works

Joe Michl

Chew, smoke Old Abe fine cut smoking, B. Leidersdorf & Co., Milwaukee, Wis.

Maxwell's gypsum, prepared gypsum. Trade mark.

"Mack's milk chocolate." The best! It is pure! Ready for instant use. Boiling water only required.

Compliments of the MacKinnon Pen Company.

[Old Judge cigarettes, Goodwin & Co., New York, U.S.A.]

Smoke the "owl" cigar 5¢.

"The Palace," 323 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Next door to "Fidelity." Imported & domestic segars, meerschaum goods and smokers' articles.

The Union Piano Manufacturing Co., 1017 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.

Importers & dealers in tin plate, copper sheet, rod and hoop iron, metals, N. & G. Taylor Co. 301, 303 & 305 Branch St., between race and Vine Sts. Philadelphia.

[The Goodwin Gas Stove & Meter Co.'s Sun Dial gas stove trade cards]

[Thermaline, manufactured by Dundas Dick & Co., New York]

Frank Miller & Sons, New York.

J.W. Miller, wholesale dealer in books, stationery & cigars, No. 439 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Ripka & Co. artists' and wax flower materials, ebony and velvet frames, 146 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia.

[Rising Sun Stove Polish by Morse Bros. trade cards]

Pratt's astral oil.

Pleis' fit powders & liver pills, Phila. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Portuondo, manufacturers of Cuban hand made cigars, 1342 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

[Van Haagen's Toilet Soap, Benj. Brooke & Co., Manufs., Philadelphia trade cards]

[The Universal Plow Company, Canton, Ohio]

Horsford's acid phosphate for mental & physical exhaustion, dyspepsia &c. It makes a delicious drink with water & sugar only. Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R.I.

D. Klein & Bro., clothiers, 1112 Market Street, Philadelphia. Branch store, 4327 Main St., Manayunk.

Lavine, Hartford Chemical Works, 30 Union Place. Try Lavine for washing.

Pettijohn's breakfast food by the American Cereal Co., address Chicago, U.S.A.

James P. Wood & Co., manufacturers of improved apparatus for steam heating, (high and low pressure,) ranges, cooking apparatus, &c. Gas lighting, for public buildings, dwellings and towns. Ventilating, by automatic action, steam or power fans. 39 South Fo

[Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Company trade cards]

[Willett & Quinby trade cards]

H.M.S. Pinafore.

Go to the West Philadelphia Card Depot, 3718 Market St., for chromo cards by set, 100 or 1000,

Wm. Idler, 109 South Eleventh Street, watchmaker & jeweler, over 20 years experience in repairing fine watches.

Indian Queen perfume. Bean & Brother, 47 & 49 North Second Street, Philadelphia.

[Household Sewing Machine trade cards]

Use ideal cut plug.

[Harbach & Brother's trade cards]
