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Cooking ranges.
Cooking ranges.
Dr. Roby's Brazilian Hair Curling Liquid. This preparation will cause the hair to curl beautifully, and is warranted not to injure it in the least. Prepared only by Storrs & Co. No. 21, North Sixth Street Philadelphia. For sale here.
Dr. Roby's Brazilian Hair Curling Liquid. This preparation will cause the hair to curl beautifully, and is warranted not to injure it in the least. Prepared only by Storrs & Co. No. 21, North Sixth Street Philadelphia. For sale here.
A. Hawley & Co., perfumers and chemists, no. 39 North Fourth Street, above Arch, Philadelphia.
A. Hawley & Co., perfumers and chemists, no. 39 North Fourth Street, above Arch, Philadelphia.
Potts, Linn & Harris
Potts, Linn & Harris
[Philadelphia Brewery]
[Philadelphia Brewery]
Peter Parker, No. 249 North Second St. [Philadelphia] :
Peter Parker, No. 249 North Second St. [Philadelphia] :
[Dyottville Glass Works]
[Dyottville Glass Works]
William W. Cansler's Paper-Hanging Warehouse N.E. corner of Arch & Seventh Sts. Philadelphia.
William W. Cansler's Paper-Hanging Warehouse N.E. corner of Arch & Seventh Sts. Philadelphia.
John Mundell & Co.'s Solar Tip Shoes. Made only by John Mundell & Co. Phila.
John Mundell & Co.'s Solar Tip Shoes. Made only by John Mundell & Co. Phila.
Philadelphia taste displayed. Or, bon-ton below stairs.
Philadelphia taste displayed. Or, bon-ton below stairs.
Jules Hauel's eau lustral hair restorative
Jules Hauel's eau lustral hair restorative
The great fertilizer. Whann's raw bone super phosphate. Walton, Whann & Co.'s Works, Wilmington, Del.
The great fertilizer. Whann's raw bone super phosphate. Walton, Whann & Co.'s Works, Wilmington, Del.
Kimball & Gorton Philadelphia R. R. Car Manufactory, 21st. & Hamilton streets Philadelphia.
Kimball & Gorton Philadelphia R. R. Car Manufactory, 21st. & Hamilton streets Philadelphia.
Kimball & Gorton Philadelphia R. R. Car Manufactory, 21st. & Hamilton streets Philadelphia.
Kimball & Gorton Philadelphia R. R. Car Manufactory, 21st. & Hamilton streets Philadelphia.
Wetherill & Brothers white lead manufactory & chemical works, corner of 12th & Cherry streets, Philadelphia.
Wetherill & Brothers white lead manufactory & chemical works, corner of 12th & Cherry streets, Philadelphia.
[Samuel Powell & Co. ship & house work in tin, copper, brass and iron]
[Samuel Powell & Co. ship & house work in tin, copper, brass and iron]
[Wm. W. Clark, drug & chemical warehouse, 16 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia]
[Wm. W. Clark, drug & chemical warehouse, 16 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia]
Geo. W. Ridgway, successor to Saml. P. Griffitts, Jr. Drugs [and] chemicals, [N.W. corner of 9th and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia]
Geo. W. Ridgway, successor to Saml. P. Griffitts, Jr. Drugs [and] chemicals, [N.W. corner of 9th and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia]
[Knight's patent paper machine, manufactory. A.L. Knight & Co.]
[Knight's patent paper machine, manufactory. A.L. Knight & Co.]
Chemical laboratory of Crew, Rogers & Crew Philadelphia Penna.
Chemical laboratory of Crew, Rogers & Crew Philadelphia Penna.
Moyer & Hazard, successors of Alexander Fullerton, 174 Market Street, fifth door above Fifth Street, Philadelphia [and] Elijah Bowen, wholesale & retail hat & cap store, No. 176 Market Street, Philadelphia.
Moyer & Hazard, successors of Alexander Fullerton, 174 Market Street, fifth door above Fifth Street, Philadelphia [and] Elijah Bowen, wholesale & retail hat & cap store, No. 176 Market Street, Philadelphia.
John C. Baker & Co. wholesale dealers & importers of drugs, medicines, chemicals, paints & dye stuffs, No. 100, North Third St. Philadelphia.
John C. Baker & Co. wholesale dealers & importers of drugs, medicines, chemicals, paints & dye stuffs, No. 100, North Third St. Philadelphia.
[Joseph Feinour & Son stove store and Joseph Feinour's tin, copper brass & iron ware house 213-215 South Front Street, Philadelphia]
[Joseph Feinour & Son stove store and Joseph Feinour's tin, copper brass & iron ware house 213-215 South Front Street, Philadelphia]
Commercial lithography. Theo. Leonhardt & Son, s.e. cor. 5th & Library sts. opposite Drexel Building, Philadelphia.
Commercial lithography. Theo. Leonhardt & Son, s.e. cor. 5th & Library sts. opposite Drexel Building, Philadelphia.
Keyser & Foxe's mahogany steam saw mill & turning shop No. 21 [later 225] Crown St. between Race & Vine Sts., Philadelphia.
Keyser & Foxe's mahogany steam saw mill & turning shop No. 21 [later 225] Crown St. between Race & Vine Sts., Philadelphia.
Freight locomotive engine for Pennsylvania Rail Road manufactured by Richard Norris & Son Philadelphia.
Freight locomotive engine for Pennsylvania Rail Road manufactured by Richard Norris & Son Philadelphia.
Oliver Brooks, wholesale and retail, hat, cap & fancy fur warehouse
Oliver Brooks, wholesale and retail, hat, cap & fancy fur warehouse
Geo. J. Henkels' city cabinet warerooms, 173 Chestnut St. opposite the State House, Philadelphia
Geo. J. Henkels' city cabinet warerooms, 173 Chestnut St. opposite the State House, Philadelphia
Charles Oakford & Sons, No. 834 & 836 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. 1866. Wholesale and retail dealers and manufacturers of hats, caps & furs.
Charles Oakford & Sons, No. 834 & 836 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. 1866. Wholesale and retail dealers and manufacturers of hats, caps & furs.
A. Russell & Co. 104 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Fashionable hat and cap manufacturers.
A. Russell & Co. 104 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Fashionable hat and cap manufacturers.
Gambrinus Unterstutzungus Gesellschaft [membership certificate].
Gambrinus Unterstutzungus Gesellschaft [membership certificate].
Eugene Roussel's celebrated mineral waters in glass botttles for hotels, families & shipping
Eugene Roussel's celebrated mineral waters in glass botttles for hotels, families & shipping
S. Griffiths, manufacturer of wrought iron tubes and fittings for gas, steam and water. Works in Vine st: betw: Schuylkill 2d and 3d Streets. A constant supply at warerooms no. 15 Nth. Del. 7th St, Philadelphia.
S. Griffiths, manufacturer of wrought iron tubes and fittings for gas, steam and water. Works in Vine st: betw: Schuylkill 2d and 3d Streets. A constant supply at warerooms no. 15 Nth. Del. 7th St, Philadelphia.
Charles Oakford United States steam leuring model hat manufactory.
Charles Oakford United States steam leuring model hat manufactory.
Eastwick & Harrison's improved locomotive engine
Eastwick & Harrison's improved locomotive engine
Shoe & Leather Building. International Exhibition, 1876. Fairmount Park Philadelphia.
Shoe & Leather Building. International Exhibition, 1876. Fairmount Park Philadelphia.
Harrison's Handkerchief Extracts
Harrison's Handkerchief Extracts
Roussel's premium perfumery
Roussel's premium perfumery
S. D. Sollers & Co. manufacturers of children's fine shoes, Philadelphia
S. D. Sollers & Co. manufacturers of children's fine shoes, Philadelphia
Harrison's Columbian perfumery
Harrison's Columbian perfumery
Lehman & Bolton steam power lithograph & letter press printing rooms. Nos. 418, 420 & 422 Library Street, Philadelphia. Opposite Post Office.
Lehman & Bolton steam power lithograph & letter press printing rooms. Nos. 418, 420 & 422 Library Street, Philadelphia. Opposite Post Office.
Lehman & Bolton steam power lithographic & letter press printing rooms. Library Street, Goldsmith's Hall. Opp. Post Office, Philadelphia.
Lehman & Bolton steam power lithographic & letter press printing rooms. Library Street, Goldsmith's Hall. Opp. Post Office, Philadelphia.
[Medley of Soaps]. Manufactured by McKeone, Van Haagen & Co. Philada. & N. York.
[Medley of Soaps]. Manufactured by McKeone, Van Haagen & Co. Philada. & N. York.
Mount Joy Car Manufacturing Co.
Mount Joy Car Manufacturing Co.
Richard Norris & Son builders Philadelphia
Richard Norris & Son builders Philadelphia
Solar Tip Shoes
Solar Tip Shoes
Washington Steam Mills, Gloucester N.J. near Philadelphia.
Washington Steam Mills, Gloucester N.J. near Philadelphia.
Price & Harper's steam saw mill, fancy chair manufactory, and lumber yard, Girard Avenue, between Seventh & Eighth, Philadelphia.
Price & Harper's steam saw mill, fancy chair manufactory, and lumber yard, Girard Avenue, between Seventh & Eighth, Philadelphia.
[Ritter Cotterell & Ritter wholesale drug & chemical warehouse. Paints, oils, glass & dye stuffs. 132 North Third Street, corner of Branch Street, Philadelphia]
[Ritter Cotterell & Ritter wholesale drug & chemical warehouse. Paints, oils, glass & dye stuffs. 132 North Third Street, corner of Branch Street, Philadelphia]
Porteus' works. Pine oil camphine distilled by steam. No. 581 North Front Street. Philadelphia.
Porteus' works. Pine oil camphine distilled by steam. No. 581 North Front Street. Philadelphia.
[Lewis Fatman & Co., steam paste blacking, steam friction matches, 41 N. Front Street, Philadelphia]
[Lewis Fatman & Co., steam paste blacking, steam friction matches, 41 N. Front Street, Philadelphia]
[Lewis Fatman & Co., blacking manufactory, steam friction matches manufactory, back of No. 412 Coates Street, Philadelphia]
[Lewis Fatman & Co., blacking manufactory, steam friction matches manufactory, back of No. 412 Coates Street, Philadelphia]
[Francis Field & Francis, importers & dealers in tin plate & tinsmans furniture, importers & manufacturers of saddlery hardware, tin ware, tin toys & japanned wares, no. 80 Nth 2nd St., Philadelphia]
[Francis Field & Francis, importers & dealers in tin plate & tinsmans furniture, importers & manufacturers of saddlery hardware, tin ware, tin toys & japanned wares, no. 80 Nth 2nd St., Philadelphia]
Wm. F. Scheible, No. 49 South 3rd St. ab. Chestnut, Philadelphia.
Wm. F. Scheible, No. 49 South 3rd St. ab. Chestnut, Philadelphia.
[J. & J. Reakirt, wholesale druggists and importers of drugs, chemicals, paints, dye-stuffs, &c. &c. S.E. cor. of Third & Callowhill Sts., Philada.]
[J. & J. Reakirt, wholesale druggists and importers of drugs, chemicals, paints, dye-stuffs, &c. &c. S.E. cor. of Third & Callowhill Sts., Philada.]
[Storefronts on Market Street, 300 block, south side, Philadelphia]
[Storefronts on Market Street, 300 block, south side, Philadelphia]
Harrison's columbian Hair Dye
Harrison's columbian Hair Dye
Thomas Hargrave ornamental carver and sculptor s.w. corner of Ridge Road & 13th St.
Thomas Hargrave ornamental carver and sculptor s.w. corner of Ridge Road & 13th St.
Potter & Carmichael, oil cloth manufacturers warehouse, No. 135, North Third Street, Philadelphia.
Potter & Carmichael, oil cloth manufacturers warehouse, No. 135, North Third Street, Philadelphia.
Harrison Brothers' white lead works & chemical laboratory, Philadelphia.
Harrison Brothers' white lead works & chemical laboratory, Philadelphia.
