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Market Street east of 9th Street.

The United States Centennial International Exhibition.

Goodyears Rubber-Packing & Belting Company.

Goodyears Rubber, Packing & Belting Company.

The Hunters three and O.N.T. [graphic].

[Scrapbook with periodical illustrations, comic valentines, and patent medicine advertisements]

Engravings by William Humphrys Scrapbook

Engravings by William Humphrys

[Michael Zinman world's fairs collection]

Philadelphia, western & southern trade journal. Illustrated supplement

[Series of Clarence E. Brooks & Co. Fine Coach Varnishes, cor. West & West 12th St. N.Y. racist 1880 calendar illustrations after the "Blackville" series] [graphic].

The Game of Philadelphia Buildings Flashcards

The game of Philadelphia buildings
