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Great Dry Dock at Ireland I[sland] [Bermuda] [graphic].

[Briggs & Bro., flour and feed store, East Orthodox Street, Frankford, Philadelphia]

A part of the 4,000,000 bale yearly cotton crop of Texas.

Brown & Magee, manufacturers, 708 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia [graphic].

Nearing the Atlantic Refining Co's plant at Point Breeze [graphic].

[Wm. Wilson & Son, manufacturers of silverware, northwest corner Fifth and Cherry streets] [graphic].

[Delivery wagon for Ellwood Allen, lumber & mill work, York & Richmond Sts., Philadelphia]

The Union mower.

[Dyottville Glass Works]

William W. Cansler's Paper-Hanging Warehouse N.E. corner of Arch & Seventh Sts. Philadelphia.

John Mundell & Co.'s Solar Tip Shoes. Made only by John Mundell & Co. Phila.

Philadelphia taste displayed. Or, bon-ton below stairs.

Jules Hauel's eau lustral hair restorative

The great fertilizer. Whann's raw bone super phosphate. Walton, Whann & Co.'s Works, Wilmington, Del.

Kimball & Gorton Philadelphia R. R. Car Manufactory, 21st. & Hamilton streets Philadelphia.

Kimball & Gorton Philadelphia R. R. Car Manufactory, 21st. & Hamilton streets Philadelphia.

John C. Baker & Co. wholesale dealers & importers of drugs, medicines, chemicals, paints & dye stuffs, No. 100, North Third St. Philadelphia. [graphic] / On stone by W. H. Rease No. 17 So. 5th St.

Potter & Carmichael, oil cloth manufacturers warehouse, No. 135, North Third Street, Philadelphia. [graphic] / Drawn on stone by H.W. Rease, No. 17, So. 5th St.

[Lewis Fatman & Co., steam paste blacking, steam friction matches, 41 N. Front Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Lewis Fatman & Co., blacking manufactory, steam friction matches manufactory, back of No. 412 Coates Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[J. & J. Reakirt, wholesale druggists and importers of drugs, chemicals, paints, dye-stuffs, &c. &c. S.E. cor. of Third & Callowhill Sts., Philada.] [graphic] / M. S. Weaver, del.

[Samuel Powell & Co. ship & house work in tin, copper, brass and iron, No. 8 Market Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Price & Harper's steam saw mill, fancy chair manufactory and lumber yard, Girard Avenue, between Seventh & Eighth, Philadelphia. [graphic] / Lithographed by W. H. Rease, No. 97 Chestnut St.

Mahlon S. Myers, (successor to Shimmel & Myers,) commission merchant, and dealer in flour, grain & feed, Nos. 239 North Water St., & 244 North Delaware Avenue, Phila.

Union Brass Works. M'Cambridge, Fry & Co. 525 and 527 Cherry Street, Philadelphia.

Edward P. Macken, dealer in Key West, imported and domestic cigars, and tobacco, my 5 cent cigars a specialty. 1140 Pine St., Philad'a.

[Read's Grand Duchess Cologne trade cards]

Union Tea Co., No. 1735 North 10th Street, teas, coffees, & spices. Handsome & useful presents given away with tea and coffee.

H.O. Wilbur & Sons, chocolate & cocoa manufacturers, Philadelphia, Pa.

Berks Builders and Supply Co., Wyomissing, Pa. Manufacturers of all kinds of planning mill work.

Use ideal quinine and sulphur soap.

Compliments of Nice & Rau, varnishes, paints, oils, etc. 328 & 330 S. Second St. Philadelphia.

Fresh deviled crabs. McMenamin & Co., Hampton, Va.

[Letterhead of The Pharmaceutical Era, D. C. Haynes & Co., publishers, New York]

Bought of Browning & Brothers, wholesale druggists, and dealers in white and red lead, litharge, linseed oil, oil of vitriol, window glass, putty, dye stuffs, &c.&c. No. 33 Market Street.

[Illustrated checks and lettersheet of Lanman & Kemp, wholesale druggists, 69, 71 and 73 Water St., New York]

Kremintz, white lead, zinc and color works. McKnight & Co., manufacturers, importers, and wholesale dealers, Twenty-Second & Race sts. Philadelphia. [graphic] : We manufacture a chemically pure carbonate of lead; and also manufacturers , importers, and de

[Trade cards containing a view of the Rhine Valley] [graphic].

Chas. A. Duhring & Co., fine American porcelain dinner, tea and toilet sets, pressed glassware--cut patterns, decoration and engraving to order. No. 1226 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Schuehler Bros., tin roofers, heater & range workers, 1124 North Second Street, shop, 142 Edward St., Philadelphia.

Shill's factory and store, 1029 Chestnut Street, next door to the new opera house.

Shipped by the grace of God, in good order and well conditioned, by [blank] :

Dr. Hooker's medicines. : J.T. Webber & Co., druggists and apothecaries, No. 7 State Street, Springfield, Mass. Proprietors of Dr. Hooker's Cough and Croup syrup, Solidified Balsam and Liquid Balm. Dealers in patent medicines, cooking extracts, perfumery,

Brook's prize medal spool cotton. Hand & machine sewing.

The great capadura has been, is now, and ever shall be the best 5 ct. cigar in the world.

M. Gould's Sons & Co. No. 8 N. Sixth St. Phila. Pa.

Edward Geary, Jr. dealer in Lehigh and Schuylkill coal. Orders received and promptly attended to, at No. 814 North Second St. above Brown, S.E. cor. Ridge Avenue & Wallace St., (or through despatch directed as above,) Philadelphia. Cash on delivery.

Trade price list. Howe's spring beds, cots and berth bottoms. / Howe Spring Bed Co., sole manufacturers. Salesrooms: 15 Charlestown Street, Boston, 173 Canal Street, New York. Factory, 386 & 388 Main Street, Cambridgeport, Mass.
