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"Saturday Jaunts: One-Day Holidays Spent Near the City" by the Ledger Monastery

Scrapbook with periodical illustrations, comic valentines, and patent medicine advertisements

Scrapbook of Prints

Thomas Leiper and family business records finding aid

Chestnut Street, East of Fifth

Green's August Flower and Boschee's German Syrup. Portfolio of views in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Illustrations of Philadelphia [graphic] / Vincit qui se vincit. Collected by Chas. A. Poulson.

South side of Walnut Street west of Third Street.

Illustrations of Philadelphia. Vol. IX. [graphic] / Vincit qui se vincit. Collected by Chas. A. Poulson.

Illustrations of Philadelphia, from fugitive sources only. [graphic] / Vincit qui se vincit. Collected by Chas. A. Poulson.

Collections from fugitive sources only, illustrative of the antiquities, progress & c. of the city Philadelphia [graphic] / Vincit qui se vincit. Collected by Chas. A. Poulson.

Mason's challenge blacking. James S. Mason & Co., nos. 138 & 140 North Front Street, Philadelphia.

[Manufacturing cigars for the poodles. A sketch from the Havannah.] [graphic] / [As hungry dogs will dirty pudding eat. So poodles suck such nauceous trash for treats.]

Lecompton funeral. [graphic] / Hy.

Perot mansion. North side of Market Street near Eighth St (old no. 297, now no. 731). [graphic] : At this date ( June 15th 1859) it is the only exclusively private dwelling house on Market Street, either side of the way, between the Delaware and Schuylkil

[Evans, Card & Fancy Printer. Office, Fourth St. below Chestnut, Philadelphia]

Evans, Card & Fancy Printer. Office, Fourth St. below Chestnut, Philadelphia

Evans, Card & Fancy Printer. Office, Fourth St. below Chestnut, cor. of Library St. Philadelphia

McNeely & Co. manufacturers of morocco, buckskin & chamois, white leather, bark tanned, sheep, calf & deer skins, parchment, vellum &c. 64 N[or]th 4th. St. below Arch St. near the Merchants Hotel, Philadelphia. Manufactory 4th & Franklin Aven[ue]

Foering & Thudiums cheap stove ware-house.

Compliments of the Domestic Sewing Machine Co. [graphic].

The wooing of the twins [graphic] : Universal, perfect and elegant stoves and ranges. Manufactured by Cribben, Sexton & Co., Chicago, Ill.

"Wes don got de "Domestic," we has!" [graphic].

The wedding party off for Europe. And they have all got on the neat $2.50, gaiters made to measure at the Co-operative Shoemakers, arnt they splendid. 220 & 222 S. Halsted St. [graphic].

No more Chinese cheap labor. Celluloid cuffs, collars & bosoms. [graphic].

Sunday. Yer looks lubly Ephraim, and it all comes using dat Higgins soap [graphic].

“Universal family” Soapine, Kendall Mfg. Co., Providence, R.I. [graphic].

Try King's quick rising buckwheat. It is the best. The cook likes it [graphic].

"Wes don got de "Domestic," we has!" [graphic].

Saturday. Whoa! Dar Sambo! What do yer mean, what makes yer jump and shout? I will wash yer clean with Higgins' soap, and then yer may jump out [graphic].

Chestnut Street, east of Third

In commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of American independence

[Robert Swayne collection of Philadelphia photographs] [graphic].

Scenery on the Pennsylvania Railroad Album

[Unnumbered plate and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].

Illustrations of Philadelphia [graphic] / Vincit qui se vincit. Collected by Chas. A. Poulson.

Chestnut Street from Seventh to Sixth, (north side). [graphic].

Illustrations of Philadelphia. Vol. X. [graphic] / Vincit qui se vincit. Collected by Chas. A. Poulson.

The United States Centennial International Exhibition.

Goodyears Rubber-Packing & Belting Company.

Goodyears Rubber, Packing & Belting Company.

The Hunters three and O.N.T. [graphic].

Engravings by William Humphrys Scrapbook

Philadelphia, western & southern trade journal. Illustrated supplement

[Series of Clarence E. Brooks & Co. Fine Coach Varnishes, cor. West & West 12th St. N.Y. racist 1880 calendar illustrations after the "Blackville" series] [graphic].

The Game of Philadelphia Buildings Flashcards

[Thomas Richardson and American Bank Note Company scrapbook]
