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[Trade cards containing a view of the Rhine Valley] [graphic].

Chas. A. Duhring & Co., fine American porcelain dinner, tea and toilet sets, pressed glassware--cut patterns, decoration and engraving to order. No. 1226 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Schuehler Bros., tin roofers, heater & range workers, 1124 North Second Street, shop, 142 Edward St., Philadelphia.

Shill's factory and store, 1029 Chestnut Street, next door to the new opera house.

Wetherill & Brothers white lead manufactory & chemical works, corner of 12th & Cherry streets, Philadelphia.

Shipped by the grace of God, in good order and well conditioned, by [blank] :

Dr. Hooker's medicines. : J.T. Webber & Co., druggists and apothecaries, No. 7 State Street, Springfield, Mass. Proprietors of Dr. Hooker's Cough and Croup syrup, Solidified Balsam and Liquid Balm. Dealers in patent medicines, cooking extracts, perfumery,

Brook's prize medal spool cotton. Hand & machine sewing.

The great capadura has been, is now, and ever shall be the best 5 ct. cigar in the world.

M. Gould's Sons & Co. No. 8 N. Sixth St. Phila. Pa.

Edward Geary, Jr. dealer in Lehigh and Schuylkill coal. Orders received and promptly attended to, at No. 814 North Second St. above Brown, S.E. cor. Ridge Avenue & Wallace St., (or through despatch directed as above,) Philadelphia. Cash on delivery.

[Samuel Powell & Co. ship & house work in tin, copper, brass and iron]

Trade price list. Howe's spring beds, cots and berth bottoms. / Howe Spring Bed Co., sole manufacturers. Salesrooms: 15 Charlestown Street, Boston, 173 Canal Street, New York. Factory, 386 & 388 Main Street, Cambridgeport, Mass.

[Wm. W. Clark, drug & chemical warehouse, 16 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia]

Geo. W. Ridgway, successor to Saml. P. Griffitts, Jr. Drugs [and] chemicals, [N.W. corner of 9th and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia]

[Knight's patent paper machine, manufactory. A.L. Knight & Co.]

Chemical laboratory of Crew, Rogers & Crew Philadelphia Penna.

Agricultural Hall - Nave, Looking North

Verviers Section - Machinery Hall

[Philadelphia Evening Bulletin trade cards]

Trade cards, advertisements, and bill heads for Philadelphia merchants.

Moyer & Hazard, successors of Alexander Fullerton, 174 Market Street, fifth door above Fifth Street, Philadelphia [and] Elijah Bowen, wholesale & retail hat & cap store, No. 176 Market Street, Philadelphia.

John C. Baker & Co. wholesale dealers & importers of drugs, medicines, chemicals, paints & dye stuffs, No. 100, North Third St. Philadelphia.

[Joseph Feinour & Son stove store and Joseph Feinour's tin, copper brass & iron ware house 213-215 South Front Street, Philadelphia]

Singer Sewing Machine Company's Building

Union Umbrella Store, : 777 South 2d St. below German, lower side, Philadelphia. Having opened a new store, and taken the advantage of the hard times, by making my purchases exclusively for cash, I know I can sell my goods twenty per cent. cheaper than th

Net cash price list of Charlton's specialties.

John B. Stetson Company postcards.

Krider's gun store, N.E. cor. 2nd & Walnut Sts. [graphic].

Pencoyd Iron Works, opposite mouth of Wissahickon.

[Sheds of Edward Peirce, plumber, 8202 Millman Street.] [graphic].

Henry H. McCargo, dealer in all makes of sewing machines, 1611 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia.

Parker's dyspepsia cure.

Stokes Brothers, lumber dealers, 30th Street below Chestnut, Philadelphia.

Andrew Blair, apothecary, Chestnut & 18th Sts., Philadelphia.

[Milliken's linen store trade cards]

Quaker City Construction Co. limited. Artificial stone and fire proof material a specialty. Factory and office. 3870 Lancaster Avenue. Philadelphia.

A. Ripka & Bro., dealers in artists' materials, oil and water colors, drawing and painting materials, and all kinds of fancy articles for decorating. No. 1525 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

Pollywogs, the five cent cigar. Hand made Havana filled. Gumpert Bros. manufacturers. Store 1341 Chestnut St. Factory 115, 117, 119, 121 S. 23rd St. Phila. For sale everywhere.

F.H. Watt, agent, manufacturer and dealer in trunks, travelling bags and satchels, 437 Market Street, Philadelphia. Third door below Fifth.

Chas. B. Webb, manufacturer of fine boots & shoes, 211 N. Ninth Street, Philadelphia.

James M. Vance & Co., importers & jobbers of hardware, cutlery & tools, builders' and housekeepers' hardware, 324 and 326 Market, Philadelphia.

[Universal Fashion Co. trade cards]

Grand-stand baseball

Benj. C. Hornor, manufacturer of varnishes, Japans, &c. Dealer in gum copal spts. turpentines &c. No. 81 Arch St. Philadelphia.

Miss E. Levy, 1018 Chestnut St., Phila. Umbrellas & parasols, leather goods, fans.

No rewashing - always uniform. Kirk's blue India soap. No blueing required when this soap is used.

Hartley Knight, carpets, 1222 Chestnut Street, Philada.

Philadelphia Evening Journal, N.W. corner of Third and Chestnut Sts., January 28th, 1861. Published by Carr & Elliott.
