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Celluloid waterproof collars, cuffs & shirt bosoms. [graphic] : Economical, durable, handsome.

No more Chinese cheap labor. Celluloid cuffs, collars & bosoms. [graphic].

Sunday. Yer looks lubly Ephraim, and it all comes using dat Higgins soap [graphic].

“Universal family” Soapine, Kendall Mfg. Co., Providence, R.I. [graphic].

Try King's quick rising buckwheat. It is the best. The cook likes it [graphic].

"Wes don got de "Domestic," we has!" [graphic].

Saturday. Whoa! Dar Sambo! What do yer mean, what makes yer jump and shout? I will wash yer clean with Higgins' soap, and then yer may jump out [graphic].

Chestnut Street, east of Third

In commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of American independence

[Robert Swayne collection of Philadelphia photographs] [graphic].

Scenery on the Pennsylvania Railroad Album

[Unnumbered plate and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].

[Unnumbered plate and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

Illustrations of Philadelphia [graphic] / Vincit qui se vincit. Collected by Chas. A. Poulson.

Chestnut Street from Seventh to Sixth, (north side). [graphic].

Illustrations of Philadelphia. Vol. X. [graphic] / Vincit qui se vincit. Collected by Chas. A. Poulson.

[William H. Helfand graphic popular medicine ephemera collection]

Scenery on the Pennsylvania Railroad

Market Street east of 9th Street.

The United States Centennial International Exhibition.

Goodyears Rubber-Packing & Belting Company.

Goodyears Rubber, Packing & Belting Company.

The Hunters three and O.N.T. [graphic].

[Scrapbook with periodical illustrations, comic valentines, and patent medicine advertisements]

Engravings by William Humphrys Scrapbook

Engravings by William Humphrys

[Michael Zinman world's fairs collection]

Philadelphia, western & southern trade journal. Illustrated supplement

[Series of Clarence E. Brooks & Co. Fine Coach Varnishes, cor. West & West 12th St. N.Y. racist 1880 calendar illustrations after the "Blackville" series] [graphic].

The Game of Philadelphia Buildings Flashcards

The game of Philadelphia buildings

[Thomas Richardson and American Bank Note Company scrapbook]
