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Arbuckle's ariosa coffee. Arbuckle Bros. Coffee Company, New York. [graphic].

Liberty Stove Works

Joe Michl

Smith Brothers chemically pure Borax.

Your home is not complete without the Missouri Steam Washer. The best washing machine in the world. Johnston Bro's. St. Louis. Philadelphia.

Sugar Cane plantation

B.M. Weld, drugs & medicines, also boots, shoes, slippers, etc. Bradford, Vermont.

[Eagle Starch Enamel Manufacturing Co., Frankford, Phila., Pa.]

Children of all nations. A series of 50. [graphic].

Dixon's carburet of iron stove polish.

Louis L. Peck manufacturer & dealer in burning fluid varnishes...

"Creme" oat meal toilet soap.

If dat ar fish knowd dis wor Merrick's thread, he wouldnt ha bit.

[Frederick A. Rex & Co. trade cards]

Atmore's mince meat and genuine English plum pudding.

Mechanical target and gun. Mutual Novelty Manufacturing Co., 813 Girard Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Leadbeater's renouned [sic] stove polish.

Gantz, Jones & Co.'s sea foam. [graphic].

Use Merrick's thread. "Gully this cotton beats 'em all!" [graphic].

[Hunter's handsome drug stores, cor. Pacific & New Jersey Aves., cor. Atlantic & Indiana Aves., Atlantic City, N.J. and cor. Fifteenth and Wharton Sts., Philadelphia]

[J. & P. Coat's thread trade cards]

Clarence Brooks & Co., manufacturers of fine coach varnishes, cor. West & West 12th Sts., New York.

[Van Stan's Stratena and Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil trade cards]

Creditor of Johnsing & Skinner--"I'll hab a hundred and fifty cents on de dollar, or I'll lick de hul firm."

[Geo. G. Burbank, druggist and apothecary, 235 Main St., Worcester, Mass.]

Waterbury Drug Store, established 1797. Leavenworth & Dikeman, Exchange Place, Waterbury, Conn.

Compliments of J.C. Williams & Son, Central Pharmacy, 50 South Salina St., Syracuse, N.Y.

Photography under a cloud.

1888-1889 third supplement to catalogue of electrotypes from A. Blanc, Horticultural Engraver, No. 314 N. Eleventh St. Philada., Pa., U.S.A. [graphic] : Registered Cable Address, "Blanc, Philadelphia."

The Universal clothes wringer. What Dina, six o'clock and not done yet! And look at these torn clothes. Oh mistis de wringing am awful, always tear de clothes 'spect dat I neber get through

Brother Gardner addresses the Lime Kiln Club on the virtues of Dixon's Stove Polish

R. & G.A. Wright. Manufacturers of fine perfumery &c. 624 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

City Marble Works and Steam Mantel Factory. Corner Tenth and Vine Streets Philadelphia. J.E. & B. Schell.

Hart, Montgomery & Co. Successors to Isaac Pugh & Co. Manufacturers and importers of paper hangings, No. 118 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Manufactory N.E. Cor. Schuyl[kill] Front & Wood Streets

Melloy & Ford, wholesale tin ware manufacturers.

Wootten's excelsior stove lustre or pure black lead

Smoke Day's standard Durham smoking tobacco

Adams Tampico Chewing gum. Each wrapper has a different Picture and joke, from "The Judge." [graphic] / H Mitchell.

Clark's mile-end 60 spool cotton [graphic].

"Creme" oat meal toilet soap. [graphic]

[Proof vignette of Southern planter and scenes from the South]

[Domestic Sewing Machine Co. trade cards]

Mason's challenge blacking. James S. Mason & Co., nos. 138 & 140 North Front Street, Philadelphia.

[Evans, Card & Fancy Printer. Office, Fourth St. below Chestnut, Philadelphia]

Evans, Card & Fancy Printer. Office, Fourth St. below Chestnut, Philadelphia

Evans, Card & Fancy Printer. Office, Fourth St. below Chestnut, cor. of Library St. Philadelphia

McNeely & Co. manufacturers of morocco, buckskin & chamois, white leather, bark tanned, sheep, calf & deer skins, parchment, vellum &c. 64 N[or]th 4th. St. below Arch St. near the Merchants Hotel, Philadelphia. Manufactory 4th & Franklin Aven[ue]

Foering & Thudiums cheap stove ware-house.

Photographing the Baby

In commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of American independence
