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Mason's Blacking Exhibit - Shoe and Leather Building

Locomotive "Dom Pedro" - Machinery Hall

Harrison's columbian Hair Dye

Charles Warner Company factory plant, Cedar Hollow, Pennsylvania.

Fifth above Arch Street, westside, Philadelphia. [graphic].

E.W. Carryl & Co. No. 715 Chestnut Street, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. Silver plated wares and house furnishing goods. : Army and navy goods, and camp utensils of every description, fire arms, swords, etc. United States government depot for furnishing sol

Paints and drugs, for cash. : 162 Broadway, just below Courtlandt St. "The cash drug house," P.D. Orvis. Notice. Your are respectfully requested to put this circular in your memorandum book and call at my establishment, conveniently located in Broadway, j

Alan Wood Iron and Steel Company, Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.

Important to the ladies : 22.000 pieces white goods ... for sale at half-price. Turn over.

[Penn Hardware Company foundry and environs, Reading, Pennsylvania.]

Knickerbocker Lime Co.

Hubbel & Co.'s Celebrated Golden Bitters. The best tonic in the world. : By tonics are understood those substances the operation of which is to give vigor and strength to the system. ... This tonic is no humbug, but is in fact the best in the world. ... /

Thomas Hargrave ornamental carver and sculptor s.w. corner of Ridge Road & 13th St.

Potter & Carmichael, oil cloth manufacturers warehouse, No. 135, North Third Street, Philadelphia.

Harrison Brothers' white lead works & chemical laboratory, Philadelphia.

[John Horn, drugs and chemical store, N.E. corner of Third & Brown Streets, Philadelphia]

Stereoscopic view of Market Street, Philadelphia, including a view of the Market House from 8th to Front St. [graphic].

[S.E. corner of South and Second streets] [graphic].

Office of the daily terror. The Davis Sewing Machine Co. [graphic].

Buy the light running Domestic sewing machine [graphic].

Arbuckle's ariosa coffee. Arbuckle Bros. Coffee Company, New York. [graphic].

Harrison's Columbian hair dye [graphic] : Manufactured by Apollos W. Harrison, 8 1/2 South 7th St.

Sollers & Co, minstrels. [graphic].

Magnolia ham, winter cured. Don't talk bout henhouses to me. [graphic].

Ph. J. Lauber importer of wines. Wholesale retail. Nos. 24 & 26 South Fifth St.

Penn Steam Engine & Boiler Works foot of Palmer Street Kensington Philadelphia.

Canada lumber exhibit.

Race Street between 6th & 7th, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Fairmount Park Tunnel, West Approach

Condy, Benjamin, 1735-1798

Thomas Hargrave ornamental carver and sculptor s.w. corner of Ridge Road & 13th St. [graphic] / On stone by R. F. Reynolds, 20 Gaskill St.

[J. Mayland, Jr. & Co. tobacco & snuff manufactory. Segars, foreign & domestic. Wholesale grocers, N.W. corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Duncannon Iron Co.'s Rolling Mills

Penn Steam Engine & Boiler Works. Foot of Palmer Street, Kensington, Philadelphia. Reaney Neafie & Co. engineers, machinists, boiler makers, black smiths & founders. [graphic] / Lith. by W. H. Rease 4th & Chesnut St.

Penn Steam Engine & Boiler Works. Foot of Palmer Street, Kensington, Philadelphia. Reaney, Neafie & Co. engineers, machinists, boiler makers, black smiths & founders. [graphic] / On stone by W. H. Rease, No. 17, So. 5th. St. (FHS on stone).

Bridesburg Machine Works. Alfred Jenks & Son, manufacturers of cotton and wool carding spinning and weaving machinery, shafting and millgearing, Bridesburg post office Philadelphia. [graphic] / From nature & on stone by E. Beaulieu, 99 Walnut St.

Dale, Ross & Withers, importers & jobbers of silks & fancy goods, 219 Market St & 42 Commerce St, Philadelphia. [graphic] / S.D. Button, archt.

Alfred Jenks & Son's machine works, Bridesburg. [graphic].

H. S. Tarr's marble yard, no. 274 Green St. above Seventh Philadelphia Pa. [graphic] / Lith. by W. H. Rease N. E. cor. 4th & Chesnut.

Philadelphia Gas Works. From the south west. [graphic] / John C. Cresson, engineer.

309-11 Green St. [graphic].

The Ledger polka. /

Parr's patent American camp chest. : Patented June 25th, 1861. ...

Fairmount Machine Works, office, 2106 Wood Street, Philadelphia, Penna.

Cigar Indian chief. S.E. cor. 4th & Race [sic]. Note the feather headdress. Most of the cigar indians were squaws. [graphic].

[1130 Olive Street, Philadelphia.] [graphic].

Asher M. Childs clothes renovating establishment, No. 145 N. 9th St. [graphic] : Old clothes made to look equal to new, by cleaning or dyeing without taking a part. Also repairing, and altering done to the latest fashions. All work done in a superior mann

[Plate 3 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].

Souvenir calendar and memorandum book. Compliments of McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. Chicago, Ill. [graphic].

Wm. Simpson & Sons, Philadelphia. [graphic].
