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Important to printers, Francis & Loutrell's improved inking rollers.

[Fold & find 18 changes metamorphic trade card promoting Water Lily Soap] [graphic].

Cooking ranges.

Thaddeus Davids & Co.

Manufacturers' price list of Wells' petroleum writing fluid.

J. M. Mitchell & Co., nos. 24 and 26 North Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Sole agency and depot for Philadelphia is with E. R. Pettit.

Price list of Wright's pure carmine ink.

Hutchinson & Honeywell, manufacturers of sealing wax and carmine inks, and wholesale dealers in foreign and domestic stationery, 104 William Street, New York.

Blackwood's ink.

William Lancaster having purchased the interest of W. Hodgson, in the manufacture of his valuable and well-know writing fluid, deep black copying, carmine, and other inks, together with his laboratory.

Maynard & Noyes, wholesale dealers in drugs, manufacturers of black writing ink, writing fluid, carmine ink, red, blue and stencil inks, ink powder, &c.

J. J. Butler's record, mercantile, and copying excelsior writing fluid..

To the employing printers of the city of New York.

J. J. Butler's record, mercantile and copying excelsior writing fluid.

Central Oil Refinery

East from Scottsdale

Hicks' patent (applied for) improved spring blind fast. : I beg to call the attention of the trade to the above very important improvement in fastenings for outside window blinds and shutters. ... / All orders must be addressed to C.D. Kellogg, Boston, Ma

Dr. Roby's Brazilian Hair Curling Liquid. This preparation will cause the hair to curl beautifully, and is warranted not to injure it in the least. Prepared only by Storrs & Co. No. 21, North Sixth Street Philadelphia. For sale here.

A. Hawley & Co., perfumers and chemists, no. 39 North Fourth Street, above Arch, Philadelphia.

Extra news! Philadelphia in no danger of invasion from the rebels! : The largest battery in the city! Recruits wanted, from 2 to 60 years of age, at J.B. Shannon's rendezvous, 1009 Market Street, married or unmarried, to purchase field pieces, in large or

Potts, Linn & Harris

Agricultural Hall - Nave, Looking North

Stafford's jet black ink.

Samuel S. Stafford, manufacturer of Conger & Fields, Bryan & Wilcox's & Stafford's first class writing inks, also Stickwell & Co,'s extra adhesive mucilage, warehouse, 11 Cedar Street, New-York.

S. S. Stafford, ag't, manufacturer of Stafford's combined writing and copying fluid, warranted superior to Arnold's or any other writing fluid.

S. S. Stafford, agent, wholesale druggist and manufacturing stationer, Stafford's combined writing and copying fluid, (formerly labeled Arnold's writing fluid,) warranted superior to Arnold's or any other writing fluid.

The ink in this bottle is superior to Davids' ink.

To the trade.

Richard B. Dovell's Son & Co. (late Dovell & Easey,) manufacturers of sealing wax, wafers, writing inks, mucilage, &c.

T. G. Chase & Co. no. 223 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia, manufacturers of extra refined amber mucilage, black, blue, red and carmine inks, machine copying ink, writing fluid, ladies' violet ink.

Two reams super white wove flat cap. / Halleck Mills. Manufactured expressly for Charles Magarge & Co. Philadelphia.

Directions for making the army woolen mitten. : First sew the welt on the thumbpiece; then close up the thumb on the back, and fit it in its place, where it must be firmly stitched; then close up the side and finger. It is best to leave the edges of the s

Kingford's Oswego starch, the best starch in the world! : Kingsford's Oswego corn starch for puddings, custards, blanc mange, &c. Kingsford's silver gloss starch, gives a beautiful finish to the linen. Read this! Less than half a cent will pay the differe

[Philadelphia Brewery]

Great Dry Dock at Ireland I[sland] [Bermuda] [graphic].

Brown & Magee, manufacturers, 708 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia [graphic].

Nearing the Atlantic Refining Co's plant at Point Breeze [graphic].

[Wm. Wilson & Son, manufacturers of silverware, northwest corner Fifth and Cherry streets] [graphic].

[Delivery wagon for Ellwood Allen, lumber & mill work, York & Richmond Sts., Philadelphia]

Peter Parker, No. 249 North Second St. [Philadelphia] :

The Union mower.

[Dyottville Glass Works]

William W. Cansler's Paper-Hanging Warehouse N.E. corner of Arch & Seventh Sts. Philadelphia.

John Mundell & Co.'s Solar Tip Shoes. Made only by John Mundell & Co. Phila.

Philadelphia taste displayed. Or, bon-ton below stairs.

The great fertilizer. Whann's raw bone super phosphate. Walton, Whann & Co.'s Works, Wilmington, Del.

Kimball & Gorton Philadelphia R. R. Car Manufactory, 21st. & Hamilton streets Philadelphia.

Kimball & Gorton Philadelphia R. R. Car Manufactory, 21st. & Hamilton streets Philadelphia.
