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[Billheads of C.J. Lincoln Co.,wholesale druggists, Little Rock, Arkansas]

Nelson, Baker & Co., manufacturing pharmacists.

[Billheads of William F. Nick, apothecary, dealer in drugs, medicines, and chemicals, Erie, Pa.]

[Billheads of Houston Drug Company, druggists, Houston, Tx.]

Bought of John L. Thompson, Sons & Co., wholesale druggists, and dealers in paints, oils, dye stuffs and window glass, nos. 159, 161 and 163 River Street.

[Business stationery of Geo. C. Goodwin & Co., patent medicine warehouse, Boston Ma.]

[Business stationery of Gerity Brothers, wholesale druggists, 126 Lake St. Cor. Carroll, Elmira, N.Y.

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States, 1852-1879]

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States and United Kingdom, 1880-1898]

[Billheads of L. N. Brunswig, exporter, importer and wholesale druggist, New Orleans, La.]

[Collection of letterheads and billheads of Wells, Richardson & Co., later Wells & Richardson Co., wholesale druggists, Burlington, Vt. completed to C. N. Williams, Elizabethtown, N.Y.]

[Billhead and envelopes of Wilson Drug Co., wholesale druggists, Charlotte, N.C.]

[Billheads of William B. Blanding, druggist, 54 & 58 Weybosset St., Providence, R.I.]

[Business stationery of J. L. Lyons & Co., wholesale druggists, importers and manufacturing chemists, 222,224 & 226 Camp, 529, 531, 533, 535 & 537 Gravier Sts., New Orleans, La.]

[Business stationery of Hopkins-Weller Drug Co., importers & jobbers, corner Washington Ave. & Main St., St. Louis, Mo.]

Bought of Collins Brothers Drug Company, wholesale druggists. 418, 420, 422 & 424 N. 2d. St.

[William H. Helfand graphic popular medicine stationery collection]

[Collection of business correspondence to the College of Pharmacy of the city of New York]

[Business correspondence of New York chemist Charles Rice]

[Business stationery of Strother Drug Co., previously W. A. Strother & Son, wholesale druggists, 906 Main Street, Lynchburg, Va.]

[Business stationery of McKesson & Robbins, importers and jobbers in drugs and druggists' articles and manufacturing chemists, New York]

[Billheads from J.D. Marshall & Bros., later D. Marshall & Bro., druggists, 1215 Market Street, Philadelphia to E. Somers]

Bought of Eimer & Amend, wholesale druggists, 205, 207, 209 & 211 Third Ave., cor. 18th St.

[Collection of business correspondence of S. R. Van Duzer, wholesale druggist, New York]
