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Brown & Magee, manufacturers, 708 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia [graphic].

Union Umbrella Store, : 777 South 2d St. below German, lower side, Philadelphia. Having opened a new store, and taken the advantage of the hard times, by making my purchases exclusively for cash, I know I can sell my goods twenty per cent. cheaper than th

Joseph Ripka's mills. Manayunk 21st Ward Philadelphia. Manufacturer of all description of plain and fancy cottonades for men & boy's clothing warehouse 32 So Front St. [graphic] / Lith. of W. H. Rease N.E. cor. 4th & Chesnut.

Thos. W. Mattson, 402 Market Street, one door above Fourth Street, south side. The most extensive trunk & carpet bag manufacturer in Philadelphia. [graphic] / Mumford & Haas sc.

Oliver Brooks, wholesale and retail, hat, cap & fancy fur warehouse

Asher M. Childs clothes renovating establishment, No. 145 N. 9th St. [graphic] : Old clothes made to look equal to new, by cleaning or dyeing without taking a part. Also repairing, and altering done to the latest fashions. All work done in a superior mann

Charles Oakford's hat & cap store, wholesale & retail, No. 104, Chesnut [sic] Street, Philadelphia.

John B. Stetson & Co., manufacturers of fine fur soft and stiff felt hats, Philadelphia. : [graphic] Office and salesroom, 1746-62 North 4th St. Philadelphia. Salesroom, 546 Broadway, New York. Phototype [by] F. Gutekunst.

Centennial Circular 1876.

H.G. Clagston, 806 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, manufacturer of military and naval goods. [graphic] : Corps badges- - - Army of the Potomac.

Philadelphia, Paris & New-York fashions, for spring & summer of 1864. Published and sold by F. Mahan, no. 911, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

Baxter's panoramic business directory of Philadelphia. Chestnut Street from Seventh to Eighth, (south side). [graphic].

North side of Chestnut St., extending from Sixth to Seventh St., 1851. [graphic] / B.R. Evans del.

Chestnut Street from Seventh to Sixth, (north side). [graphic].