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Mull a la Suisse

[Textile label depicting a dog spotting two ducks among tall grasses]

[Fold & find 18 changes metamorphic trade card promoting Water Lily Soap] [graphic].


Cooking ranges.

[Tobacco house] [graphic] / W. Newman del. sculp.

[Workers processing indigo] [graphic].

Fabrica del Tabacco [graphic] / Ant Gregori scul. F.

Town & Brother, manufacturers and dealers leather belting & lace leather, rubber goods, belting, packing, hose, gaskets, tubing, door mats, &c. Rubber clothing, boots and shoes. Stationers and druggists sundries: erasive rubber, elastic bands, nursery she

Bought of French & Richards, wholesale druggists, north-west corner of Market and Tenth Sts., wholesale agents for Silver's plastic fire and water proof paints.

Central Oil Refinery

East from Scottsdale

Espiritu santo. Triple extract. The most delicate, fragrant and lasting perfume of the age. Tisseau, distillateur-parfumeur, Philadelphia. Bookmark.

Hicks' patent (applied for) improved spring blind fast. : I beg to call the attention of the trade to the above very important improvement in fastenings for outside window blinds and shutters. ... / All orders must be addressed to C.D. Kellogg, Boston, Ma

Bought of Breinig, Fronefield & Co. Druggists & chemists, no. 187 North 3rd Street. Wholesale dealers and importers of drugs, medicines, paints, dye stuffs, glass, perfumery &c.&c.

A. Hawley & Co., perfumers and chemists, no. 39 North Fourth Street, above Arch, Philadelphia.

Bought of Breinig, Fronefield & Co. Druggists & chemists, no. 187 North 3rd Street. Wholesale dealers and importers of drugs, medicines, paints, dye stuffs, glass, perfumery &c.&c.

Extra news! Philadelphia in no danger of invasion from the rebels! : The largest battery in the city! Recruits wanted, from 2 to 60 years of age, at J.B. Shannon's rendezvous, 1009 Market Street, married or unmarried, to purchase field pieces, in large or

Potts, Linn & Harris

Agricultural Hall - Nave, Looking North

While using children's elastic knee protector.

Two reams super white wove flat cap. / Halleck Mills. Manufactured expressly for Charles Magarge & Co. Philadelphia.

Henry Tolman, dealier in railway, machinists', engineers' and general supplies, also machinery and tools, No. [228] Arch Street, Philadelphia.

Robert Barker & Co. Manufacturers and wholesale druggists. Selling agents for Barker's H&C Powder & N&B Liniment. 135 Arch Street.

Bought of William A. Whittem, apothecary, dealer in segars, stationery &c. Opposite rail road depot.

J.T. Moore, wholesale dealer & manufacturer's agent, wooden-ware, baskets, brooms, brushes, twine, cordage, &c. No. 235 South Front Street, Philadelphia.

Geo. Rehfuss & Sons, mech. eng's, manufacturers of light machinery of every description. Dental and surgical instruments. Inventors of special machinery, Tiernan Street, below Wharton, Philadelphia, Pa. Residence, 1316 S. Broad St.

Robert Reid, machinist, 42, 44 & 46 E. Canal Street, below Front, Philadelphia, Pa.

Philadelphia Machinery Company, 1819 to 1827 Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, Penna.

To A. M. Knowlson, dr. Pharmaceutist, natural flowers of every description, for parties, weddings, funerals, &c., furnished at short notice. No. 350 Broadway, Troy, N.Y.

Bought of E. & S. Frey, druggists, no. 314 Baltimore Street.

Vankirk & Co. Philadelphia.

Vankirk & Co. Philadelphia. [graphic] / Boell, eng.

Eagle Iron Works. Hoff & Fontaine, founders, and manufacturers of steam engines, patent steam stocking presses, pumps, patent hoisting machines, pulleys, hangers, couplings, shafting and mill gearing, general machinists, boiler makers & millwrights, No. 1

The coming power. "Swiftsure soap." Compliments of Ecker & Co., Otis & Holman Sts., Phila., Pa.

Charles Diedrichs, manufacturer of braiding, cord, & whip machinery, & machinery in general, No. 31 Vine St., Philadelphia.

Matthew H. Fifield, machinist, light "special" machinery and models. Also tools for jewelers, silversmiths, dentists and sheet metal workers, No. 3015 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

To Read & Sutters, dr. Chair manufacturers, S.W. cor. Front & Green Streets, No. 536 North Front St., ware room second story.

Schaum & Uhlinger, successors to W.P. Uhlinger, Glenwood Ave. and Second St., Philadelphia, U.S.A.

Shafer's pure fruit syrups.

Bought of A. W. Wright & Co., importers and dealers in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, refined coal and lubricating oils, druggists' sundries, &c. Paint department, 124 Market Street. N.E. cor. Market and Front Streets.

Directions for making the army woolen mitten. : First sew the welt on the thumbpiece; then close up the thumb on the back, and fit it in its place, where it must be firmly stitched; then close up the side and finger. It is best to leave the edges of the s

Kingford's Oswego starch, the best starch in the world! : Kingsford's Oswego corn starch for puddings, custards, blanc mange, &c. Kingsford's silver gloss starch, gives a beautiful finish to the linen. Read this! Less than half a cent will pay the differe

William & Coons, importers of fancy goods. Manufacturers of pocket books, no. 19 North Fourth St. Philadelphia.

William & Coons, importers of fancy goods. Manufacturers of pocket books, no. 19 North Fourth St. Philadelphia. [graphic] : Saml. W. Williams. Joseph Coons.

William & Coons, importers of fancy goods. Manufacturers of pocket books, no. 19 North Fourth St. Philadelphia. [graphic] : Saml. W. Williams. Joseph Coons.

U.S. Army ambulance.
