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With H. A. Bartlett & Co., Philadelphia & Boston..

Harrisburg Nail Works, Henry McCormick, treasurer.

Use Hovey's pure dye spool silk.

[Hoyt's German cologne trade cards]

Charles Oakford & Sons in the Continental, hats, caps, and furs, wholesale and retail, 826-828 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

I. Oakford & Son, hatters, 28 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia.

C. H. Frederick, Omaha.

Lichten Bros., manufacturers of fine cigars, s.e. cor. 5th and Cherry Sts., Philada.

Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine, $1.25 a year. Floral guide 10cts. James Vick, seedman, Rochester, N.Y.

The National Live Stock Journal, handsomely illustrated, contains 48 large pages, devoted to the interests of stock breeders and farmers.

Solar Tip Shoes

John W. Steen, 1209 Market St.

L.W. Stewart, agt. wholesale and retail manufacturer and dealer in trunks, bags, satchels, ladies' & gents' traveling trunks, pocket books, &c. 29 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia.

Snediker & Carr, practical engineers and general machinists, manufacturers of light machinery, cutting, forming and stamping dies. Power summer fans for offices, hotels & restaurants. Shafting, pullies and hangers furnished and put up at short notice. 925

Oxford Carpet Mills, Wm. Hogg, Jr. Philadelphia. [graphic].

[X. Bazin, steam fancy soap works and perfumery, 917 Cherry Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Allen's Furniture Warehouse, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Evans printer. The fast cardpress, Philadelphia, cor. Fourth and Library Sts.

Use Eavenson's diamond soap.

J.C. & J.F. Field, gloves, 45 South 8th Street, Philadelphia.

Greer & Son, N.E. cor. Tenth and Walnut Sts., Philadelphia.

Bought of Potts & Roberts, importers and dealers in foreign and American iron & steel and heavy hardware. Warehouse, Third & Willlow Sts.

Bought of Geo. D. Sprecher, importer and dealer in foreign and domestic hardware, saddlery, cutlery, paints, oils, varnishes, glass &c. A general assortment of bar, hoop, & sheet iron, steel, lead pipe, safety fuse, rock powder, cedar ware, cabinet moldin

Smoke "Virginia" cigars. J.S. Semon, "Virginia Tobacco Store" No. 6 South Eighth St., Philadelphia.

William Seefeldt, brass and German silver musical instruments, No. 731 Race St., Philad'a.

Bot of Mord. & Sam. N. Lewis, no. 135 South Front Street near the drawbridge, agents of the Philadelphia Lead Works.

Bought of George A. Clark & Brother, sole agents for the Clark Thread Company. 14 South Fifth Street. Clark's O.N.T. crochet & darning cotton's.

This floral card was printed in 8 colors on the celebrated Model Printing Press, J.W. Daughaday & Co., mfrs., 721 Chestnut St., Phila.

[Advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].

[Advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

[Advertisement from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].

[Advertisement from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

Adam Scheidt Brewing Company, Norristown, Pennsylvania.

Kingford's Oswego corn starch, : for puddings, custards, blanc mange, &c., is the original,--established in 1849, and preserves its reputation as purer, stronger and mor delicate than any other article of the kind offered, either of the same name or with

Former site of Baldwin Locomotive Works, Spring Garden and Broad Streets, Philadelphia.

Ruclius & Kinlzbach doll manufacturers Philadelphia.

Ruclius & Kinlzbach doll manufacturers Philadelphia. [graphic].

L. Kausz successor to H. Kausz , manufacturer & importer of and dealer in artist's materials, 810 Walnut Street Philadelphia. [graphic].

Baltz, Stitz, & Co. Importers & dealers in brandies, wines, gins &c. Bourbon & rye whiskies. No. 333 North 37th St. Philadelphia.

Baltz, Stitz, & Co. Importers & dealers in brandies, wines, gins &c. Bourbon & rye whiskies. No. 333 North 37th St. Philadelphia. [graphic] : Fred. Baltz. John Stiltz. Andrew Bold.

"And then, the lover sighing like furnace."

Baugh & Sons, manufacturers of raw bone super phosphate of lime. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [graphic].

Comlyville power loom factory. No. [blank] 50 1/2 yards. Warranted fast colours. J. Steel.

Joseph M. Cohen, highest cash price paid for cast-off clothing. Call or address No. 1547 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia.

Thos. P. Conard, 30th and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. Telephone 88, W.P.

H. Thompson, plumber & gas fitter, no. 1110 Germantown Road & Second St., Philadelphia. [graphic] : Pumps, vitriol and chemical apparatus, hydrants, baths, bath boilers, lead & copper, pipe of best quality. Stores, dwellings, churches and factories fitted

Longworth's sparkling Catawba & Isabella, still & sweet Catawba, and Catawba Brandy. Cincinnati. [graphic].

McKeone, Van Haagen & Co. Manufacturers fine toilet soaps, Philadelphia. [graphic].

James Bellak, 279 & 281 South Fifth Street, sole agent for Ernest Gabler's celebrated piano fortes. Prince & Co.'s world renowned melodeons and harmoniums. Raven & Bacon's first class pianos. [graphic].
