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Mull a la Suisse

[Textile label depicting a dog spotting two ducks among tall grasses]


Bought of French & Richards, wholesale druggists, north-west corner of Market and Tenth Sts., wholesale agents for Silver's plastic fire and water proof paints.

Bought of Breinig, Fronefield & Co. Druggists & chemists, no. 187 North 3rd Street. Wholesale dealers and importers of drugs, medicines, paints, dye stuffs, glass, perfumery &c.&c.

Bought of Breinig, Fronefield & Co. Druggists & chemists, no. 187 North 3rd Street. Wholesale dealers and importers of drugs, medicines, paints, dye stuffs, glass, perfumery &c.&c.

Robert Barker & Co. Manufacturers and wholesale druggists. Selling agents for Barker's H&C Powder & N&B Liniment. 135 Arch Street.

Bought of William A. Whittem, apothecary, dealer in segars, stationery &c. Opposite rail road depot.

To A. M. Knowlson, dr. Pharmaceutist, natural flowers of every description, for parties, weddings, funerals, &c., furnished at short notice. No. 350 Broadway, Troy, N.Y.

Bought of E. & S. Frey, druggists, no. 314 Baltimore Street.

Vankirk & Co. Philadelphia.

Vankirk & Co. Philadelphia. [graphic] / Boell, eng.

To Read & Sutters, dr. Chair manufacturers, S.W. cor. Front & Green Streets, No. 536 North Front St., ware room second story.

Bought of A. W. Wright & Co., importers and dealers in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, refined coal and lubricating oils, druggists' sundries, &c. Paint department, 124 Market Street. N.E. cor. Market and Front Streets.

William & Coons, importers of fancy goods. Manufacturers of pocket books, no. 19 North Fourth St. Philadelphia.

William & Coons, importers of fancy goods. Manufacturers of pocket books, no. 19 North Fourth St. Philadelphia. [graphic] : Saml. W. Williams. Joseph Coons.

William & Coons, importers of fancy goods. Manufacturers of pocket books, no. 19 North Fourth St. Philadelphia. [graphic] : Saml. W. Williams. Joseph Coons.

U.S. Army ambulance.

[Briggs & Bro., flour and feed store, East Orthodox Street, Frankford, Philadelphia]

A part of the 4,000,000 bale yearly cotton crop of Texas.

Berks Builders and Supply Co., Wyomissing, Pa. Manufacturers of all kinds of planning mill work.

[Letterhead of The Pharmaceutical Era, D. C. Haynes & Co., publishers, New York]

Bought of Browning & Brothers, wholesale druggists, and dealers in white and red lead, litharge, linseed oil, oil of vitriol, window glass, putty, dye stuffs, &c.&c. No. 33 Market Street.

[Illustrated checks and lettersheet of Lanman & Kemp, wholesale druggists, 69, 71 and 73 Water St., New York]

Kremintz, white lead, zinc and color works. McKnight & Co., manufacturers, importers, and wholesale dealers, Twenty-Second & Race sts. Philadelphia. [graphic] : We manufacture a chemically pure carbonate of lead; and also manufacturers , importers, and de

[Trade cards containing a view of the Rhine Valley]

[Trade cards containing a view of the Rhine Valley] [graphic].

Shipped by the grace of God, in good order and well conditioned, by [blank] :

Trade cards, advertisements, and bill heads for Philadelphia merchants.

Pope's rifle air pistol gallery, 41st Street, opp. Poplar, Centennial grounds, 40 ranges, 10 shots, 10 cts.

John F. Schreck, manufacturer of Conestoga tobacco, chewing and smoking. It's all in the quality

Super, Marshall & Co., Philadelphia. Great Britain

Andrew Blair, apothecary, Chestnut & 18th Sts., Philadelphia.

Ask for Bell Bros. Co.'s sheep-lined coats and ulsters. Manufactured by Bell Bro's Co. Dubuque, Ia.

Biddle Hardware Co., Philadelphia.

E. Andrews, manufacturer of saws, patent hooks and stirrups, patent taks, patent spring steel wood-saw frames.

Bo't of the Alford & Berkele Co. Manufacturers' agents & exporters guns, pistols, cutlery, plated ware, specialties in hardware, etc., etc. P.O. Box 2002. 77 Chambers Street.

H.W. Longfellow

Grand-stand baseball

Wallace & Sons, manufacturers of the eagle pin, superior to all others in quality and finish.

Oriental Print Works, Apponaug, R.I.


With H. A. Bartlett & Co., Philadelphia & Boston..

Harrisburg Nail Works, Henry McCormick, treasurer.

C. H. Frederick, Omaha.

Lichten Bros., manufacturers of fine cigars, s.e. cor. 5th and Cherry Sts., Philada.

Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine, $1.25 a year. Floral guide 10cts. James Vick, seedman, Rochester, N.Y.

The National Live Stock Journal, handsomely illustrated, contains 48 large pages, devoted to the interests of stock breeders and farmers.

Bought of C. L. Wright, apothecary and druggist, 21 Bollingbrook Street.
