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Kimball & Gorton Philadelphia R. R. Car Manufactory, 21st. & Hamilton streets Philadelphia.

Kimball & Gorton Philadelphia R. R. Car Manufactory, 21st. & Hamilton streets Philadelphia.

Jules Hauel's eau lustral hair restorative

Wetherill & Brothers white lead manufactory & chemical works, corner of 12th & Cherry streets, Philadelphia.

Dr. Hooker's medicines. : J.T. Webber & Co., druggists and apothecaries, No. 7 State Street, Springfield, Mass. Proprietors of Dr. Hooker's Cough and Croup syrup, Solidified Balsam and Liquid Balm. Dealers in patent medicines, cooking extracts, perfumery,

[Samuel Powell & Co. ship & house work in tin, copper, brass and iron]

Trade price list. Howe's spring beds, cots and berth bottoms. / Howe Spring Bed Co., sole manufacturers. Salesrooms: 15 Charlestown Street, Boston, 173 Canal Street, New York. Factory, 386 & 388 Main Street, Cambridgeport, Mass.

[Wm. W. Clark, drug & chemical warehouse, 16 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia]

Geo. W. Ridgway, successor to Saml. P. Griffitts, Jr. Drugs [and] chemicals, [N.W. corner of 9th and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia]

[Knight's patent paper machine, manufactory. A.L. Knight & Co.]

Chemical laboratory of Crew, Rogers & Crew Philadelphia Penna.

Agricultural Hall - Nave, Looking North

Verviers Section - Machinery Hall

Moyer & Hazard, successors of Alexander Fullerton, 174 Market Street, fifth door above Fifth Street, Philadelphia [and] Elijah Bowen, wholesale & retail hat & cap store, No. 176 Market Street, Philadelphia.

John C. Baker & Co. wholesale dealers & importers of drugs, medicines, chemicals, paints & dye stuffs, No. 100, North Third St. Philadelphia.

[Joseph Feinour & Son stove store and Joseph Feinour's tin, copper brass & iron ware house 213-215 South Front Street, Philadelphia]

Singer Sewing Machine Company's Building

Net cash price list of Charlton's specialties.

Krider's gun store, N.E. cor. 2nd & Walnut Sts. [graphic].

Pencoyd Iron Works, opposite mouth of Wissahickon.

[Sheds of Edward Peirce, plumber, 8202 Millman Street.] [graphic].

Oxford Carpet Mills, Wm. Hogg, Jr. Philadelphia. [graphic].

[X. Bazin, steam fancy soap works and perfumery, 917 Cherry Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Allen's Furniture Warehouse, Philadelphia. [graphic].

[Advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].

[Advertisement from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].

Adam Scheidt Brewing Company, Norristown, Pennsylvania.

Kingford's Oswego corn starch, : for puddings, custards, blanc mange, &c., is the original,--established in 1849, and preserves its reputation as purer, stronger and mor delicate than any other article of the kind offered, either of the same name or with

Former site of Baldwin Locomotive Works, Spring Garden and Broad Streets, Philadelphia.

Baugh & Sons, manufacturers of raw bone super phosphate of lime. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [graphic].

Commercial lithography. Theo. Leonhardt & Son, s.e. cor. 5th & Library sts. opposite Drexel Building, Philadelphia.

Point Breeze gasometer, [Philadelphia] [graphic].

Phila[delphia] Shipbuilding Co. new dry dock [graphic].

Old saw mill. Mill Cr[eek] Road & Gulf Road (old road). Arthur Jones standing upon mill. [Haverford, Pa.] [graphic].

Making salt, at Saltville, Virginia [graphic] / Cullen.

Rogers' patent broadcast seeder : patented January 19th, 1864. This machine is the simplest of its kind now in use, ... These machines are kept constantly on hand and for sale by the undersigned proprietor for Ohio. County and state rights for sale. / Mos

Keyser & Foxe's mahogany steam saw mill & turning shop No. 21 [later 225] Crown St. between Race & Vine Sts., Philadelphia.

The Farmer Mower. / J. Pine, patentee, Troy, N.Y. Patented May and October, 1864. This machine will be repaired and extras furnished to agents and others desiring them, at the Troy Machine Shop ... Do not throw aside you old machine for a new one, for I w

Negresse battant le coton au lieu de le carder [graphic].

Negresse filant le coton [graphic].

Pepper's brewery. [graphic] : And dwelling house - the latter - on northwest corner of Fifth and Minor street with a view in perspective of the houses on the west side of Fifth Street to the corner of Market Street - also part of the house on n.w. corner

Freight locomotive engine for Pennsylvania Rail Road manufactured by Richard Norris & Son Philadelphia.

[J. Struthers & Son marble yard, including a crane, 22nd and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia.] [graphic]

Geo. J. Henkels' city cabinet warerooms, 173 Chestnut St. opposite the State House, Philadelphia

Charles Oakford & Sons, No. 834 & 836 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. 1866. Wholesale and retail dealers and manufacturers of hats, caps & furs.

A. Russell & Co. 104 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Fashionable hat and cap manufacturers.

Hamilton Watch Company

[Boat at Philadelphia Ship Repair Co. dry dock] [graphic].

Gambrinus Unterstutzungus Gesellschaft [membership certificate].
