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Arbuckle's ariosa coffee. Arbuckle Bros. Coffee Company, New York. [graphic].

A "corner in cotton." [graphic].

"We's done all dis s'mornin'." [graphic].

Mechanical target and gun. Mutual Novelty Manufacturing Co., 813 Girard Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Gantz, Jones & Co.'s sea foam. [graphic].

Cotton is king. Plantation scene, Georgia, U.S.A. [graphic].

Smoke Day's standard Durham smoking tobacco

Adams Tampico Chewing gum. Each wrapper has a different Picture and joke, from "The Judge." [graphic] / H Mitchell.

"Creme" oat meal toilet soap. [graphic]

Cotton is king. Plantation scene, Georgia, U.S.A. [graphic].

[Scrapbook with linen pages] [graphic].

No more Chinese cheap labor. Celluloid cuffs, collars & bosoms. [graphic].

In commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of American independence

[Robert Swayne collection of Philadelphia photographs] [graphic].

The United States Centennial International Exhibition.

[Series of Clarence E. Brooks & Co. Fine Coach Varnishes, cor. West & West 12th St. N.Y. racist 1880 calendar illustrations after the "Blackville" series] [graphic].