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Geo. J. Henkels' city cabinet warerooms, 173 Chestnut St. opposite the State House, Philadelphia

Charles Oakford & Sons, No. 834 & 836 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. 1866. Wholesale and retail dealers and manufacturers of hats, caps & furs.

A. Russell & Co. 104 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Fashionable hat and cap manufacturers.

Hamilton Watch Company

[Boat at Philadelphia Ship Repair Co. dry dock] [graphic].

Gambrinus Unterstutzungus Gesellschaft [membership certificate].

Eugene Roussel's celebrated mineral waters in glass botttles for hotels, families & shipping

S. Griffiths, manufacturer of wrought iron tubes and fittings for gas, steam and water. Works in Vine st: betw: Schuylkill 2d and 3d Streets. A constant supply at warerooms no. 15 Nth. Del. 7th St, Philadelphia.

Charles Oakford United States steam leuring model hat manufactory.

Eastwick & Harrison's improved locomotive engine

Shoe & Leather Building. International Exhibition, 1876. Fairmount Park Philadelphia.

Harrison's Handkerchief Extracts

Roussel's premium perfumery

S. D. Sollers & Co. manufacturers of children's fine shoes, Philadelphia

Harrison's Columbian perfumery

Lehman & Bolton steam power lithograph & letter press printing rooms. Nos. 418, 420 & 422 Library Street, Philadelphia. Opposite Post Office.

Lehman & Bolton steam power lithographic & letter press printing rooms. Library Street, Goldsmith's Hall. Opp. Post Office, Philadelphia.

[Medley of Soaps]. Manufactured by McKeone, Van Haagen & Co. Philada. & N. York.

Mount Joy Car Manufacturing Co.

Richard Norris & Son builders Philadelphia

Solar Tip Shoes

View of the Schuylkill River and Vicinity from Office Window, Phila.

Aultman, Miller & Co., Akron, O. U.S.A. A happy New year, 1890. [graphic].

Atlantic Refining Company plant, 3314 Passyunk Avenue, Point Breeze, Philadelphia.

Atlantic Refining Company plant, 3314 Passyunk Avenue, Point Breeze, Philadelphia.

Washington Steam Mills, Gloucester N.J. near Philadelphia.

Drugs and medicines. : F.L. Allen, wholesale and retail dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, dye stuffs, perfumery, camphene, burning fluid, &c., No. 33 State-Street, New-London, Conn. ... Phoenix Guano, from McKean's Island. ... Combined Guano, ...

Price & Harper's steam saw mill, fancy chair manufactory, and lumber yard, Girard Avenue, between Seventh & Eighth, Philadelphia.

[Ritter Cotterell & Ritter wholesale drug & chemical warehouse. Paints, oils, glass & dye stuffs. 132 North Third Street, corner of Branch Street, Philadelphia]

Porteus' works. Pine oil camphine distilled by steam. No. 581 North Front Street. Philadelphia.

[Lewis Fatman & Co., steam paste blacking, steam friction matches, 41 N. Front Street, Philadelphia]

[Lewis Fatman & Co., blacking manufactory, steam friction matches manufactory, back of No. 412 Coates Street, Philadelphia]

[Francis Field & Francis, importers & dealers in tin plate & tinsmans furniture, importers & manufacturers of saddlery hardware, tin ware, tin toys & japanned wares, no. 80 Nth 2nd St., Philadelphia]

The Phillips Petroleum Company. Incorporated under the laws of the state of New York. : Capital stock, $2,500,000. Issued for the purchase of the property. Shares, 250,000. Par value $10. Subscription price, $4. Stock not liable to future assessment. Rese

North side of Chestnut above 7th [graphic].

Old London coffee house, s.w. corner of Market and Front street. [graphic] / Photograph taken Augt. 1858 by James E. McClees.

Wm. F. Scheible, No. 49 South 3rd St. ab. Chestnut, Philadelphia.

Rae's Philadelphia Pictorial Directory & Panoramic Advertiser

Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets. [graphic].

Scrapbook of Trade Cards, Holiday Cards, etc.

Louis L. Peck manufacturer & dealer in burning fluid varnishes, pine oil, virgin & sp[iri]ts of turpentine absolute, apothecaries, deodorized and fluid alcohol, of a superior quality linseed oil, white lead, lamps of every description, German & English br

[J. & J. Reakirt, wholesale druggists and importers of drugs, chemicals, paints, dye-stuffs, &c. &c. S.E. cor. of Third & Callowhill Sts., Philada.]

[Storefronts on Market Street, 300 block, south side, Philadelphia]

Homer Brothers' Exhibit - Machinery Hall

Italian Section - Agricultural Hall

C. Schlickeysen's Exhibit - Machinery Hall

Mason's Blacking Exhibit - Shoe and Leather Building

Locomotive "Dom Pedro" - Machinery Hall

Harrison's columbian Hair Dye

Charles Warner Company factory plant, Cedar Hollow, Pennsylvania.
