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William B. Dixey trade cards

Clarence Brooks & Co., manufacturers of fine coach varnishes, cor. West & West 12th Sts., New York.

[Van Stan's Stratena and Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil trade cards]

Creditor of Johnsing & Skinner--"I'll hab a hundred and fifty cents on de dollar, or I'll lick de hul firm."

[Geo. G. Burbank, druggist and apothecary, 235 Main St., Worcester, Mass.]

Waterbury Drug Store, established 1797. Leavenworth & Dikeman, Exchange Place, Waterbury, Conn.

Compliments of J.C. Williams & Son, Central Pharmacy, 50 South Salina St., Syracuse, N.Y.

[Dr. Jayne's medications trade cards]

Photography under a cloud.

[Enterprise Manufacturing Company of Pennsylvania trade cards]

[S. Shoneman trade cards]

[Edwin C. Burt trade cards]

The celluloid corset clasps side & dress steels.

[Chamberlin weather strips trade cards]

The Universal clothes wringer. What Dina, six o'clock and not done yet! And look at these torn clothes. Oh mistis de wringing am awful, always tear de clothes 'spect dat I neber get through

Brother Gardner addresses the Lime Kiln Club on the virtues of Dixon's Stove Polish

Clark's mile-end 60 spool cotton [graphic].

"Creme" oat meal toilet soap. [graphic]

Celluloid waterproof collars, cuffs & shirt bosoms. [graphic].

Celluloid cuffs, collars & bosoms, water & perspiration proof [graphic].

J.W. LeMaistre. No. 48 N. Eighth St., Philadelphia, : [graphic] : Embroideries, laces, white goods, real and Nottingham lace curtains, corsets, gloves, &c.

Boston boot and shoe and gents’ furnishing house, also, a fine line of hats, caps, trunks, valises &c. At no. 253 South Clark St., near Jackson, Chicago. L. F. Shanovski, - proprietor. [graphic].

Old processee starchee no goodee. It smellee rots & makee shirts yellee.” "I will never use any other but the New Process Starch." New Process Starch. Manufactured only by the Firmenich Manufacturing Company, Peoria, Ill. [graphic].

Use Muzzy's starch [graphic].

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

[Domestic Sewing Machine Co. trade cards]

Photographing the Baby

Celluloid waterproof collars, cuffs & shirt bosoms. [graphic] : Economical, durable, handsome.

No more Chinese cheap labor. Celluloid cuffs, collars & bosoms. [graphic].
