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The game of Philadelphia buildings

[Michael Zinman world's fairs collection]

[William H. Helfand graphic popular medicine ephemera collection]

Market Street east of 9th Street.

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

In seventeen hundred and eighty three, by the Treaty of Paris, our states were made free, and the Enterprise cork puller helped on the cause while the patriots drank to our land and its laws.

[Collection of advertisements and other promotional materials relating to proprietary medicines manufactured by the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company, of Lynn, Mass.]

[Domestic Sewing Machine Co. trade cards]

David Doret collection of Centennial ephemera

[William H. Helfand miscellaneous popular medicine ephemera collection]

Ches[t]nut Street, [west from 13th Street], Philadelphia

[Seventh & Chestnut streets, looking west]

[Chestnut Street looking east from Thirteenth Street]

Press Building, Seventh and Chesnut [sic] Sts.

[Fifth and Market streets looking west.]

Photographing the Baby

Celluloid waterproof collars, cuffs & shirt bosoms. [graphic] : Economical, durable, handsome.

Jaynes' Hall, Chestnut Street below Seventh

William B. Dixey trade cards

Clarence Brooks & Co., manufacturers of fine coach varnishes, cor. West & West 12th Sts., New York.

Hungry Continentals paid busy lass a visit. Helping himself to fruit, cried one, "What is it?" This machine which does suck work! Would I were the owner!" "Sir," she said, " It is the Enterprise cherry stoner."

In sixteen eighty two, you surely have heard how William Penn and honest treaty made. All good Indians mourn him still and remember his proclamation of good will to use the Enterprise bone, shell, and corn mill.

In eighteen fourteen, Scott, the Indian hero, made red hot work for the red men-yes and redder himself he cooled with Juleps, cold as zero iced by the famous Enterprise ice shredder.

[Postcards, bank drafts, and invoices relating to G.G. Green, manufacturer of proprietary medicines, Woodbury, N.J.]

[Van Stan's Stratena and Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil trade cards]

Creditor of Johnsing & Skinner--"I'll hab a hundred and fifty cents on de dollar, or I'll lick de hul firm."

[Geo. G. Burbank, druggist and apothecary, 235 Main St., Worcester, Mass.]

Waterbury Drug Store, established 1797. Leavenworth & Dikeman, Exchange Place, Waterbury, Conn.

Compliments of J.C. Williams & Son, Central Pharmacy, 50 South Salina St., Syracuse, N.Y.

[Dr. Jayne's medications trade cards]

When Alden wooed the fair Priscilla for his friend. In sixteen twenty six by Plymouth Rocks environs. The course of true love, rough at first, was at the end. As smooth as if they'd used the Enterprise sad irons.

Photography under a cloud.

[Collection of business correspondence of S. R. Van Duzer, wholesale druggist, New York]

[Job printing specimens for certificates, bank notes, receipts, labels, and billheads] [graphic].

Bronson's block after the fire.

[Enterprise Manufacturing Company of Pennsylvania trade cards]

[S. Shoneman trade cards]

Post Office, Philadelphia.

[Edwin C. Burt trade cards]

The celluloid corset clasps side & dress steels.

[Chamberlin weather strips trade cards]

The Universal clothes wringer. What Dina, six o'clock and not done yet! And look at these torn clothes. Oh mistis de wringing am awful, always tear de clothes 'spect dat I neber get through

Brother Gardner addresses the Lime Kiln Club on the virtues of Dixon's Stove Polish

Market St., west of 10th St.

[Duff's Mercantile College, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.]

Custom House & Post Office Phila, Pa.

[Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia]

[Third Street, east side, north of Chestnut Street, Philadelphia]
