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[Employees of the Philadelphia Grain Elevator Company's Twentieth Street elevator]

[Construction of railroad tracks in Philadelphia, September 6, 1922]

Type "C" loader with swiveling belt conveyor storing coal at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

[Broad Street Station fire, Philadelphia, June 12, 1923]

New Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane building, Pa. [graphic] / Langenheim.

New Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane building, Pa.

New Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane building, Pa.

Centennial commemoration at Philadelphia [ticket]

Down where

Sugar Cane plantation

Foering & Thudiums cheap stove ware-house. [graphic] / W.H. Rease, No. 17 S[out]h 5[t]h St.

Aultman, Miller & Co., Akron, O. U.S.A. A happy New year, 1890. [graphic].

Joseph J. Cana[v]an morocco factory Philadelphia. [graphic].

Whann's Super Phosphate Manufactory. Walton, Whann & Co., proprietors. Wilmington, Delaware, office, Front & Market sts.

Whann's Super Phosphate Manufactory. Walton, Whann & Co., proprietors. Wilmington, Delaware, office, Front & Market sts. [graphic] : Daniel Fields, general agent for the Southern states.

The sea and the ships.

Laying passenger stage out to the Orinoco. From forward spar-deck of vessel, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Laying passenger stage out to the Orinoco, from forward spar-deck of vessel, [Bermuda] [graphic].

[Laying passenger stage out to the Orinoco, From forward spar-deck of vessel, Bermuda] [graphic].

[T. Wattson & Sons, biscuit bakery, 129 North Front Street, Philadelphia]

Robert Wood's railing, architectural & ornamental iron works, Ridge Road below Spring Garden St., Philadelphia.

Robert Wood's steam iron railing works, Ridge Road above Buttonwood St, Philadelphia.

[Morocco leather manufactory, B. D. Stewart, S.E. corner of Willow Street and Old York Road, Philadelphia]

S. Tobias, importer & general dealer in wines, liquors, cordials and syrups, No. 68, North 3d. Street, above Arch, Philadelphia.

[Piper & Andrews, warm air furnace manufactory. Cooking ranges. 82 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia]

Bennett & Co. Tower Hall, clothing bazaar No. 182 Market St, between Fifth & Sixth. Philadelphia.

Elevation plan of Granite St. buildings and those connecting with Walnut, Dock and Front Streets.

Porteus' works. Pine oil camphine distilled by steam. No. 581 North Front Street. Philadelphia.

H. B. McCalla, successor to the late Andrew McCalla, No. 252 Market St. First hat & cap store below 8th St. south side, Philadelphia.

Joseph Oat & Son, coppersmiths, No. 12 Quarry Street Philadelphia.

Keystone Marble Works. S. F. Jacoby & Co., Market St. betw. 20th & 21st Philadelphia.

[Lewis Fatman & Co., steam paste blacking, steam friction matches, 41 N. Front Street, Philadelphia]

[Lewis Fatman & Co., blacking manufactory, steam friction matches manufactory, back of No. 412 Coates Street, Philadelphia]

Cornelius, Baker & Co. manufacturers of lamps, chandeliers, gas fixtures etc.

[J. Mayland, Jr. & Co. tobacco & snuff manufactory. Segars, foreign & domestic. Wholesale grocers, N.W. corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia]

John Bancroft, Jr. soap and candle manufactory. No. 19, Wood St. betw. 2nd & 3rd Sts. & Vine and Callowhill Sts. Philadelphia.

Gas well, Butler Co., Pa.

[Construction at Ninth and Sansom streets]

[African American construction crew installing a utility pole]

Tobacco - Virginia

Buy the Universal plow. Made at Canton, Ohio. [graphic].

[Benjamin H. Shoemaker, French Plate Glass Depot, 205-211 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.] [graphic].

Rosengarten & Sons, Manufacturing Chemists, Philadelphia.

Merrick & Hijo, Succesores De Merrick & Towne, Filadelfia. = Merrick & Son, successors to Merrick & Towne, Philadelphia. = Merrick & Fils, Successeur De Merrick & Towne, Philadelphie.

Wm C. Rudman's Philadelphia pale ale on draught, warranted for from all pernicious drugs and alcoholic admixture, Brewery, 121 Green Street, Northern Liberties.

Christopher Gallagher. Wholesale liquor dealer.

Franklin Iron Works. Sutton & Smith's iron foundry, Franklin Street between Second and Front Streets, Philadelphia

La Roche & Stahl florist shop, 1237 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia

Melloy & Ford, wholesale tin ware manufacturers. [graphic] / On stone by W. Rease, No. 17 Sth 5th St.

Lacey & Phillips. [graphic] / Drawn on stone by W.H. Rease No. 17 So. 5th St., Philda.
