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[Road to Philadelphy]

Wootten's excelsior stove lustre or pure black lead

The Inasmuch Mission

Life in Philadelphia. An unfair reflection. [graphic] / Designd & drawn by W. Summers; Hunt sculpt.

Life in Philadelphia. An unfair reflection. [graphic] / Designd & drawn by W. Summers; Hunt sculpt.

Smoke Day's standard Durham smoking tobacco

Uncle Tom's Cabin. On the Levee

Abraham's dream! : "Coming events cast their shadows before." [graphic].

[Migrating emancipated slaves]

Jim Crow and his poney [sic] never fail to please [graphic].

A line shot - the recoil. [graphic] / Thos. Worth.

No. 5 The duel [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 9 Coming events [graphic] / McGreer.

Adams Tampico Chewing gum. Each wrapper has a different Picture and joke, from "The Judge." [graphic] / H Mitchell.

Spoiling the slide [graphic] : Clarence Brooks & Co. fine coach varnishes cor. West & West 12th Sts. New York.

Clark's mile-end 60 spool cotton [graphic].

Kendall's Spavin Cure [graphic].

Kendall's Spavin Cure [graphic].

Compliments of the Domestic Sewing Machine Co. [graphic].

Bloch. Bros. West Virgina mail pouch tobacco. I tell you breddern, it pays you to read erbout W.V.A Mail Pouch terbacker on de oder side dis yer card [graphic].

Clark's trade mark 36 Mile-End spool cotton [graphic].

United we stand. Divided we fall [graphic].

G.F.H. Guth, dealer in first class pianos, organs, sewing machines and musical merchandise [graphic].

G.F.H. Guth, dealer in first class pianos, organs, sewing machines and musical merchandise [graphic].

Hoyer & Milnor, great 99¢ store, 29 N. Third St., Harrisburg, PA. [graphic].

Ayer's cathartic pills. (The country doctor) [graphic].

Dis Union. Union. John E. Kaughran & Co., 763 Broadway, Bet. 8th and 9th Streets [graphic].

[African American woman being courted by an African American man suitor as a dog bites his pants] [graphic].

Minstrel show. Wentworth Town Hall. March 26th - 8:15. Adults .25. Children .15. Orchestra - dancing. [graphic].

Spoiling the slide [graphic] : Clarence Brooks & Co. fine coach varnishes cor. West & West 12th Sts. New York.

Fairbank's rock cordials, positive cure for all lung disorders [graphic].

B.F. Gilmore, trunks and traveling bags, 237 Westminster St., Prov., R.I. [graphic].

Whoa! Aunty! [graphic] : Compliments of Goodwin brothers, wheel-wrights.

In the land of cotton [graphic].

W. M. Lyon, jeweler, Chester Depot, V.T. [graphic].

Compliments of the Domestic Sewing Machine Co. [graphic].

People's boot and shoe store, 104 Clark Street, corner Washington Street. [graphic]: The return from Europe.

New clothing [etc] at T.B. Segar's, Odd Fellows Block. Hope Valley. [graphic].

The Declaration of Independence illustrated. [graphic] / Fabronius; Designed by R. Thayer; L. Prang & Co. Lith, Boston.

The (Fort) Monroe doctrine. [graphic]

John Bull makes a discovery. [graphic]

Fixing a block-head to the Constitution or putting a wart on the nose of old ironsides. [graphic]

Life in Philadelphia. "How you like de new fashion shirt...?" [graphic].

Sketches of character. Plate 2. At home. Plate 3. Abroad. [graphic] / Drawn on stone by E. W. Clay; C. G. Childs lithy.

Sketches of character. Plate 2. At home. Plate 3. Abroad. [graphic] / Drawn on stone by E. W. Clay; C. G. Childs lithy.

Mason's challenge blacking. James S. Mason & Co., nos. 138 & 140 North Front Street, Philadelphia.

The Freedman's Bureau! An agency to keep the negro in idleness at the expense of the white man. Twice vetoed by the president, and made a law by congress. Support Congress & you support the negro. Sustain the president & you protect the white man [graphic

A distinguished arrival. [graphic] : Negro soldier - "Hi dar! Show dis ole lady a room - one wid a closet to put dis yar skelle in tum in!"

A distinguished arrival.

The election a medley, humbly inscribed, to Squire Lilliput Professor of Scurrillity. [graphic]
