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Chew house, Germantown.

Chew house, Germantown, 1867. [graphic].

[Founders' Week parade, procession of Keystone Phone Co. float, 300 block of South Broad Street, Industrial Day, October 7, 1908]

[Broad Street Station fire, Philadelphia, June 1923]

[Aftermath of the Broad Street Station fire, Philadelphia, June 1923]

[Railroad overpass to Reading Terminal over Poplar Street near Ninth Street, Philadelphia, March 18, 1913]

[Arch Street ferry, Philadelphia] [graphic] / Drawn, Engraved & Published by W. Birch & Son; Sold by R. Campbell & Co. No. 30 Chesnut [sic] Street.

Arch Street ferry, Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn, Engraved & Published by W. Birch Springland near Bristol Pennsylvania 1800.

High Street, from Ninth Street. Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn, Engraved & Published by W. Birch & Son.; Sold by R. Campbell & Co. No. 30 Chesnut [sic] St. Philada.

High Street, from Ninth Street. Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn, Engraved & Published by W. Birch & Son.; Sold by R. Campbell & Co. No. 30 Chestnut St. Philada.

[Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company tracks under construction to raise grade crossings, Ninth Street above Poplar Street in Philadelphia]

The port, Philadelphia. Loading ships from cars.

New market, in South Second Street Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn, Engraved & Published by W. Birch & Son.; Sold by R. Campbell & Co. No. 30 Chesnut Street Philada.

The battle ground at Germantown. Cliveden or Chew's House

Mr. Chew's house

Ledger carriers annual greeting 1862.

The conflagration of the Masonic Hall Chesnut Street Philadelphia. Which occured on the night of the 9th of March 1819

Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Philada.

[Security Bank & Trust Company, Franklin Street and Girard Avenue, Philadelphia.] [graphic] / Parker & Mullikin, photographers, P.O. Box 275, Upper Darby, Pa.

Terrible conflagration and destruction of the steam-boat "New Jersey," [graphic] : On the Delaware River, opposite Philadelphia, on the night of Saturday, March 15th, 1856, between 8 and 9 o'clock, by which dreadful calamity sixty-one lives were lost. Nam

Terrible conflagration and destruction of the steam-boat "New Jersey"

City Marble Works and Steam Mantel Factory. Corner Tenth and Vine Streets Philadelphia. J.E. & B. Schell.

Commissioners Hall, Northern Liberties, Phila. [graphic] / CK; Thos. M. Scott, Pinxt.

Commissioners Hall, Northern Liberties, Phila.

Hart, Montgomery & Co. Successors to Isaac Pugh & Co. Manufacturers and importers of paper hangings, No. 118 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Manufactory N.E. Cor. Schuyl[kill] Front & Wood Streets [graphic] / On Stone by W.H. Rease, 17 So. 5th St.

Hart, Montgomery & Co. Successors to Isaac Pugh & Co. Manufacturers and importers of paper hangings, No. 118 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Manufactory N.E. Cor. Schuyl[kill] Front & Wood Streets


Market St. Ferry.

Market St. Ferry

Market St. Ferry

Market St. Ferry

John Hibler, importer & wholesale dealer in foreign & American wines & liquors. No. 56, North Third Street, (second door above Arch,) Philadelphia.

Lacey & Phillips.

Melloy & Ford, wholesale tin ware manufacturers.

Penn Hotel & Denny's harness shop.

Terrible conflagration and destruction of the steam-boat "New Jersey,"

U.S. Custom House (formerly U.S. Bank)

House where Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, s.w. cor 7th & Market St. 1776


[Employees of the Philadelphia Grain Elevator Company's Twentieth Street elevator]

Daily Vacational Bible School #63.

[Construction of railroad tracks in Philadelphia, September 6, 1922]

Colonnade Hotel, SW corner 15th & Chestnut, Phila., 1896, showing monument on the ground of Epiphany Ch[urch]

Type "C" loader with swiveling belt conveyor storing coal at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

[Construction on Market Street between 17th and 18th Streets, Philadelphia, July 8, 1904]

[Broad Street Station fire, Philadelphia, June 12, 1923]

United States soldiers at Camp "William Penn" Philadelphia, PA

[Philadelphia Eagles football players Edward Herman, Dennis Harrison, and Woody Peoples entering the field at Veterans Stadium, Philadelphia]

U.S. Custom House (formerly U.S. Bank)

Before Girard Bank on Broad & Chestnut [graphic].
