(51 - 100 of 400)
- Title
- Brady's Album Gallery
- Description
- Incomplete series of the "Brady Album Gallery" of Civil War views first published in 1862 by New York publishers, E. & H.T. Anthony. Contains camp scenes, views of historic residences and military fortifications, and group portraits predominately photographed by unattributed Brady technicians, James F. Gibson and George N. Barnard. Gibson and Barnard hold copyright to twenty-six of the series. Contains series No. 1, 100, 100 (variant), 289, 302 - photographed by Barnard; No. 355, 360-361, 363-372, 377-380, 382-384, 388 - photographed by Gibson; No. 423-424, 427 - copyrighted and probably photographed by Brady., Views include: the incomplete Capitol in Washington, D.C.; General McClellan's 1862 campaign on the Virginia Peninsula including Union artillery batteries near Yorktown and Union headquarters of Generals McClellan, Scott, and Lafayette; and the inflation and ascent of the Union reconnaissance air balloon, "Intrepid." Group portraits depict African American Civil War freedom seekers, Union officers, and Union soldiers., Copyrighted by Barnard & Gibson and Mathew Brady., Stamp of Philadelphia distributor, McAllister and Brother, 728 Chestnut Street, pasted on verso of two of the series., Names of the photographers supplied by "Catalogue of photographic incidents of the war from the gallery of Alexander Gardner (Washington: H. Polkinhorn, 1863)." (Transcription in LCP research file)., Gift of Jesse G. Haydock, 1981., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Forms part of Small Civil War Photograph Collection., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of the Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- 1862
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department small Civil War photo collection - Brady cdv's [P.9877.1-29]
- Title
- View of Camp Gallegher [sic] 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry, 2d Battalion. near Falls of Schuylkill. [graphic].
- Description
- Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War views., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Upper right corner repaired., Illegible inscription upper left corner., View showing the Civil War camp under the command of Col. James A. Galligher. Soldiers drill on foot and on horseback in front of drill sergeants, officers-in-charge, and camp visitors, including men, women, and children. Also shows rows of tents; flagpoles; and a horse-drawn streetcar from the Girard College and Manayunk line passing the campgrounds. Also includes the names and ranks of the commanding officers and their respective companies below the image
- Creator
- Boell, William., creator
- Date
- [ca. 1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. **BW - Military [5779.F.62]
- Title
- Company C, Third Regiment, Reserve Brigade Recruits wanted immediately for Co. C, 3d Regiment, Reserve Brigade, now recruiting at Commissioners' Hall, 37th & Market Streets to serve under the call of the governor, for a period of three months, unless sooner discharged. Recruits in this company receive bounty, $13 per month for the benefit of their families, in addition to state pay and city bounty. Citizens' Bounty, 24th Ward, $13, city bounty, 10, bounty per month, 13, state pay, 13, advance
- Description
- Joseph D. Sorver was Captain of Company C of the 25th Regiment, Militia of 1862, under command of Col. C.E. Eakin. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 5, p. 1204., Printed on yellow paper., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Pennsylvania, Militia, Infantry Regiment, 25th (1862), Company C.
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Penn Mil (1)5777.F.30 (McAllister)
- Title
- To arms! Inscribed to our brave volunteers
- Description
- A poem in six verses, followed by a recruiting offer., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook; MS. note: Nov. 1861., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Rogers, E. S., Mrs.
- Date
- [1861?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1861 Rogers (2)5777.F.75g (McAllister)
- Title
- Recruits wanted for Col. Grubb's regiment (late 23d New Jersey Volunteers.) Camp at Beverly, N.J. $515 bounty! All able-bodied men, between the ages of 18 and 45, who have served a period of not less than 9 months, by enlisting in this regiment, shall receive premium, advance pay and bounty of $515, ... Recruiting offices: T.M. Fetters', 2d & Market Sts., Camden, N.J. and at Round House, Federal St. Ferry, do
- Description
- Following service in the 23rd, Col. E.B. Grubb commanded the 37th Regiment Infantry of the New Jersey Volunteers, which was mustered in June 23 and mustered out Oct. 1, 1864., Thomas M. Fetters had a restaurant at 201 Market Street, Camden, N.J., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, New Jersey Infantry Regiment, 37th (1864)
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1864 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.2b (McAllister)
- Title
- Recruits wanted for Co. E! Co. E! Merchants' Regiment! 146th P.V., commanded by Col. J.D.C. Johnson Arrangements will be made by which soldiers' families may receive, in this city, allotments of monthly pay. $2 on being mustered into service; $25 U.S. bounty, in advance; $50 city of Philada. bounty; $13, one month's pay, in advance; $75 on being mustered out of service. Sum total $165. Young men wishing to join a good company under experienced officers, who have seen service both in Mexico and the present war, had better enroll immediately as the company is nearly full. Apply at 207 South Front St., or at West Chester House Market Street, above Nineteenth
- Description
- "The troops recruited for the One Hundred and Forty-sixth Regiment, never had a regimental organization, and were, consequently, assigned to other commands."--S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 551 note., The illustration is an eagle with the banner: To arms! To arms!, Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 146th (1862), Company E.
- Date
- [1862?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.48a (McAllister)
- Title
- Attention troopers! To horse and off for the war again! 80 young and active men wanted for a troop of horse for the Second R.I. Cavalry! This is a dashing and pleasant service, and young men will have a chance to become good horsemen. Bounty 402 dollars! Cash in advance 330 dollars! In addition to the above the city of Providence pays $4 per week to the families and dependents of volunteers. Office, Room No. 5, corner of Orange and Westminster Sts., Providence, R.I
- Description
- The Second Regiment of the Rhode Island Cavalry was organized in Nov. 1862 and ordered to duty in Louisiana; it was consolidated to a battalion of four companies in Aug. 1863, and transferred to 1st Louisiana Cavalry; it was transferred again in Jan. 1864 to the 3rd Rhode Island Cavalry., The illustration is a trotting stallion., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Rhode Island Cavalry Regiment, 2nd (1862-1863)
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.4 (McAllister)
- Title
- Second Regiment of Rhode Island Cavalry! The dashing young men of Rhode Island have long been desiring to enter this branch of the service. Then up and away! With Major Corliss for our leader, and Harper's Ferry our rallying cry, we will again charge through the valley of the Shenandoah among the passes of the Blue Ridge, until the rebel hordes are driven back to their southern forests. The bounty alone is more than you can earn at home: 325 dollars! before you leave the state. The towns make provision for your family! Do not forget the bounty, which is double the amount for nine months! Come in to the headquarters and you can obtain any further information you may desire, corner of Dorrance and Weybosset Streets
- Description
- The Second Regiment of the Rhode Island Cavalry was organized in Nov. 1862 and ordered to duty in Louisiana; it was consolidated to a battalion of four companies in Aug. 1863, and transferred to 1st Louisiana Cavalry; it was transferred again in Jan. 1864 to the 3rd Rhode Island Cavalry., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Rhode Island Cavalry Regiment, 2nd (1862-1863)
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.10 (McAllister)
- Title
- Facts! The U.S. bounty to volunteers ceases August 21st! State and city aid is to "volunteers" and not to drafted men. A volunteer who has a family will receive $614 for the first year's services, or about 51 dollars per month. The same man, if drafted, will receive for nine months services $199, or about $22 per month. The company now recruiting by Capt. Hooper and Lieut. Swift, will be the last "bounty" company and will fill the quota of Roxbury
- Description
- Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [between 1863 and 1865?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1864 Facts (2)5777.F.70c (McAllister)
- Title
- End the war! To strike now is to crush the foe! Men wanted for Co. E., Camden Guards, attached to the Twelfth New Jersey Regiment, Col. Robert C. Johnson. $150 bounty $88 advance. Premium of two dollars will be paid for each accepted recruit. One month's pay is given in advance, and $50 bounty from Camden County to each recruit, when mustered in the U.S. service, and a further bounty of $25 from the U.S. when the regiment is mustered in. Married men, and those having dependent widowed mothers receive $6 per month, and single men, $2 per month, extra pay from the state; making the total bounty, married men, $366! Single men, 222! Recruiting offices, No. 9 Front Street, above Plum, and Andrews' Hall, corner 4th and Market Streets, Camden. Philip M. Armington, 1st Lieut. James McComb, 2d Lieut. Charles K. Horsfall, Captain
- Description
- The 12th Regiment New Jersey Infantry was mustered in Sept. 4, 1862 and mustered out July 15, 1865., Printed in red and blue., The illustrations are a farmer holding a flag and a gun in front of a plow, a soldier in uniform holding a gun in front of a cannon and the flag, and one, signed L. Johnson & Co., an eagle on a shield with the banner: The Union now and forever!, Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, New Jersey Infantry Regiment, 12th (1862-1865), Company E.
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 3# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.2a (McAllister)
- Title
- 121st Regiment, P.V Twenty-third Philad'a Light Infantry Col. Chapman Biddle. Wanted, able-bodied men for Co. I in this regiment, going into camp immediately. $162 bounty! As follows: $25 U.S. bounty in cash. $50 Philadelphia city bounty. $10 extra bounty. $2 on mustering in, and $75 U.S. bounty at end of the war. Arrangements will be made by which soldiers' families may receive, in this city, allotments of monthly pay
- Description
- The 121st Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers was organized in Sept. 1862, and mustered out in June 1865; Chapman Biddle was discharged in Dec. 1863. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 30, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 135., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 121st (1862-1865), Company I.
- Date
- [1862 or 1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.38d (McAllister)
- Title
- Wm. H. Hortsmann & Sons, manufactory & sales rooms, cor. Fifth & Cherry Streets. Philadelphia
- Description
- Letterhead containing an exterior view of the manufactory and adjoining showroom specializing in military clothing, trimmings, and paraphernalia at 51 North Third Street. Shows street and pedestrian traffic, including a horse-drawn cart, streetcars, and patrons entering the establishment. Business established in 1815., Completed in manuscript on January 16, 1862 to Providence Tool Company, Providence, R.I. by "W.H. Hortsmann & Sons" about the price of "U.S. Cavalry Blades to pass Government Inspection" and whether then can "commence delivery at once.", Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Helen Beitler and Estate of Helen Beitler., See related print. [Ph Pr - 8x10 - Industries - H, (7)1322.F.61d]
- Creator
- Sartain, Samuel, 1830-1906, engraver
- Date
- [ca. 1858]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Receipts [P.2011.10.149]
- Title
- Scene of camp life
- Description
- Busy scene showing numerous activities occurring simultaneously at a military camp. In the center, Union Generals look at a map while sitting and standing under a canopy made from an American flag. In the background, soldiers drill on horseback, with cannons, and in lines near rows of tents. In the left, two barefooted African American men and a child approach a Zouave. A white man soldier stands with a rifle and looks on while another white man soldier leans upon a cannon., Title from item., Date inferred from content., Create postfreeze., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events. McAllister Collection, gift, 1886., Trimmed., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [ca. 1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department GC - Civil War - Military Camps [5779.F.90f]
- Title
- Wm. H. Horstmann & Sons No. 51, North Third Street Philadelphia, manufacturers and importers of military goods, coach laces, & fringes, epaulettes, swords, sashes, buttons, laces, chapeaux, pistols, holsters, saddle-cloths, banners, flags, embroideries, &c. &c Volunteer companies and officers of the Army & Navy supplied with every article in the military line, ladies fancy trimmings, cords, tassels, fringes, buttons, gimps, bindings, braids, &c. Military cloths & cassimeres
- Description
- Advertisement showing the ornately decorated storefront of William H. Horstmann & Sons clothing and military supply store. Patriotic bunting consisting of the names of artists J.H. Otten, carver and J. Gibson, pinxt, and a shield sumounted by an eagle, flags, swords and spears surround a sign that reads, "E Pluribus Unum, Horstmann," above the first level. Drums, military helmets, flags, and swords flank this central display. Laurel wreaths hang above the fasces that form columns on each side of the shop's two doorways and two bay windows. Tassels are visible in the left bay window, while various types of military hemlets are displayed in rows in the right window. Shields and crossed arrows adorn the transom lights above the windows and doors. Wm. H. Horstmann & Sons produced and sold their wares at this location between 1830 and 1857, after which time they moved their factory operations to 5th and Cherry Streets, and their storefront to a separate property at 223 Chestnut Street., Date from Poulson inscription on recto: August 1846., On recto: J.H. Otten, carver; J. Gibson, pinxt., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 857, Wainwright retrospective conversion project, edited.
- Creator
- French, John Taylor, 1822-1852, artist
- Date
- [August 1846]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department **W466 [P.2269]
- Title
- View of Camp Gallegher [sic] 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry, 2d Battalion. near Falls of Schuylkill
- Description
- View showing the Civil War camp under the command of Col. James A. Galligher. Soldiers drill on foot and on horseback in front of drill sergeants, officers-in-charge, and camp visitors, including men, women, and children. Also shows rows of tents; flagpoles; and a horse-drawn streetcar from the Girard College and Manayunk line passing the campgrounds. Also includes the names and ranks of the commanding officers and their respective companies below the image., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 785, Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War views., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Upper right corner repaired., Illegible inscription upper left corner.
- Creator
- Boell, William
- Date
- [ca. 1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department **BW - Military [5779.F.62]
- Title
- [The 108th Field Artillery, Pennsylvania National Guardsmen, on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia]
- Description
- Depicts uniformed Pennsylvania National Guardsmen from the 108th Field Artillery of Philadelphia riding in artillery tractors along the Benjamin Franklin Parkway at Logan Circle. Tractors from Batteries A through F, all commanded by William A. March, are visible and pulling 155 mm howitzers. The Free Library of Philadelphia sits in the background., Gift of Emily Riese., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited.
- Creator
- Davis, Eugene H., photographer
- Date
- ca. 1935
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department photo - Davis [P.9332.11]
- Title
- Camp Palmer, 1st Regiment Mich. Cavalry Col. T.F. Broadhead Lient. Col. T.J. Copeland 1st Major W.S. Atwood 2nd A. Paldi 3rd C.H. Town
- Description
- View of the Union military training camp outside of Washington, D.C. Shows rows of tents and tethered horses. Includes soldiers on horseback and a female peddler., Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.)
- Date
- c1861
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - P [5779.F.23]
- Title
- Camp Palmer, 1st Regiment Mich. Cavalry Col. T.F. Broadhead Lient. Col. T.J. Copeland 1st Major W.S. Atwood 2nd A. Paldi 3rd C.H. Town
- Description
- View of the Union military training camp outside of Washington, D.C. Shows rows of tents and tethered horses. Includes soldiers on horseback and a female peddler., Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.)
- Date
- c1861
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - P [5779.F.23]
- Title
- Camp Meigs
- Description
- View showing the Civil War camp under the command of Col. R.H. Rush at Old Second Street and Nicetown Lane on the estate of James Logan. In the foreground, soldiers drill on horseback in front of drill sergeants, officers-in-charge, and camp visitors, including men, women, and children. Also shows rows of tents for companies A-K, Conestoga wagons, hitched horses, a flagpole, and a locomotive traveling past the camp in the right background. Also includes the names and ranks of the field and staff officers, and a key to the camps depicted, including the names of the ranking officers, below the image. Officers include Lieut. Col. J.H. McArthur; 1st Major C. Ross Smith; Chaplain Rev. Erben, Surgeon Willliam Moss, and Quartermaster Sergeant Richard M. Sheppard. Company captains include George E. Clymer (G), Joseph Wright (D), and Howard Ellis (K)., Copyrighted by Charles Baum., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 79, Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Bc 54 M 512
- Date
- c1861
- Location
- Historical Society of Pennsylvania HSP Bc 54 M 512
- Title
- Camp Vermont, Va. 4th Dele. Infy. [graphic] : Col. A.H. Grimshaw. Comd. 3rd Brigade. Lt. Col. C. Carroll Tevis. Major C.C. Lammot. Adjt. W.H. Cloward Q. Master. John F. Toner.
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events., View of the Union military training camp near Hunting Creek, North Carolina. Shows soldiers milling among wood barracks on the grounds. Also shows two large tents in the foreground.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- c1863
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - V [5779.F.31]
- Title
- Max Rosenthal Collection of Portraits Scrapbook
- Description
- Bound volume of portraits primarily delineated by Max Rosenthal showing prominent Philadelphians, and historical and military figures, including members of the Continental Congress, clergyman, legislators, government officials, physicians, military officers, artists, and authors. Contains full-length, half-length, bust-length, and profile portraits, with some containing backgrounds and props. Also includes the front page of a September 1885 edition of "Paper and Press" containing a portrait and biography of Philadelphia publisher Henry Carey Baird and an article about printed blanks.
- Title
- [Arthur Showell]
- Description
- Full-length studio portrait showing Showell, seated in a chair, and attired in a suit, tie, and spats. His legs are crossed, with one hand resting on his knee, and the other hand resting on the arm of the chair. A studio backdrop is visible in the background. Showell, a resident of South Philadelphia, worked as a laborer with the Adams Express Co. He also served in World War I in the 368th Infantry, part of the African American 92nd Infantry Division known as the "Buffalo Soldiers.", Title supplied by cataloguer., Gift of Brice C. Showell., Fragile condition.
- Date
- [ca. 1923]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department portrait photographs - misc. - sitter - Showell [P.2015.1.1]
- Title
- Encampment woodcut
- Description
- Sample image scanned from: 2# Am 1863 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.45c, Recruiting poster illustration depicting "an encampment, a cannon, and the digging of trenches."
- Date
- 1861-1863
- Title
- Marines woodcut
- Description
- Sample image scanned from: # Am 1861 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.3a, Recruiting poster illustration depicting "two marines standing at attention."
- Date
- ca. 1861
- Title
- Camp Davis-- Ringgold Regiment, 104th Penna. Vols. [graphic] : Colonel W.W.H. Davis.
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War views, places & events., View of the Union military training camp outside of Doylestown, Pa. Shows a soldier on horseback passing a field of tents.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- 1861.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - D [5779.F.14]
- Title
- Camp Morris, 138th Regt. N.Y. Vols, Col. [graphic] : Col. Joseph Welling, commdg.
- Description
- Contains a printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events., View of the Union military training camp in Maryland. Includes soldiers gathered around a campfire. Rows of tents are visible in the background.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- c1863.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Miltary Camps- M [5779.F.21]
- Title
- Camp near Ft. Lyon, Va., 26th N.Y.V., Colonel Wm. H. Christian. [graphic].
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events., View of the Union military training camp. Shows soldiers on the campgrounds near rows of tents.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- c1862.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - F [5779.F.22]
- Title
- Camp Pomroy, 111th Regiment, New York [graphic] : Col. J. Segoine commdg.
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events., View of the Union military training camp in Virginia. Shows soldiers milling about rows of tents and log dwellings.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- c1863.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - P [5779.F.27]
- Title
- Camp of Second Mass. Regt., [graphic] : Col. George H.J. Gordon, commanding.
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events., View of the Union military training camp at Roxbury, Massachusetts. Shows two brigades of soldiers marching toward each other under the inspection of officers on horseback. Also shows rows of tents among trees in the background.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- c1862.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - S [5779.F.19]
- Title
- Camp of the 131st Regt. Pa. Vols. [graphic] : P.H. Allbach, Col. Lieut., Col. Wm. B. Shaut, Ad. Col.
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events., View of the Union military training camp at Antietam, Maryland. Shows soldiers milling among rows of tents.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- c1862.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - 131st [5779.F.26]
- Title
- Camp of 104th Penna. Vol.'s Morris Island, S.C. [graphic] / Hoffman delt.
- Description
- Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War views, places & events., View of the camp housing the Pennsylvania infantry during the campaign against Charleston in the spring of 1863. Shows soldiers carrying water, cooking over campfires, and resting near tents on the grounds. Also shows "Secessionville," i.e. Charleston, Black Island, and James Island in the distance. Contains the names of the sites included in the view printed below the image.
- Creator
- Hoffman, Abram J., lithographer., creator
- Date
- [1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps- M [5779.F.24]
- Title
- Camp Chase, 147th Regt. N.Y.S.V. [graphic] : Col. A.P. Warner, commdg.
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events., View of the Union military training camp in Ohio. Shows soldiers standing among rows of tents. Also shows soldiers attending pots over campfires.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- c1862.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - C [5779.F.10]
- Title
- Camp Chase, 12th Regt. R.I. Vols., Col. George H. Brown, commdg. [graphic].
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events., View of the Union military training camp in Ohio. Shows soldiers walking among rows of tents.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- c1862.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - C [5779.F.11]
- Title
- Camp Hicks near Frederick, Md., 12th Regt. Massachusetts Vols. [graphic] : Col. Webster.
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events., View of the Union military training camp. Shows tents interspersed among leafless trees. Also includes a few soldiers on the grounds.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- c1862.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - H [5779.F.16]
- Title
- Camp Seward, 25th Regt. Me. Vol. 3rd Brigade, Casey's Div. [graphic] : Col. Francis Fessendon, commdg.
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events., View of the Union military training camp at Westfield, N.Y. Shows soldiers milling among rows of tents on the grounds.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- c1862.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - S [5779.F.28]
- Title
- Camp Chase, 7th Regt. R.I. Vols [graphic] : Col. L.R. Bliss, Commdg.
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events., View of the Union military training camp in Ohio. Shows soldiers walking among a semi-circle cluster of tents. Also shows a government building in the far left background.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- c1862.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - C [5779.F.12]
- Title
- Camp Chase, Va. 11th Regt. N.H. Vols. [graphic] : Col. Walter Harrinan, Commdg.
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places, & Events., View of Union military training camp in Ohio. Includes soldiers standing among and in front of rows of tents.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- c1862.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - C [5779.F.9]
- Title
- Camp Seward 170th N.Y.V. 2d Regiment-- Corcoran's Legion [graphic] : Col. Peter McDermott Lieut. Col. J. P. Mc Ivor.
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events., View of the Union military training camp at Westfield, N.Y. Shows soldiers milling among rows of tents on the grounds.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- c1862.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps [5779.F.29]
- Title
- Military camp woodcut
- Description
- Sample image scanned from: 2# Am 1861 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.49d, Recruiting poster illustration depicting "soldiers in camp, with tents and the flag."
- Date
- 1860-1861
- Title
- View of the encampment of the Corn Exchange Regiment 118th. Penn. Vols. near Falls of Schuylkill. [graphic] / Del. & Lith. by J. Magee ; Lith & Print. by W. Boell, 311 Walnut St.
- Description
- Printed below the title: To the President and members of the Corn Exchange and the officers and men of the Regiment this Plate is respectfully dedicated by the Artists., Wainwright retrospective conversion project., Select link below to view a digital image., Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Bc54 P544., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places and Events., Shows a line of civilians near a large flagpole watching the regiment drill in front of their tents at the camp near East Falls, Philadelphia. Civilians include men and women on horseback, women in a carriage, a family with their pet dog, and a child playing with a hoop. Also shows a military band leading the troops, officers on horseback, and other civilians walking the tree-lined circumference of the camp called Camp Union. Also contains the names of the "Committee of the Corn Exchange Regiment" printed below the image. The Exchange raised an infantry of 1000 men during the summer of 1862 through the enticement of a liberal bounty.
- Creator
- Magee, John L., artist., creator
- Date
- 1862.
- Location
- http://www.lcpgraphics.org/wainwright/W429.htm, Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. **W429 [5779.F]
- Title
- Col. C.H. Vanwyck, 56 Reg. N.Y.S.V., 10th Legion, Camp Davis [graphic].
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events., View of the Union military training camp. Shows a row of soldiers under the inspection of an officer on horseback. Rows of tents are visible in the background.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- 1861.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - D [5779.F.13]
- Title
- Camp Seward, 27th Regt. Me. Vs. [graphic] : Col. R.P. Tapley, Lt. Col. M.J. Wentworth, Maj. Ja. L. Stone.
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events., View of the Union military training camp at Westfield, N.Y. Shows soldiers milling among rows of tents on the grounds.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- [c1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - S [5779.F.30]
- Title
- Camp Tom Casey, 26th Me. Regt. [graphic] : Col. Nathaniel H. Hubbard, commdg.
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events., View of the Union military training camp in Virginia. Shows mule-drawn wagons passing rows of tents. Also shows soldiers on the grounds.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- c1862.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - C [5779.F.8]
- Title
- Camp Abercrombie, 169th Regt. N.Y.S. Vols. . [graphic] : Col. Clarence Buel, Commdg.
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War views, places & events., View of the camp outside of Washington, DC. Shows soldiers seated and walking among rows of tents.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- c1862.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - A [5779.F.1]
- Title
- Camp Wisewell, 28th Regt. N.J. Volunts. [graphic] : Col. M.N. Wisewell, commdg.
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events., View of the Union military training camp in Washington, D.C. Shows soldiers milling among rows of tents.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- c1862.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - W [5779.F.33]
- Title
- "The boys in blue," returning the state flags to the governor of Pennsylvania, Independence Square, Philadelphia July 4th, 1866. [graphic] / Rea & Sharp, engravers.
- Description
- Copyright secured., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War views., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited, Shows a large crowd of spectators surrounding a platform of dignitaries in Independence Square for the July 4th celebration commemorating the return of colors to the state by the Pennsylvania regiments. American flags and banners adorn the rear of Independence Hall. Several military personnel, flags, and a banner advertising King & Baird, book & job printers, are visible in the foreground. Veterans from over one-hundred regiments and the orphan children of soldiers and sailors killed during the Civil War attended the ceremony officiated by Mayor General George G. Meade and Governor Andrew G. Curtin.
- Creator
- Rea & Sharp engraver., creator
- Date
- [1866]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *Ph Pr - Gov't Buildings - I [5779.7]
- Title
- Tilghman, Benjamin C., Jr., 1867-1911
- Creator
- Library Company of Philadelphia, creator
- Date
- May 3, 1900
- Title
- View of the encampment of the Corn Exchange Regiment 118th. Penn. Vols. near Falls of Schuylkill. [graphic] / Del. & Lith. by J. Magee ; Lith & Print. by W. Boell, 311 Walnut St.
- Description
- Printed below the title: To the President and members of the Corn Exchange and the officers and men of the Regiment this Plate is respectfully dedicated by the Artists., Wainwright retrospective conversion project., Select link below to view a digital image., Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Bc54 P544., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places and Events., Shows a line of civilians near a large flagpole watching the regiment drill in front of their tents at the camp near East Falls, Philadelphia. Civilians include men and women on horseback, women in a carriage, a family with their pet dog, and a child playing with a hoop. Also shows a military band leading the troops, officers on horseback, and other civilians walking the tree-lined circumference of the camp called Camp Union. Also contains the names of the "Committee of the Corn Exchange Regiment" printed below the image. The Exchange raised an infantry of 1000 men during the summer of 1862 through the enticement of a liberal bounty.
- Creator
- Magee, John L., artist., creator
- Date
- 1862.
- Location
- http://www.lcpgraphics.org/wainwright/W429.htm, Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. **W429 [5779.F]
- Title
- Washington's headquarters, Chadd's Ford
- Description
- Oblique view of residence surrounded by two wooden fences and large trees in leaf. Built circa 1720 for Quaker farmer and miller, Benjamin Ring. Served as the headquarters for George Washington during the Battle of the Brandywine circa September 11, 1777. Reconstructed 1950-51 by George Edwin Brumbaugh., Inscribed in negative: 2756., Title from negative sleeve.
- Creator
- Hand, Alfred, photographer
- Date
- ca. 1920
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department 4x5 Glass Negatives - Hand [P.9259.56]
- Title
- Washington's headquarters at Chadd's Ford, burned 1938 or 39
- Description
- Exterior view of front facade of residence, showing a plaque attached to a large tree in the foreground, identifying the house as George Washington's headquarters during the Battle of Brandywine, September 11, 1777. Built circa 1720 for Quaker farmer and miller, Benjamin Ring. Reconstructed 1950-51 by George Edwin Brumbaugh., Inscribed in negative: 2759., Title from negative sleeve., Modern reference print available.
- Creator
- Hand, Alfred, photographer
- Date
- ca. 1920
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department 4x5 Glass Negatives - Hand [P.9259.57]