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Defend the state! $60 bounty $60 bounty : Headquarters 1st Reg't Infantry, P.H.G. No. 7 State House Row. This regiment is recruiting for 3 months! Under the call of the governor, to defend the state of Penn'a. Commanders of companies will report daily at

New York, August 18th, 1862. : Attention. Notice is hereby given that a book for registering the names of young men, their residences, and references, will be opened this day, and will remain open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily at the Cooper Institute, Room

$192! Extra bounty! $192! Fill up the old regiments! : Privates wanted! Blacksmiths and buglers wanted!! Vacancies for sergeants and corporals. $192 cash in advance and $75 when discharged from the service will be paid to active, able-bodied men enlisting

Gen'l recruiting office for Second Army Corps : No. 416 Library Street. Head-quarters Philad'a Brigade! 69th, 71st, 72d and 106th regiments. The largest bounties given! $675 to veterans having served nine months or over. And $575 to all others! Volunteers

Emlem Homestead. Washington's headquarters previous to Battle of Germantown, Whitemarsh, Pa.

Rally! Rally! : A few more men wanted for a first-rate company, now forming at Doylestown. Rally to the flag of your country, and avoid a draft! Bounties to this company will be $100 by the government, $50 by the county, and $2 premium, with one month's p

Stanton Cavalry 19th Penn'a Cavalry! : Avoid the draft! Now is your time to join a first-class cavalry regiment. $112 bounty! $50 cash in hand! Each recruit sent to camp as soon as enlisted. Headquarters, 22 South Fourth St. / Lt. Geo. A. Sharp, recruitin

$617 bounty Wanted! Fifteen first rate men! : To fill vacancies in the South Kingston company of the Seventh Regiment R.I.V. $500 bounty from the town $117 from the state and United States Apply immediately at the headquarters of the regt., 15 Market Squa

Seventh Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers! $237 bounty : It will be seen that the City Council of the city of Providence, appropriated a sum not exceeding $60,000, to promote enlistments, to be paid to volunteers at the rate of one hundred dollars per man

Volunteers attention. : $525 bounty for one year's service only. $458 cash bounty $458 Largest bounty yet offered. "Rally around the flag boys" and avoid the draft / Call on us at our office, T.W. Wilson & Co. 605 Sansom Street. P.S.----Men paid as soon a

Volunteers wanted! : According to resolution of County Commissioners, the Recruiting Committee of the Borough of Bethlehem are authorized to offer 300 dollars bounty! (in addition to the bounty of $100 and $16 a month wages, paid by the U.S. government,)

300 recruits wanted immediately for one year's service : The highest local bounty cash in hand. $100 government bounty and three months' pay in advance. / Harris & Co., No. 533 Chestnut Street 3d story.

Citizens' Bounty Fund. : You will facilitate the operations of the committee of citizens having the direction of this fund, by sending the amount of your subscription to me, at the Farmers and Mechanics Bank. / S.A. Mercer, treasurer.

New recruits $675 bounty. : $300 cash on enlistment for new recruits. Government bounty, $400 City bounty, 250 Ward bounty, 25 $675 / 10th U.S. Infantry (riflemen,) stationed at Fort Lafayette, New York Harbor. Term of service, 3 years. Apply at No. 419 W

Regular Army! $402 bounty! Men wanted for the 11th U.S. Infantry! : General orders, no. 190. War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, June 25, 1863. For recruiting the regular army. Ordered, that all men enlisting in the regular army for fiv

Regular Army! $402 bounty! Men wanted for the 11th U.S. Infantry! : Head quarters, Fort Independence, Boston Harbor, Mass. Until the 25th of September, 1863, $402 bounty will be paid to each accepted recruit in this regiment. Enlist at once, and secure th

$50 reward The above reward will be paid for the apprehension of the following-named private marines, : deserters from head-quarters, Washington City, D.C., viz.: Henry S. Hyser, Peter B. Clark, Edwin S. Marstella, John Metz, William Reiter, if delivered

Any man, whether citizen or soldier, bringing to 419 Walnut St., a new recruit, will receive $15--for a veteran $25.

$350 bounty $350 for one year's service. : Recruits wanted to fill the quota of a township immediately. $250 cash down when mustered in, and $100 government bounty Apply to the recruiting agent, at the Bald Eagle Hotel, 416 N. Third St., Phila

Important! By orders just received, : all recruits must be sworn into the service this day, or the United States bounty will not be paid to them. Members of Capt. Hooper's company must report themselves at the armory forthwith. New recruits will be receiv

South Street Hospital, 24th and South streets, Philadelphia.

"Take care Gilmore you'll knock my brains out." [graphic].

Gen. Gilmore."I have no words, my voice is my gun." [graphic].

Camp Washington, near Centennial grounds, July, 1876. 7th Regiment N.G. Col. E. Clark, Com.

[Collection of portraits]

Dades' Monument at West Point, [NY] [graphic].

View of the encampment of the Corn Exchange Regiment 118th. Penn. Vols. near Falls of Schuylkill.

Pennsylvania Hospital, in Pine Street Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn, engraved & published by W. Birch & Son ; Sold by R. Campbell & Co. No. 30 Chesnut [sic] Street Philada.

The Battle of Newbern, N.C., March 14th, 1862. Brilliant victory of the Union forces under Genl. A.E. Burnside and total rout of the rebel army, by the heroic volunteers of the North. [graphic].

Interior of Fort Sumter during the bombardment, April 12th 1861. [graphic]

Gallant charge of the "Sixty Ninth" on the rebel batteries at the Battle of Bull-run Va., July 21st, 1861. [graphic]

Encampment [at Richmond]

Encampment [at Richmond]

Citizens Volunteer Hospital, corner of Broad St. & Washington Avenue.

Blake's collection of popular marches composed and arranged for the piano forte.

Nursing in union hospitals. [graphic] : U.S. Sanitary Commission. U.S. Christian Commission.

Birds-eye view of Andersonville Prison from the south-east [graphic].

Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson, 1810-1883

McCall, G. A., 1802-1868

$129 bounty paid as soon as sworn in. : Recruits wanted for the 12th Regiment, N.Y. Vols. Now serving in General Butterfield's brigade, Gen. Porter's 5th Army Corps, the crack corps of the army. One month's pay in advance $25 United States bounty, $50.00

Extra bounty! : Families of recruits provided for. By the liberal contribution of the Grocers' Committee, the Fifth Metropolitan Guard Col. T.W. Parmele, is enabled to offer an extra cash bounty of $10 for each recruit in addition to other bounties. The f

Patriots arouse! Cavalry men wanted! : To form a battalion under Major A.W. Corliss. Now is the time to join a crack battalion for the gallant General Burnside's division! 400 dollars bounty! $325 before leaving the state! Families provided for by the sta

Cavalrymen wanted! : To form a new battalion, under command of Major A.W. Corliss. Now is the time to join a crack battalion for the gallant Gen. Burnside's division! 400 dollars bounty! $325 before leaving the state! Families provided for by the state! E

Cavalrymen wanted! : To form a new battalion, under command of Major A.W. Corliss. Now is the time to join a crack battalion for the gallant Gen. Burnside's division! 400 dollars bounty! $325 before leaving the state! Families provided for by the state! E
