(151 - 200 of 400)
- Title
- $400 bounty State aid to men with families, 4 dollars per week! Good men wanted immediately for the 2d Regiment R.I. Cavalry under the command of Major A.W. Corliss, which has been ordered to join Major General Banks' expedition! Men who enlist in this regiment will receive 25 dollars, a good uniform, horse and equipments on the day of enlistment; $300 before leaving the state! $75 when discharged! The best chance and the largest bounty ever offered. Recruiting offices: corner of Westminster and Orange Streets, up stairs, Room No. 5. " Market Square and North Main Street. Dorrance Street. A.W. Corliss, Major comd'g
- Description
- The Second Regiment of the Rhode Island Cavalry was organized in Nov. 1862 and ordered to duty in Louisiana; it was consolidated to a battalion of four companies in Aug. 1863, and transferred to 1st Louisiana Cavalry; it was transferred again in Jan. 1864 to the 3rd Rhode Island Cavalry., Printed on yellow paper., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Rhode Island Cavalry Regiment, 2nd (1862-1863)
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.13 (McAllister)
- Title
- Zouaves d'Afrique, Col. C.H.T. Collis This regiment is being actively recruited under the call from the governor of Pennsylvania, in response to the president's proclamation, for immediate active service. A fund which it is desired to increase to $5000, is being raised by subscription to furnish recruits an additional bounty for the support of their families until their pay from the government is received. At the request of the officers of the regiment, Henry C. Townsend, No. 811 Arch Street, has consented to act as treasurer of this fund, which will be used only for the purpose indicated, and as directed by the colonel of the regiment. The contribution of the patriotic is earnestly solicited
- Description
- The Zouaves d'Afriques, the 114th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was mustered out in May, 1865. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 3, p. 1183, and F.H Taylor, Philadelphia in the Civil War, p. 124., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Collis, Charles H. T. (Charles Henry Tucky), 1838-1902
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1862 Collis (2)5777.F.10e (McAllister)
- Title
- Lady Cap-Maker.
- Description
- A woman sews a cap. She has an enlarged nose and a moustache and sits at a table with men's caps on it. The caps' blue color may indicate that they are for Union soldiers., Text: Dainty damsel, time ne'er lingers, / On those very active fingers, / Other females, you make charming! / Make yourself, then, less alarming! / As it is, -- I don't incline, / To pick you for a Valentine., Provenance: McAllister, John A. (John Allister), 1822-1896, collector.
- Date
- [between 1840 and 1880?]
- Title
- Binney, Horace, 1840-1881
- Creator
- Library Company of Philadelphia, creator
- Date
- December 7, 1876
- Title
- Camp Casey, 87th Regt. N.Y.S.V. [graphic] : Col. Dodge.
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places, & Events., View of the Union military training camp outside of Washington, D.C. Shows a cluster of tents near a grove of barren trees. Soldiers walk and guard the grounds. Also shows, to the left of the image, a horse-drawn wagon travelling on a path leading from the city.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- 1862.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - C [5779.F.7]
- Title
- Camp of "The Webster Regiment," 12 Mass. Vols. Cantonment Hicks, 1st Brigade, Genl. Banks division, near Frederick Md. [graphic] : Col. Fletcher Webster com., Lt. Col. T.M. Bryan major, E. Burbank surgeon, Jedediah Baxter asst. surgeon, J. Hayward qr. master, David Wood adjutant, T. P. Haviland.
- Description
- Contains printed gilt frame around image., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War Views, Places & Events., View of the Union military training camp in Maryland. Shows the barracks of comapnies A-H and K during the winter. Also shows soldiers on guard and a horse-drawn wagon. Also includes the names of the commaders of the companies printed below the image.
- Creator
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.), creator
- Date
- c1862.
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *GC - Civil War - Military Camps - W [5779.F.32]
- Title
- Meade, George
- Creator
- Library Company of Philadelphia, creator
- Date
- December 5, 1878
- Title
- Prevost, Andrew M.
- Creator
- Library Company of Philadelphia, creator
- Date
- August 6, 1819
- Title
- Phile, Frederick
- Creator
- Library Company of Philadelphia, creator
- Date
- April 6, 1769-May 1, 1795
- Title
- View of the reception of the 29th Regiment, P. V., at Philadelphia. [graphic].
- Description
- Location: Race and Crown Streets., Copyrighted by Charles Baum., Wainwright retrospective conversion project., Select link below to view a digital image., Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Bc85 B347.
- Date
- 1863.
- Location
- http://www.lcpgraphics.org/wainwright/W435.htm, Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. ***W435 [P.2262]
- Title
- Carlton, in lower part of Germantown. Built by Henry Hill. Year not known. Burned in the Revolutionary War in 1777. Rebuilt by Hill, it is said, in 1780. Now occupied by Mrs. Newhall, cor. Stokley St. & Midvale Ave
- Description
- View of the center portion of the north front of the Carlton Mansion. Purportedly named after an English castle inhabited by Queen Elizabeth I. The original house was destroyed by the British in 1777 but rebuilt in 1780 by Isaac Tustin. Served as Washington's Headquarters for a few weeks before and after the Battle of Brandywine. Purchased by Cornelius S. Smith in May of 1840 and later bequeathed to his children., Inscribed in negative: 3322., Title from negative sleeve., Also known as the Carlton-Smith Mansion., Original negative housed in freezer.
- Creator
- Hand, Alfred, photographer
- Date
- September 20, 1920
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department 4x5 Film Negatives - Hand [P.9259.94]
- Title
- The largest bounties! $602.00 $702.00 Recruits wanted for the Penn'a Volunteers of the gallant Second Corps of Gen. Hancock Head-quarters, No. 6 Main Street, Doylestown, Pa. Recruits for this corps receive all the government and county bounties. The government pays to veteran volunteers, $402 To all other volunteers, 302 The county pays to all volunteers, 300 Every man will receive before leaving general rendezvous, from U.S. government, $75 From the county, 300 By order of the War Department, the Second Corps has been assigned to special duty, under the command of that gallant son of Pennsylvania, Major General Hancock. Young men of Pennsylvania, rally once more around the old flag, and with one united blow crush the enemy of the Union, and restore peace and happiness to our beloved country
- Description
- James H. Mitchell was promoted to Captain of Company D, 81st Pennsylvania Volunteers April 3, 1864. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 2, p. 1177., Printed in red and black., The illustration, signed H.L.S. L.Johnson & Co. Copyright secured, shows an eagle on a shield, with the banner: Our country and flag., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Corps, 2nd
- Date
- [1863 or 1864?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 3# Am 1863 Uni Sta (4)5777.F.26 (McAllister)
- Title
- Draft! Draft! Draft! Attention! Attention! To all loyal citizens! Will you stand still and be drafted while your country needs your services. Come on and get your bounty. $500 for one year only. Fall in and join Company "C" Philadelphia Guards! Rendezvous, No. 106 South Sixth Street
- Description
- The 199th Pennsylvania Infantry, under command of Col. James C. Briscoe, was organized in the fall of 1864 to serve for one year, and mustered out June 28, 1865; Henry C. O'Donnell was Captain of Company C. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 5, p. 495, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 272., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 199th (1864-1865), Company C.
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1864 Uni Sta (3)5777.F.51 (McAllister)
- Title
- Largest bounties! $650 $750 Recruits wanted for the Penn'a Volunteers of Hancock's gallant Second Corps or any Pennsylvania regiment Head-quarters, American and Master Streets. Recruits for this corps receive all government, city & ward bounties. The government pays to veteran volunteers, $402 To all other volunteers, 302 The city pays to all volunteers, 250 Every man will receive before leaving general rendezvous, from U.S. government, 75 dolls. From the city 250 dolls. And the bounty of the ward to which he is credited, making in all over four hundred dollars. Volunteers credited to any ward they may desire. By order of the War Department, the Second Corps has been assigned to special duty under the command of that gallant son of Pennsylvania, Maj. Gen. Hancock. Young men of Pensylvania [sic], rally once more around the old flag, and with one united blow crush the enemy of the Union, and restore peace and happiness to our beloved country
- Description
- George C. Whitecar was promoted to Captain of Company D, 71st Pennsylvania Volunteers Feb. 6, 1864, and mustered out with the company July 2, 1864. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 2, p. 810., Printed in red and blue., The illustration, signed H.L.S. L.Johnson & Co. Copyright secured, shows an eagle on a shield with a blank banner., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Corps, 2nd
- Date
- [1864?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 3# Am 1864 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.44a (McAllister)
- Title
- A rare chance 160 acres of land and $100 dollars bounty The best chance yet offered to be a soldier and secure a home when discharged. Wanted! 20 stout, able-bodied men, to fill a company. Pay, rations & cothing immediately on enlisting. This is an opportunity which seldom occurs, of joining a crack company and receiving United States pay of thirteen dollars a month, and bounty of one hundred dollars, when discharged. Recruits joining this company will be placed in a good warm house; be handsomely clothed, well fed and paid from date of enlistment. No recruit will be accepted under the age of twenty-one, without the written consent of the parent or guardian
- Description
- Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook; inscribed: 200 Feb 17., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army
- Date
- [between 1862 and 1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1862 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.54b (McAllister)
- Title
- [Grant's Cabin, East Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.]
- Description
- View of the cabin used by Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant on the east side of Carriage Drive in Fairmount Park. Photographer William Doering is seated on a bench in front of the cabin and Al Lindsay stands in the doorway, reading a posted sign. A camera is set up in the foreground. Served as Grant's headquarters and the supply center for the Union armies during the seige of Richmond. Moved to Philadelphia circa 1870 from City Point, Virginia as a gift to citizens of Philadelphia for their support during the Civil War. Transfered back to Virginia and rebuilt there in 1983., Title supplied by cataloguer., Gift of Albert L. Doering.
- Creator
- Doering, William Harvey, 1858-1924, photographer
- Date
- ca. 1895
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern slides - Doering [P.9453.37]
- Title
- Attention. Recruits wanted! Recruits wanted! Now is your chance! 20 good men wanted for Co. E. City Guards State, city and Citizens' Bounty secured to all. Come before you are drafted Recruiting office: S.E. cor. Warner St. and Girard Av. above Tenth
- Description
- Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- City Guards (Philadelphia, Pa.), Company E.
- Date
- [between 1863 and 1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1863 City (2)5777.F.13b (McAllister)
- Title
- Bounty or draft! To the people of Bucks Co. Whereas, the city of Philadelphia and neighboring counties have filled, or are now filling, their quotas under the conscription act by means of bounties to volunteers; ... in order to ascertain what the sense of the tax-payers of Bucks County may be upon the subject, we invite the citizens of the respective boroughs and townships of Bucks County to meet at respective places of election, on Saturday, the 20th of February, 1864, ... to choose by ballot delegates to represent each of their respective townships and boroughs in a general county convention to be held at the court house, in Doylestown, on Monday, February 22d, 1864, ... to determine whether or not the commissioners of Bucks County shall appropriate out of the county funds a bounty, and to what amount, to induce volunteering to the extent of the quota of the county, in order to avoid the draft to take place on the 10th of March next
- Description
- The illustration, signed H.L.S. L. Johnston & Co. copyright secured, is an eagle on a shield with the banner: Virtue, liberty, and independence., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Bucks County (Pa.), County Commissioners
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1864 Bucks (1)5777.F.67a (McAllister)
- Title
- Carlton, north side, near Midvale Ave. Washington's Headquarters 1777
- Description
- Exterior view of the north front of the Carlton Mansion, taken from the west. Purportedly named after an English castle inhabited by Queen Elizabeth I. The original house was destroyed by the British in 1777 but rebuilt in 1780 by Isaac Tustin. Served as Washington's Headquarters for a few weeks before and after the Battle of Brandywine. Purchased by Cornelius S. Smith in May of 1840 and later bequeathed to his children., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title and date given in manuscript on mount., Also known as the Carlton-Smith Mansion.
- Creator
- Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
- Date
- January 30, 1913
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.114]
- Title
- Carlton, from the east. Washington's Headquarters 1777
- Description
- Exterior view of the north front of the Carlton Mansion, taken from the east. Purportedly named after an English castle inhabited by Queen Elizabeth I. The original house was destroyed by the British in 1777 but rebuilt in 1780 by Isaac Tustin. Served as Washington's Headquarters for a few weeks before and after the Battle of Brandywine. Purchased by Cornelius S. Smith in May of 1840 and later bequeathed to his children., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title and date given in manuscript on mount., Also known as the Carlton-Smith Mansion.
- Creator
- Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
- Date
- January 30, 1913
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.115]
- Title
- County Commissioners' Office, Doylestown, Bucks Co., Pa., February 15, 1865 This is to certify, that the bearer will be entitled to the sum of three hundred dollars, with six per cent. interest from the date. Payable out of the Bucks County Bounty Fund, on the first day of July, anno Domini 1866, at which time the interest on this certificate will cease
- Description
- A blank form., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Bucks County (Pa.), County Commissioners
- Date
- [1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1865 Bucks (2)5777.F.75d
- Title
- 14th Pennsylvania Light Cavalry! Last chance for cavalry! Don't wait to be drafted! James M. Schoonmaker, com'g. Wanted, men accustomed to horses! $162 bounty! One months' pay in advance. $100 government bounty, 50 city bounty, 10 extra bounty, 2 premium for enlistment. Recruiting stations, [blank] [blank]
- Description
- The 159th Regiment, 14th Cavalry of the Pennsylvania Volunteers was organized in Aug. 1862 and mustered out in Aug. and Nov. 1865; Joseph A. Crawford was promoted to Captain Nov. 22, 1863. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 851, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 174., Printed in red and blue; printed on two sheets, 60 x 78 cm. and 52 x 78 cm., pasted together., The illustration shows a cavalry charge, with two buildings in the background., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, 14th (1862-1865)
- Date
- [between 1863 and 1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 4# Am 1863 Uni Sta (4)5777.F.43 (McAllister)
- Title
- Fortification artillery! 112th. 112th Second Pennsylvania Artillery Regiment! A.A. Gibson, U.S. Army, Col. commanding. This fine regiment, 1,500 strong, is doing garrison duty in the substantial fortifications on the beautiful and healthful highlands of the Potomac, for the defence of the city of Washington. Quarters commodious & comfortable and the duties of the soldier light A few good men wanted for this desirable arm of the service. The following bounties given: veteran volunteers, $402 All other volunteers, $302 $75 cash before leaving the rendezvous. The monthly compensation of soldiers enlisting at this office will be at the following rates: veteran volunteers, $24. All other volunteers, 21.30 per month. Apply at No. 611 Chestnut St
- Description
- Charles Angeroth was authorized in Oct. 1861 to raise a battalion of heavy artillery; the 112th Regiment, 2nd Artillery of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was mustered in Jan. 8, 1862 and mustered out Jan. 29, 1866; Angeroth was discharged June 21, 1862 and replaced by A.A. Gibson; originally in place above the Potomac, the regiment was moved to the Rappahannock at Port Royal in May 1864. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 3, p. 1059, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 150., Printed in red and black., The illustration shows five soldiers posed on a large cannon., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Artillery Regiment, 2nd (1861-1866)
- Date
- [between 1862 and 1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 4# Am 1862 Uni Sta (4)5777.F.48 (McAllister)
- Title
- 144th 144th Brian Boru United Irish Legion or 144th Regiment, P.V., of Philadelphia, have been accepted by the Secretary of War and Governor Curtin, to be attached to Gen. Corcoran's brigade. Government and city bounty secured U.S. bounty, $100; city bounty, $50; one month's pay, $13; when mustered, $2; when companies are mustered in to the full strength of 80 men, the captains will receive $5 per man---total when he is mustered in, $450. Irishmen remember Clontarf and Brian the Brave. Corcoran shall lead us now to victory, as our heroes did of old. Don't wait to be drafted, but form companies and squads, and come to these head-quarters, Connelly's Hotel opposite the State House, Philadelphia, before the 20th, as drafting will take place after the 15th inst. This regiment is the last that will receive bounties. Come from all counties and cities of the state, and we will receive you like brothers. Telegraphic despatches promptly replied to. Free transportation on all railroads
- Description
- "The troops recruited for the One Hundred and Forty-fourth Regiment, never had a regimental organization, and were consequently assigned to other commands."--S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 518 note., Printed in red and green; printed area, including double-rule border, measures 105.1 x 72.9 cm., The illustration, signed H.L.S. L.Johnson & Co. Copyright secured, is an eagle on a shield with the banner: Fall in and keep step to the music of the Union., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 144th (1862)
- Date
- [1862?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 4# Am 1862 Uni Sta (4)5777.F.13 (McAllister)
- Title
- 23d Regiment P.V. Col. Thos. H. Neill commanding, late Birney's Zouaves! Bounty paid immediately as follows: United States premium, $4 00 United States advance bounty, 25 00 City premium, 2 00 City bounty 50 00 Total bounty $81 00 One month's pay in advance, 13 00 Total amount paid, $94 00 Men equipped and fed at once, and put in barracks. Good able-bodied men wanted to fill the ranks of this fighting regiment. The 23d is now in active service before Washington, and has been through all the battles of the Army of the Potomac. Enlist before you are drafted, and secure the bounty. Recruiting station, N.W. cor. 6th & Chestnut third story
- Description
- The 23rd Regiment Infantry of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, under command of Col. Charles P. Dare, was originally mustered in April 21 and mustered out July 31, 1861; the regiment re-enlisted Aug. 2, 1861 under command of Col. David B. Birney; Col. Neill was in command Feb. 17 to Dec. 13, 1862; the regiment was mustered out Sept. 8, 1864. Cf. S.P. Bates. History Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 1, p. 307, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 49., Printed in red and blue., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 23rd (1861-1864)
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.34h (McAllister)
- Title
- For your country! Now or never! Don't wait to be drafted! To horse! The foe is on us!! Young men wanted to join at once! The first troop Penn'a Light Horse! We will fight the guerillas on their own soil! Arouse, men of Pennsylvania! The rebels are menacing the homes of your fathers!! "Strike for your altars and your fires! Strike for the green graves of your sires! Strike, till the last armed foe expires!" Your countrymen have provided liberally for your families, and all the bounties for three years, or the war, will be paid men joining this troop
- Description
- The 16th Cavalry, 161st Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, under the command of Col. J. I. Gregg until Aug. 1864, was organized in the summer and fall of 1862 and mustered out in Aug. 7, 1865; Nathan S. Hill and Archer N. Martin both served in Company I; Lieut. Hill was promoted to captain Nov. 15, 1862. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 950, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 179., Printed in red and blue., The illustration shows a mounted Union cavalry soldier, sabre drawn, attacking a mounted Confederate soldier., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, 16th (1862-1865), Company I.
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.16i (McAllister)
- Title
- Bounty! Bounty!! Bounty!!! Avoid the draft and get your bounty! Co. B Capt. A. McI. Robertson, late of the artillery reserve, Army of the Potomac. Roberts' Heavy Artillery
- Description
- Roberts' Artillery, the 152nd Regiment, 3rd Artillery of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was authorized in Aug. 1862 and mustered out of service in July and Nov. 1865; Col. Joseph Roberts was mustered in March 19, 1863. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 698, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 152., Printed in red and blue., The illustration, signed L. Johnson & Co., is an eagle on a shield with a blank banner., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook; this is the top half of 4# Am 1863 Uni Sta (4)5777.F.50a (McAllister)., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Artillery Regiment, 3rd (1862-1865), Battery B.
- Date
- [between 1863 and 1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1863 Uni Sta (4)5777.F.49b (McAllister)
- Title
- Ninth Union League! 215th Regiment Penn'a Vols Recruits wanted for Company 'D' Head-quarters, National Guard's Hall City and United States bounties: for one year, $500 " two " 700 " three " 900 besides ward bounties extra. Ward committees and all citizens are urged to exert themselves to fill up this regiment, and thus help save the city from a draft. Do not wait to be drafted but come at once
- Description
- The Ninth Union League Regiment, the 215th Pennsylvania Infantry, under the command of Francis Wister, was organized April 21, 1865 and mustered out July 31, 1865. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 5, p. 838, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 279., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 215th (1865), Company D.
- Date
- [1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 4# Am 1865 Uni Sta (4)5777.F.22 (McAllister)
- Title
- Board of Trade Rifle Regiment 156th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Col. Chas. Ernenwein. $165 bounty cash. $165
- Description
- The Board of Trade Rifle Regiment, the 156th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers began recruiting in the fall of 1862 with "indifferent success" and in Feb. 1863 was consolidated with recruits for the 157th Regiment. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 833, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 140., Printed in red and black., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 156th (1862-1863)
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.25a (McAllister)
- Title
- Board of Trade Rifle Regiment, 156th Penn'a Volunteers Col. Chas. Ernenwien [sic]. Bounty 165 dollars, cash! A few men wanted to fill up Company H. The regiment is now at "Camp Morton," on Islington Lane, opposite Odd Fellows' Cemetery. Men will be clothed, rationed and placed in camp at once. Every tent is floored with boards, making the men's quarters perfectly comfortable. Drafted men and substitutes will be taken, if they apply previous to being mustered, in [sic] and receive the bounty. Apply at N.W. cor. Seventh and Chestnut Streets
- Description
- The Board of Trade Rifle Regiment, the 156th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers began recruiting in the fall of 1862 with "indifferent success" and in Feb. 1863 was consolidated with recruits for the 157th Regiment. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 833, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 140., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 156th (1862-1863), Company H.
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1862 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.8b (McAllister)
- Title
- Board of Trade Rifle Regiment, 156th Penn'a Volunteers Col. Chas. Ernenwein. Bounty 165 dollars, cash! A few men wanted to fill up Company H. The regiment is now at "Camp Morton," on Islington Lane, opposite Odd Fellows' Cemetery. Men will be clothed, rationed and placed in camp at once. Every tent is floored with boards, making the men's quarters perfectly comfortable. Drafted men and substitutes will be taken, if they apply previous to being mustered in, and receive the bounty. Apply at N.W. cor. Seventh and Chestnut Streets
- Description
- The Board of Trade Rifle Regiment, the 156th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers began recruiting in the fall of 1862 with "indifferent success" and in Feb. 1863 was consolidated with recruits for the 157th Regiment. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 833, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 140., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 156th (1862-1863), Company H.
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.75o (McAllister)
- Title
- Board of Trade Rifle Regiment! 156th Reg't, Col. Chas. Ernenwein. Bounty $165! Don't wait for the draft! Avail yourselves of the privileges which only belong to the volunteer! Apply at once! The regiment will go immediately into camp near the city, and will soon be in active service, under the most experienced officers. Recruiting station, No. 833 Market Street
- Description
- The Board of Trade Rifle Regiment, the 156th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers began recruiting in the fall of 1862 with "indifferent success" and in Feb. 1863 was consolidated with recruits for the 157th Regiment. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 833, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 140., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 156th (1862-1863)
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.53a (McAllister)
- Title
- Merchants' Regiment! $176. $176. 146th Regiment Penna. Volunteers! Col. Johnston Men wanted for Co. D! Headquarters, 333 Chestnut St. Recruiting station, 57 S. Third St. $163 bounty! Paid to each man as follows: $2 government premium when mustered in, $5 regimental fund, $5 private fund, $1 premium for recruits, $50 city bounty, $25 government bounty, $13, one month's pay in advance, $75, remainder of bounty, when mustered out of service--thus making a cash total of $101 before leaving the city. Full bounty, $176
- Description
- "The troops recruited for the One Hundred and Forty-sixth Regiment, never had a regimental organization, and were, consequently, assigned to other commands."--S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 551 note., Printed in red and blue., The illustration is an eagle with a blank banner, perched on a horn., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 146th (1862), Company D.
- Date
- [1862?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 3# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.46c (Mcallister)
- Title
- Recruits wanted for the 28th Penn'a Vet. Vols Geary's old regiment, (White Star Division) All bounties guarantied as soon as mustered in. Apply at the regimental recruiting depot, 204 Dock St
- Description
- The 28th Infantry Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers was organized in June 1861 and mustered out July 18, 1865; John Flynn was promoted to Lt. Col. Dec. 12, 1863 and to Col. June 9, 1864. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 1, p. 418, and F.H. Taylor, Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 57., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 28th (1861-1865)
- Date
- [1863 ro 1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1863 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.36b (McAllister)
- Title
- Head quarters, 157th Regiment, P.V. Philadelphia City Guard! 527 Chestnut St. Col. William A. Gray. $152 bounty $152 and a gum blanket to each recruit!
- Description
- The Philadelphia City Guard, the 157th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, began recruiting in Oct. 1862; in 1865 it was consolidated with the 191st Regiment. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 833, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 14-., Printed in red and blue., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 157th (1862-1865)
- Date
- [1862?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 4# Am 1862 Uni Sta (4)5777.F.18 (McAllister)
- Title
- Board of Trade Rifle Regiment. 156th Regiment, P.V $165 bounty, bounty, $165 Recruits wanted for Co. D Men enlisting in this company, will be immediately mustered and sent to Camp Morton near the city. The tents are boarded, making it more comfortable for the men. Men wishing to go with a well tried colonel, cannot do better than by going under Co. Charles Ernenwein. Apply at once at company head quarters, Layer's Gray Eagle Hotel, Delaware Avenue, on the wharf below Spruce Street. Apply at once
- Description
- The Board of Trade Rifle Regiment, the 156th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers began recruiting in the fall of 1862 with "indifferent success" and in Feb. 1863 was consolidated with recruits for the 157th Regiment. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 833, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 140., Printed in red and black; printed on two sheets, 57 x 61 cm. and 46 x 61 cm., pasted together., The illustration shows a regimental parade, with a sargeant major leading, left arm raised, four drummer boys, and one mounted officer., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 156th (1862-1863), Company D.
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 3# Am 1862 Uni Sta (4)5777.F.17 (McAllister)
- Title
- Board of Trade Rifle Regim't. 156th Regiment, P.V Bounty! Bounty!! Bounty!!! $315 $315 $315 $215 cash in hand. Men wanted for the above fine regiment now in camp at "Camp Morton" Islington Lane, opposite the "Odd-Fellows' Cemetery." The bounty will be paid on mustering in, and the men clothed, rationed, and placed in camp at once. Every tent is floored with boards, making the men's quarters perfectly comfortable. Apply at head quarters, No. 533 Chesnut Street
- Description
- The Board of Trade Rifle Regiment, the 156th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers began recruiting in the fall of 1862 with "indifferent success" and in Feb. 1863 was consolidated with recruits for the 157th Regiment. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 833, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 140., Printed in red and black., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 156th (1862-1863)
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 4# Am 1862 Uni Sta (4)5777.F.16 (McAllister)
- Title
- "Carlton, " or the Smith Mansion postcards
- Description
- Exterior view of front facade of Carlton Mansion. Purportedly named after an English castle inhabited by Queen Elizabeth I. The original house was destroyed by the British in 1777 but rebuilt in 1780 by Isaac Tustin. Served as Washington's Headquarters for a few weeks before and after the Battle of Brandywine. Purchased by Cornelius S. Smith in May of 1840 and later bequeathed to his children., Part of the Roxborough Plantation., Sheet number: 102B13., Undivided backs., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Brightbill, George M., collector
- Date
- ca. 1905
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Brightbill postcards [Germantown - Mansions - 102]
- Title
- Company E, 157th Regiment Penn'a Volunteers Col. Wm. A. Gray, $302 bounty $302 One months pay in advance, and a gum blanket for each recruit, office, No. 929 Market Street
- Description
- The Philadelphia City Guard, the 157th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, began recruiting in Oct. 1862; in 1865 it was consolidated with the 191st Regiment. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, v. 4, p. 833, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 140., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 157th (1862-1865), Company E.
- Date
- [1862?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1862 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.53e (McAllister)
- Title
- Merchants' Regiment! 146th Regiment, Penn'a Volunteers, Col. Johnston $171 $171 Men wanted at the recruiting station, 409 Chestnut St. $171 bounty! Paid to each man as follows: $2, government premium, when mustered in; $5, regimental fund; $1, premium for recruits; $50, city bounty; $25, government bounty; $13, one month's pay in advance; $75, remainder of government bounty, when mustered out of service. Ninety-six dollars in cash! Before leaving the city
- Description
- "The troops recruited for the One Hundred and Forty-sixth Regiment, never had a regimental organization, and were, consequently, assigned to other commands."--S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 551 note., The illustration is an eagle with a blank banner, perched on a horn., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 146th (1862)
- Date
- [1862?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.46d (McAllister)
- Title
- Chormann's Independent Mounted Rifle Rangers accepted by the War Department for three years! A few more good men wanted to fill up Company L, to be mustered in immediately. Each ranger will be furnished by the government with clothes and all the necessary equipments for the service, horse, sword, rifle, pistols, &c. The uniform worn by the ranger is dark blue jacket and cap, and sky-blue pants. Jacket and pants handsomely trimmed with green. Pay for privates, $14 per month. Persons desirous of becoming attached to this company will please apply immediately at the head quarters
- Description
- The 89th Regiment, 8th Cavalry of the Pennsylvania Volunteers was originally intended as a rifle regiment, but subsequently changed to cavalry; it was mustered into service in July 1861 and mustered out Aug. 1865; Ernest G. Chorman was mustered in Sept. 1861 and resigned Jan. 1862. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 3, p. 111, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 165., The illustration is an eagle with the banner: Attention! Volunteers!, Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook; cropped at head and foot, removing some of the illustration., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, 8th (1861-1865), Company L.
- Date
- [1861?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1861 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.18c (McAllister)
- Title
- To arms! To arms! Coal Regiment! 35 dollars bounty! Recruits wanted for 3 months Co. B. $25 bounty to each volunteer, in addition to $10 city bounties--making $35 in all. Alfred Day, Col. commanding
- Description
- The First Coal Trade Regiment, 40th Regiment Infantry of the Ninety-Day Militia, under command of Col. Alfred M. Day, was mustered into service July 1 and discharged Aug. 3 and 4, 1863. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 5, p. 1266, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 250., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Pennsylvania, Militia, Infantry Regiment, 40th (1863), Company B.
- Date
- [1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1863 Penn Mil (1)5777.F.36h (McAllister)
- Title
- To arms! To arms! Coal Regiment! 45 dollars bounty! Recruits wanted for 3 months Co. "A." $25 bounty to each volunteer, in addition to $20 city bounties--making $45 in all. Col. Alfred Day, commanding
- Description
- The First Coal Trade Regiment, 40th Regiment Infantry of the Ninety-Day Militia, under command of Col. Alfred M. Day, was mustered into service July 1 and discharged Aug. 3 and 4, 1863. Cf. F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 250. Samuel M. Heaton, John C. Scott, and Harry Walter ended up in Company I. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 5, p. 1266., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Pennsylvania, Militia, Infantry Regiment, 40th (1863), Company A.
- Date
- [1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1863 Penn Mil (2)5777.F.42 (McAllister)
- Title
- National Guard Regiment! Union League Brigade! Recruits will receive all authorized bounties, and their families will receive $2 per week in addition to their pay from the state. Term of service three months! State defence! Head-quarters, 605 Arch Street, & Receiver of Taxes Office, Sixth and Chestnut sts
- Description
- The Second Union League Regiment, 52nd Regiment Infantry of the Ninety-Day Militia, under command of Col. William A. Gray, was mustered into service July 9 and discharged Sept. 1, 1863. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 5, p. 1295, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 251., The illustration is a regimental parade, with a sergeant major leading, left arm raised, four drummer boys, and one mounted officer., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Pennsylvania, Militia, Infantry Regiment, 52nd (1863)
- Date
- [1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1863 Penn Mil (3)5777.F.9 (McAllister)
- Title
- Rally freemen! Look at your city's generosity! $99.00 besides your government pay. Co. F Union League Regiment! has just opened their muster rolls in Independence Square and will give the above bounty, $60 as soon as mustered in, and $13 a month to your family while you are away. Capt. Thomas is an able and old officer having risen from the ranks as a private, and knows the wants of all men. Come one! Come all! and show your love for the best country on the face of the earth
- Description
- Capt. Charles A. Thomas resigned from the 119th Pennsylvania Volunteers March 11, 1863. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 23. There were four Union League regiments recruiting in 1863: the 45th, 52nd, and 59th infantry regiments of the Pennsylvania Militia and the 183rd Infantry Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers; Thomas, Hurst, and Mezick cannot be identified with any particular regiment., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1863?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 3# Am 1863 Rally (1)5777.F.57d (McAllister)
- Title
- Fall in Fifth Ward Captain Thos. H. Taylor, late of the 69th P.V. is now organizing a company, at New Market Hall, Second & Pine Sts. for the Union League Brigade! Third Regiment, Colonel George P. McLean, com'dg. late of the 88th P.V. for state defence, 3 months or sooner discharged. All the authorized bounties paid, and families provided for. Action, not words! Must defend the state. Recruits uniformed and sent to camp at once, near the city
- Description
- The Third Union League Regiment, 59th Regiment Infantry of the Ninety-Day Militia, under command of Col. George P. McLean, was mustered into service July 1 and discharged Sept. 9, 1863. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 5, p. 1311, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 251., The illustration, signed L. Johnson & Co., in an eagle on a shield, with the banner: Our country and our flag., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Pennsylvania, Militia, Infantry Regiment, 59th (1863)
- Date
- [1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1863 Penn Mil (3)5777.F.42 (McAllister)
- Title
- To horse! To horse! $400 bounty $400 Recruits received for all regiments in the field. City and ward bounties! One more chance for the 18th Penn'a Cavalry! Co's "C and H" Office, 106 South Sixth Street. City bounty, $250. Ward bounty, from $25 to $50
- Description
- The 18th Cavalry, 163rd Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, under command of Col. Timothy M. Bryan Jr. until Dec. 1864, was organized in the fall and winter of 1862 and consolidated with the 22nd Cavalry June 24, 1865. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, v. 4, p. 1042, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 180., The illustration shows a mounted Union cavalry soldier, sabre drawn, attacking a mounted Confederate cavalry soldier., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, 18th (1862-1865)
- Date
- [1862?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 3# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.18h (McAllister)
- Title
- For your country! Now or never! Don't wait to be drafted! To horse! The foe is on us!! Young men wanted to join at once! The first troop Penn'a Light Horse! We will fight the guerillas on their own soil! Arouse, men of Pennsylvania! The rebels are menacing the homes of your fathers!! "Strike for your altars and your fires! Strike for the green graves of your sires! Strike, till the last armed foe expires!" Your countrymen have provided liberally for your families, and all the bounties for three years, or the war, will be paid men joining this troop. This troop will be organized on the principle of the Anderson Troop
- Description
- The 16th Cavalry, 161st Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, under the command of Col. J. I. Gregg until Aug. 1864, was organized in the summer and fall of 1862 and mustered out in Aug. 7, 1865; Company I, recruited primarily from Philadelphia, was led by Capt. William H. Fry, who was promoted to Major Nov. 14, 1862. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 950 and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 179., Printed in red and blue., The illustration shows a mounted Union cavalry soldier, sabre drawn, attacking a mounted Confederate soldier., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, 16th (1862-1865), Company I.
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.16h (McAllister)
- Title
- Grant's cabin postcards
- Description
- Depicts the cabin used by Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant on the east side of Carriage Drive in Fairmount Park. Served as Grant's headquarters and the supply center for the Union armies during the seige of Richmond. Moved to Philadelphia circa 1870 from City Point, Virginia as a gift to citizens of Philadelphia for their support during the Civil War. Transfered back to Virginia and rebuilt there in 1983., Contains 10 postcards printed in color and 7 printed in black and white., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Brightbill, George M., collector
- Date
- 1900-1910
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Brightbill postcards [Fairmount Park - Grant's Cabin - 70]
- Title
- Draft! Look out for prizes in the wheel of fortune on the fifth of September Volunteers, for 1 year's service, will receive, when mustered in, ... $575 Volunteers for 3 years' service, will receive, when mustered in, ... $925 Choice of regiments--cavalry, infantry, artillery or sharpshooters. $1000, and upwards, will be paid to veterans offering themselves as substitutes
- Description
- There was a draft scheduled for Philadelphia Sept. 5, 1864., Printed on yellow paper., The illustration is an eagle with a blank banner., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Paxson & McNally
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1864 Paxson (2)5777.F.14a (McAllister)