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[Unidentifed elderly African American man]

"She lives way down dar"

[Portrait of an African American family]

[African American man delivering firewood to an African American woman]

Vegetable dealer Bermuda [graphic].

A darktown wedding, the ceremony

"Dat corn takes a might site a hoe'in"

Aunt Phebe at Mcaboy's, Polk Co. North Carolina [graphic].

Aunt Phebe, Mcaboy's, N.C. [graphic].

The old and the new – “Nothin’ but niggers nohow.” [graphic].

No. 2 The introduction [graphic] / McGreer.

Testimonial banquet to Ms. Eugenia M. Neal. Daughter Ruler Keystone Temple, No. 448 I.B.P.O.E.W., Dec. 8, 1930. O. V. Catto Elks Home, Philadelphia. [graphic] / Standard Photo Service, 1357 South St., Phila., Pa.