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Foxy Granduncle's first mistake. How is that? Hello! Hello! Hello! Well, well, well! What's this?

[Portrait of an unidentified older man, who is blind, facing slightly right] [graphic].

Mother and great-grand-aunt of the two daughters [graphic].

Theo. Leonhardt & Son, importers of cards, 324 & 326 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

Scandal and slander are what you deal in

Infancy to old age.

[Full-length portrait of an unidentified older woman seated in a wheelchair] [graphic].

A bran new coon in town

Use Merrick's thread. "Gully this cotton beats 'em all!" [graphic].

[Racist metamorphic New Years Day card depicting a man kissing a series of women, including a grotesquely depicted African American woman] [graphic].

J.C. Hand & Co. Fine furniture, no. 1205 Market Street, Philadelphia. [graphic].

[J. & P. Coat's thread trade cards]

Sunday laws : Hanging the cat on Monday for killing the mouse on Sunday. [graphic]

The Salt River gazette---extra, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1867. [graphic]: The Great Negro Party--born, 1856--died Oct. 8, 1867.

Reading the Emancipation Proclamation