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Now Montgomery Ave. and 27th Street, South of Glenwood Ave.

Elliott's fine millinery. 54 N. Eighth Street, Philadelphia. Entrance also, wholesale dep't, 808 Arch Street.

Wife of Robert Elliston. Original paintings on wood in procession of Mrs. Quill, Smiths' Parish, Bermuda [graphic].

Robert Elliston. Original painting on wood in possession of Mrs. Quill, Smith Parish, Bermuda [graphic].

American Steamship Company's Exhibit - Machinery Hall

Interior of Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pa.

Art Gallery.

Singer Sewing Machine Company's Building, Interior

Memorial Hall Annex - American department.

Memorial Hall Annex, Am. Dept.

Fine Art Gallery.

Fine Art Gallery.

Fine Art Gallery.

Fine Art Gallery.

[William Penn Parlor, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

[Fine Art Gallery, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

[Fine Art Gallery, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

The Penn Parlor.

[Interior views of the McAllister Residence, 14 North Merrick Street, West Penn Square, Philadelphia]