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[Frederick Brown's Ginger trade cards]

[Drs. Starkey & Palen's Compound Oxygen, 1529 Arch Street, Philadelphia]

London Mfg. Co. essences of meats, 77 & 79 Varick Street, New York.

[Thermaline, manufactured by Dundas Dick & Co., New York]

Pleis' fit powders & liver pills, Phila. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Horsford's acid phosphate for mental & physical exhaustion, dyspepsia &c. It makes a delicious drink with water & sugar only. Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R.I.

Use ideal quinine and sulphur soap.

For the world of sufferers. For warding off disease. For securing good health. To enjoy cheerful spirits, health, and happiness. Take Simmons Liver Regulator.

Dundas Dick & Co.'s compliments. 1776-1876.

Use Dalley's magical pain extractor. The great family ointment.

[Carter Medicine Co. trade cards]

Dr. Browning's C. & C. cordial. For coughs and colds.

Henry C. Blair's Sons, apothecaries, [8th and Walnut Sts.], Philadelphia.

[Tarrant & Co.'s Seltzer Aperient trade cards]

Sine's tar, wild cherry, and hoarhound. Turkish ladies' noontime amusement, while gathering herbs for Sine's syrup of tar, wild cherry and hoarhound.

The American Health Cushion Co.

Buckingham's dye for the whiskers.

[Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co. trade cards]

Hall's vegetable Sicilian hair renewer. Prevents gray hairs and baldness.

Ask for Liebig Company's extract of meat. Annual sale, four million jars.

[Van Stan's Stratena and Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil trade cards]

[Dr. Jayne's medications trade cards]

[Wm. F. Simes & Son trade cards]