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Independent Corn Exchange Guards! Company A! : Attention! A picked company is being recruited by members of the Corn Exchange Association, at their armory, Second St. above Walnut for three months' service. The men will be thoroughly equipped at private e

Union League Reg't three months. : Recruits wanted for Company D Pay, clothing and subsistence under the auspices of the Union League of Philadelphia. All the bounties will be paid and the regiment filling up rapidly. Recruiting station, N.E. cor. Second

To arms! $10 extra bounty! $10 extra bounty! : Our favorite in the field again! Col. George P. McLean, late Col. of the 88th P.V. Recruits wanted for Co. I. For 3 months' duty in the state's service only! Apply at the armory, at Tenth and Noble Streets. /

To arms! $10 $10 extra bounty! : Co. I Union League Reg't for 3 months' state service Headquarters Independence Square / Capt. R.F. Anderson, late of the 110th P.V. 1st Lieut. A.W. McIlroy. 2d do. [blank]

Dana Troop! : A troop of cavalry of the above name, composed of the late members of the Anderson Cavalry, and their friends, is now recruiting at 1010 Chestnut Street. A few respectable young men wanted to fill the company. Horses and equipments furnished

$50 bounty! Gray Reserve Reg't Recruits wanted for "Co. F" 100 days' service! : Apply at once, at Armory, Broad St. bel. Race. Captain Kennedy.

$50 bounty! Gray Reserve Reg't Recruits wanted for "Co. K" 100 days' service! : Apply at once, at Armory, Broad St. bel. Race. J.G. Brittain, recruiting sargeant.

"One more blow for the Union." A hundred days of glory! : In obedience to the calls of the president and governor, the 60th Regiment P.V.M. will again take the field in defence of the Union and of the violated soil of the state. All young men desirous of

Recruits wanted for the independent company Corn Exchange Guard! : For the defence of the state! Head-quarters: Corn Exchange, 2d St. above Walnut / Capt. B. Lloyd James.

Avoid the draft! : Connect yourself immediately with the Keystone Artillery! For state defence, in response to the governor's proclamation. Recruits wanted at the city arsenal, Race Street below Broad, and at Independence Hall. Do not delay, come at once,

Rally for the Keystone State! : To arms To arms Now is your chance to avoid the draft! 20 men wanted! To fill a company now forming for state defence, under the command of experienced officers. / Capt. A. McCormick. 1st Lieut. Luke Shearer. 2d Lieut. J. K

To arms! To arms! : Recruits wanted to fill up independent company, for defence of the city or state. Head-quarters, Jermon & Jones' Mill, Girard Avenue and Vienna Sts.

Recruits wanted for the Keystone Artillery for temporary service, in the defence of your state. : Head-quarters 808 Filbert Street.

Twenty five volunteers wanted! : For immediate service in the Garabaldi Legion, to complete Capt. ... Hagan's company. Apply at the N.W. cor. 5th & Prune St. second story. Men who enroll at this rendezvous will be provided with three meals a day.

Capt. Phillips' company, attached to Col. G. Wallace's regiment, infanty. : Headquarters, No. 426 Chestnut Street, Government Buildings. A few more good men wanted. / 1st Lieut. E.L. Poak, 2d " L.T. Matlack. Capt. E.J. Phillips.

Avoid the draft : Three months' men called for to defend their own state, to be commanded by experienced officers. All the privileges guaranteed, will be paid. / By order of C. Young, Captain. John E. Milner, 1st Lieut. [blank] 2d Lieut. Apply at the rend

Commissioners' office, [blank] 1862. SS. : I hereby certify that I have accepted [blank] as a substitute for [blank] the said [blank] having been drafted according to law, to serve in the Militia of the state of Pennsylvania, from the county of [blank] on

To arms! To arms! Coal Regiment! : 35 dollars bounty! Recruits wanted for 3 months Co. B. $25 bounty to each volunteer, in addition to $10 city bounties--making $35 in all. Alfred Day, Col. commanding. / Capt. Theo. Burkhart. 1st Lieut. [blank] 2d Lieut.

One more rally for the Old Keystone State : "Let no one refuse to arm who will not be able to justify himself before man and God, in sight of a desolated hearth or a dishonored family." Coal Regiment! Alfred Day, Col. commanding. A company is now organizi

To arms! To arms! Coal Regiment! : 45 dollars bounty! Recruits wanted for 3 months Co. "A." $25 bounty to each volunteer, in addition to $20 city bounties--making $45 in all. Col. Alfred Day, commanding. / Capt. S.M. Heaton. 1st Lieut. John C. Scott. 2d L

National Guard Regiment! Union League Brigade! : Recruits will receive all authorized bounties, and their families will receive $2 per week in addition to their pay from the state. Term of service three months! State defence! Head-quarters, 605 Arch Stree

1st Pa. Chasseurs! Sharpshooters! : Men equipped, and sent to camp soon as mustered in, at Broad and Germantown R.R. This regiment is attached to the Union League Brigade! / Charles Lespes, Colonel, 402 Ranstead Place. T. Ellwood Zell, Lieut. Colonel, 17

Rally freemen! Look at your city's generosity! : $99.00 besides your government pay. Co. F Union League Regiment! has just opened their muster rolls in Independence Square and will give the above bounty, $60 as soon as mustered in, and $13 a month to your

$35 bounty! Fall in boys and get rid of the draft! : by joining Captain V. Marchal's company of the 1st Penn'a Chasseurs Union League Brigade! Six months service! Charles Lespes, Col. T. Ellwood Zell, Lieut. Col. Company head-quarters, 526 Prune St. / V.

Fall in Fifth Ward : Captain Thos. H. Taylor, late of the 69th P.V. is now organizing a company, at New Market Hall, Second & Pine Sts. for the Union League Brigade! Third Regiment, Colonel George P. McLean, com'dg. late of the 88th P.V. for state defence

To arms! To arms! : Recruits wanted to fill up an independent company! To be joined to any regiment the company may determine upon hereafter for service in the war. Bounty, $412 for three years' recruits. Head-quarters, in Independence Square / John Young

Rally 'round the flag, boys! Let the eagle scream! $25 bounty. $25 bounty. : For 100 days' service Cash bounty, "$25" as soon as mustered in. Pay "$16" per month. Recruits wanted for Co. E 20th Regiment P.V.M. Apply at once at the Custom House; 533 Chestn

Recruits wanted! For the state service! : Company M, 20th Regim't, Col. Wm. B. Thomas, commanding. Apply at head-quarters, Custom House. / D.P. Billington, Capt. commanding Co. M,

Rally to the defence of the Old Keystone State! : "Action, not words" All who wish immediately to go to the defence of our state, and do what they can to repel the invaders now threatening our firesides, are requested to come forth and enroll their names

Volunteers wanted for Dallas Guards, : at the Old Church, Crown St. above Race This company is connected with Col. Conroy's regiment, and will got into camp immediately. The men will be fed and quartered at our head quarters until mustered into service. /

Attention! 10 more men wanted : to fill Company D, Jefferson Guards, attached to Col. Conroy's regiment, which will go into camp in a few days. Men will be fed and quartered at our head quarters, 2130 Market St. / John Moore, Captain.

Philad'a Guards three months. Recruits wanted! : All the city bounties secured. Arms, clothing, and all necessities furnished. Fall in Recruiting office, 516 South Fourth St. / Capt. Samuel Davies.

To arms! To arms! State defence! 4th Penn'a artillery! : Colonel Chas. Angeroth, has just returned from Harrisburg with orders to recruit a regiment of artillery for six months service in the state defence. All the state and city bounty given! Rally under

Company C, Third Regiment, Reserve Brigade : Recruits wanted immediately for Co. C, 3d Regiment, Reserve Brigade, now recruiting at Commissioners' Hall, 37th & Market Streets to serve under the call of the governor, for a period of three months, unless so

To arms! A few more men wanted to fill up the Darby Rangers! : Attached to the 29th Reg't P.S.M., Col Hawley. The National Union League of Darby will give $10 bounty! A woolen shirt and gum blanket to every man who will join the rangers, now mustered in f

Coal Regiment! : $50 bounty! Fall in! Fall in! For 100 days! Company F recruiting at C.B. Miller's, 741 Spring Garden St. / Wm. Wilson, Capt.

Philadelphians rally! and defend your state! : $25 bounty as soon as mustered into the service. $10 Citizens' bounty. $50 City Council bounty. $85 bounties in full! 3d Union League Reg't Colonel George P. McLean. / Captain Charles Henry, late Capt. Co. H,

Rally bush whackers! For the defence of Pennsylvania. : Recruits wanted for an independent company of bush whackers. $60 bounty given. Uniformed and equipped immediately. Head quarters, Nos. 721 & 732 South Front Street. / S.B. Butland, 1st Lieut. F. John

Volunteers wanted for Company F : to be attached to the Thomas A. Scott Regiment Col. Conroy, commanding. To be mustered in and proceed to camp at once. Rendezvous Sixth and Minor Streets and 21st and Market Streets / John T. O'Brien, Capt. Wm. H. Conroy,

For 100 days! By order of the Secretary of War. : Recruits wanted to fill Company "I" 20th Regiment P.V.M. Wm. B. Thomas, Col. commanding. City bounty, "$25" when mustered in. Monthy pay now "$16." Recruits received at "McClellan House," 2d & Washington A

Recruits wanted for 100 days' service in Company A 20th Regiment P.V.M. : This regiment has been accepted by the War Department for 100 days for duty in the state or elsewhere. Recruiting stations at regim'l head-quarters, No. 533 Chestnut Street, and at

Recruits wanted immediately : to fill up a company to be attached to the Third Regiment Reserve Brigade Col. C.M. Eakin. Now at Camp Dupont. The men will be furnished with all necessary equipments before leaving the city. The regiment is provided with Sib

Turn out for state defence! : Schuylkill Guards (Union League Regiment) for three months' service Men wanted to fill the above company now organizing for state defence for three months. Mustered in and equipped before leaving. Head quarters, Schuylkill Ho

Notice! : A meeting of the citizens of the 4th prec., 24th Ward, will be held at the house of John Cruise, West Falls of Schuylkill, on the evening of [blank] for the purpose of forming a military organization, in accordance with the proclamation of the g

Attention! 20 more men wanted : to fill Capt. Connor's Rangers attached to the Thomas A. Scott Regiment, Col. Conroy commanding. Apply at 2312 Chestnut St., and corner of Bank and South Streets. / Thos. Connor, Captain. N.B. Pay and rations commence from

To the rescue! Bucks County expects every man to do his duty. : $152 bounty! And one month's pay in advance. One flag! One country! Don't wait to be drafted, but come at once and enroll in the new Bucks Co. company now forming in Doylestown, to serve for
