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[Sallie, Mary, & Anne Emlen, Mr. Heins, Jennie Jones, Alice Shipley & Bess. Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue] [graphic]

Group under elm [Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue]. German class. Sallie, Mary & Anne Emlen, Mr. Heins, Jennie Jones, Alice Shipley & Bess [graphic].

Group. Ellie & Anna Rhoads, Bessie & Sam [Porch of Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue] [graphic].

Old Littell-Morris house, Main & High Sts., showing also Dr. Dunton's house &c., [Germantown] [graphic].

Lecompton funeral. [graphic] / Hy.

The Salt River gazette---extra, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1867. [graphic]: The Great Negro Party--born, 1856--died Oct. 8, 1867.

A view of Point Airy opposite South Street, Phila.

Outing of Philadelphia politicians at Ed Vare's Fort Pierce, Fla. place

[Charles J. Webb Company float during a parade along a Philadelphia street]

Elliston P. Morris Jr., Wm. Marriott Canby, Majorie Canby, Jane Rhoads Morris & Marriott C. Morris Jr. on side steps, 6706 Cresheim Rd., Pelham [graphic].

Ellizabeth C. Morris with Marriott C. Morris Jr. 6706 Cresheim Rd. Jane R. Morris in background [graphic].

Elizabeth C. Morris, Elliston 2 yrs, Marriott 6 months [in] backy[ar]d, 6706 Cresheim Rd, Pelham [graphic].

Celluloid waterproof collars, cuffs & shirt bosoms. [graphic] : Economical, durable, handsome.

Jane Rhoads Morris & her children [graphic].

J[ane] R[hoads] M[orris] reading to her kids. 131 W. Walnut La[ne], [Philadelphia] [graphic].

Civil War Manuscripts, 1854-1868 (inclusive).

[Stevens-Cogdell/Sanders-Venning family photograph album]

Masonic memorial [graphic] / Ch. Inger, del.

[Sketchbook of Europe, Boston, and the Philadelphia area] [graphic].

[William H. Helfand graphic popular medicine stationery collection]

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States and United Kingdom, 1850-1879]

[Webster family portrait on side porch of 4900 Penn Street, Philadelphia, Pa.] [graphic].

Group in our garden. Cos. Lill, Bells, Edith & Morris Wistar. Cos Lizzie, John & Anchen Morris & Bess. [Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue] [graphic].

[Cos. Lill, Bella & Edith & Morris Wistar. Cos. Lizzie & John & Anchen Morris & Bess. Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue] [graphic].

Family group at back porch of 4782 Main St., [Deshler-Morris House], Father, Bess, Hannah, Mother, Aunt Lydia, Uncle Charles Rhoads, Auntie Beulah. Geo. S. Morris & Catherine Harman. [Germantown] [graphic].

[Family group at back porch of Deshler-Morris House, 4782 Main St. Father, Bess, Hannah, Mother, Aunt Lydia, Uncle Charles Rhoads, Auntie Beulah. Geo. S. Morris & Catherine Harman. Germantown] [graphic].

Group in our garden. Germantown, 5/5 '87. [Group in our Garden. Cos. Lill, Bella, & Edith & Morris Wistar. Cos Lizzie & John & Anchen Morris & Bess] [graphic].


Specimen sheet Union, patriotic and humorous designs upon envelopes

An Au-Gust Convention [graphic].

Improved Authors with Portraits & Autographs Card Game

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States, 1886-1899]

[Webster family portrait at Stouton, Philadelphia, Pa.] [graphic].

Richard DeReef Venning Photograph Album

[Album of Richard DeReef Venning] [graphic].

From the plantation to the senate

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States and United Kingdom, 1883-1905]

[Collection of letterheads, stationery, and form letters of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States and Canada]

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States, 1882-1902]

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States, 1852-1879]

Ribbons & Textiles Collection. 1832-1880 (inclusive).

Distinguished colored men

Stevens-Cogdell/Sanders-Venning Hinkson Portrait Collection

Arthur Power Dudden Travel Ephemera Collection

[Collection of letterheads, stationery, and form letters of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States and Canada]

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States and United Kingdom, 1880-1898]

Arthur Power Dudden collection of railroad, steamboat, and omnibus passes
