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[West bank of the Schuylkill River from Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia]

Girard Ave. Bridge.

Mineral spring fountain.

View on the Schuylkill.

No. [blank] Philadelphia County, ss. [blank] has paid to me for the use of the commonwealth, twenty dollars

View in the park.

Fish pool and fountain.

On the Wissahickon.

The joys of winter on the Wissahickon Drive, Philadelphia.

Steam tugs, Columbus and Alert. Vessels of all classes towed to and from sea and about the harbor; towing to and from Schuylkill and all other descriptions promptly attended to. S. Flanagan No. 78 South Delaware Avenue.

N. E. view of the old court house in Market Street Philada.

S. W. view of the old court house in Market Street, Philada at the time of its being taken down (7th April 1837)

Comly Ville near Frankford - Philadelphia Co.

U.S. Custom House postcards.

[Woman standing with chickens on roof of building at 10th and Ellsworth Streets, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Trees covered in ice and snow west of 69th Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Boys digging near Schuylkill River, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Unidentified residences in Manayunk, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Court off Ellsworth St. No. side E of 10 St. [graphic].

Satterlee Heights. Satterlee Hospital Grounds, 27th Ward. West Philadelphia.

[Schuylkill River and houses atop hill in Manyaunk, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Unidentified woman standing at gateway] [graphic].

Rittenhouse Sq. Our little magnolia tree in winter time. [graphic].

[Philadelphia residence -- unidentified location] [graphic].

[Row houses, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[View of rooftop chicken coop at 10th and Ellsworth Streets, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Roof of Post Office, 9th Street between Market and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Pine tree - Bartram gardens Phila. [graphic].

[Cedar and oak trees on a private estate along the upper Delaware River] [graphic].

Frankford Creek at Frankford Ave., looking east [graphic].

A noble old oak. [graphic].

Callowhill St. Bridge, Phila.

Girard Ave. Bridge from south side of bridge looking to the city

New Girard Avenue Bridge

[Industrial buildings lining canal in Manayunk, Philadelphia during winter] [graphic].

[Industrial buildings lining canal in Manayunk, Philadelphia, during winter] [graphic].

New York R.R. Bridge

[Stone foundation at construction site and rear of row houses, Philadelphia] [graphic].

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor.

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor. [graphic] / Langenheim.

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor.

View of Philadelphia harbor, Philadelphia, Pa.

View of Philadelphia harbor, Philadelphia, Pa. [graphic] / Langenheim.

View of Philadelphia harbor, Philadelphia, Pa.

Aerial view of Darby, Pennsylvania [graphic].

Reminiscences of a fancy dress ball, in Philadelphia, February 1850.

Camp Dupont

Scene on the Wissahickon

Fountain in Franklin Square Philad.

View of the Fountain in Franklin Square, Philadelphia.
