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Women's Pavilion and New Jersey State Building.

English Commissioner's Building.

Thin Legs.

Agricultural Avenue

General view of German section - Main Building.

Horticultural Building - S.W. Forcing Room

Winged Horses.

Machinery Hall - Pump Annex

The American Volunteer (Granite Statue).

State buildings from Machinery Hall.

The American Volunteer (granite statue).

Pennsylvania Day - instantaneous view.

An Aspiring Soldier.

Main Building - Western entrance.

Fountain Avenue.

Maryland State Building.

Horticultural Building - S. E. Forcinf Room - March

Monitor Turret

Swedish School House.

Operti's Tropical Garden

La Roche & Stahl florist shop, 1237 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia

The End of Old Maids.

Old Maid.

Waiting for an Offer.

View of the old Capitol. [graphic].

Brandt's Hall! : Manager, S.C. Dubois Mr. Dubois, the manager, gives notice that every exertion will be made by him to preserve the strictest order and ensure the comfort of all those who wish to pass a pleasant evening in the hall. The citizens of Harris

Grover's Theatre Pennsylvania Avenue, near Willard's Hotel. : Leonard Grover, director also, of Grover's Chestnut St. Theatre, Philadelphia. Wednesday evening, April 20, 1864, Boucicault's great American drama The octoroon! The entire press speak of this

Grover's Theatre Pennsylvania Avenue, near Willard's Hotel. : Leonard Grover, director also, of Grover's Chestnut St. Theatre, Philadelphia. This Friday evening, April 22, 1864 last time, most positively, of Grover's great Philadelphia company This great

Library Company of Philadelphia scrapbook

David Murray, our waiter at Haverford [College] & his wife at door of Gym [graphic].

Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa the African

Plan of the isle of Trinidad from actual surveys made in the year 1797 [cartographic material] / Engraved by George Allen, 19 Shoe Lane, Fleet Str.

A darktown wedding, the ceremony

A bran new coon in town

Pennsylvania Colonization Society

Imperméables, Au Roi du Caoutchouc [graphic]

"Ariosa" Coffee. One gleam of consolation. From "Judge" by permission [graphic].

Dis yer misery makes dis chile done gone mournin orful! orful! No. 18 cured this gempleman thanks to massa Hartshorn. [graphic].

Noix de coco for puddings, pies, and pastry. Manufactured by Warner & Merritt. Philadelphia. [graphic].

Ask for the "Wenck" perfumes. (Warranted the best.) And take no other. [graphic].

Use Merrick's thread. "Gully this cotton beats 'em all!" [graphic].

[Racist metamorphic New Years Day card depicting a man kissing a series of women, including a grotesquely depicted African American woman] [graphic].

Midway Plaisance-Dahomans [graphic].

"Dat corn takes a might site a hoe'in"



J.C. Hand & Co. Fine furniture, no. 1205 Market Street, Philadelphia. [graphic].


[Arabic fragment, a West African gris-gris]

