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Use Merrick's thread. "Gully this cotton beats 'em all!" [graphic].

The love drop [graphic].

[The love drop] [graphic].

La Bamboula. [graphic].

Correos. America del Sur [graphic].

[Correos. America del Sur] [graphic].

Cuba. Sugar plantation. Havana City and Harbor. Morro Castle. Santiago Cuba [graphic].

[African American man with a basket of produce and carrying a dead duck] [graphic].

[African man fanning a white woman in a hammock] [graphic].

Mirth! music! originality! The success of the season! "Jollities" [graphic].

Go to Edelman's for your kid gloves, zephyrs, ribbons and hosiery, 335 Northampton St., Easton, PA. [graphic].

Imperméables, Au Roi du Caoutchouc [graphic]

"Ariosa" Coffee. One gleam of consolation. From "Judge" by permission [graphic].

Dis yer misery makes dis chile done gone mournin orful! orful! No. 18 cured this gempleman thanks to massa Hartshorn. [graphic].

Noix de coco for puddings, pies, and pastry. Manufactured by Warner & Merritt. Philadelphia. [graphic].

Ask for the "Wenck" perfumes. (Warranted the best.) And take no other. [graphic].

Compliments of the Domestic Sewing Machine Co. [graphic].

Bloch. Bros. West Virgina mail pouch tobacco. I tell you breddern, it pays you to read erbout W.V.A Mail Pouch terbacker on de oder side dis yer card [graphic].

Standard java, Chase & Sanborn, Boston [graphic].

Ayer's cathartic pills. (The country doctor) [graphic].

Compliments of the Domestic Sewing Machine Co. [graphic].

The Hunters three and O.N.T. [graphic].

Compliments of the Domestic Sewing Machine Co. [graphic].