(51 - 100 of 392)
- Title
- Illinois State Building.
- Description
- Several men and women sit and stand on porch and in front of building with shrubs in foreground.
- Creator
- Centennial Photographic Co., photographer., creator
- Date
- 1876
- Location
- Centennial album [P.8965.10e]
- Title
- Max Rosenthal Collection of Portraits Scrapbook
- Description
- Bound volume of portraits primarily delineated by Max Rosenthal showing prominent Philadelphians, and historical and military figures, including members of the Continental Congress, clergyman, legislators, government officials, physicians, military officers, artists, and authors. Contains full-length, half-length, bust-length, and profile portraits, with some containing backgrounds and props. Also includes the front page of a September 1885 edition of "Paper and Press" containing a portrait and biography of Philadelphia publisher Henry Carey Baird and an article about printed blanks.
- Title
- Woman Chief.
- Description
- In The life and adventures of James P. Beckwourth (New York, 1856), p. [203]., The Native American woman was taken captive and adopted by the Crows when she was about ten. After excelling as a warrior, she became a chief, and was known as Bíawacheeitchish, or Woman Chief. She married four women in her lodge. In his autobiography, James Pierson Beckwourth, calling her Pine Leaf or Bar-chee-am-pe, claims to have had a romantic relationship with her., Full-length portrait of the woman warrior astride a horse.
- Date
- [1856?]
- Title
- Floral Hall - Horticultural Building.
- Description
- Interior view showing walkway lined with plant urns. Also shows, trees, various plants, chandeliers, and two men.
- Creator
- Centennial Photographic Co., photographer., creator
- Date
- 1876
- Location
- Centennial album [P.8965.33d]
- Title
- New York State Building.
- Description
- Exterior view of building with people standing along walkways and railroad tracks in foreground.
- Creator
- Centennial Photographic Co., photographer., creator
- Date
- 1876
- Location
- Centennial album [P.8965.8a]
- Title
- Mammoth Grape Vine in Santa Barbara
- Description
- Exterior view showing a vineyard with a mammoth grape vine at the center, and a woman seated beneath. Also shows surrounding grape vines, shrubs, and a partial view of a porch with an empty chair.
- Creator
- Centennial Photographic Co., photographer., creator
- Date
- 1876
- Location
- Centennial album [P.8965.27f]
- Title
- Main Building, from east end.
- Description
- Exterior of the building. In front are people, railroad tracks, streetlamps, a carriage, and shrubbery. Above are clouds.
- Creator
- Centennial Photographic Co., photographer., creator
- Date
- 1876
- Location
- *Centennial - photos [P.8700.6]
- Title
- A Jolly Old Maid.
- Description
- The old maid wears a yellow and red ball gown with lace gloves. She holds up her skirt to dance. She has numerous wrinkles., Text: Of all the olds maids that ever I knew, / There never was one half so jolly as you; / A mistake there has been, I am much afraid, / You ne'er were intended to be an old maid., Provenance: McAllister, John A. (John Allister), 1822-1896, collector.
- Date
- [between 1840 and 1880?]
- Title
- Sighing for a Wife.
- Description
- A man with disheveled hair sits at a table with his chin resting on one hand. In the other hand, he holds a handkerchief., Text: O! you sigh for a wife-- how funny / No a girl must be flat indeed, / Unless you had mints of money, / To take up such a broken reed., Provenance: McAllister, John A. (John Allister), 1822-1896, collector.
- Date
- [between 1840 and 1880?]
- Title
- To a Bachelor.
- Description
- A seated man sews a sock by candelight., Text: This picture I send, to show you your end, / The end of not only a few-- / Old Nick I intend as your intimate friend, / For the devil serves thus such fellows as you. / Alas, you poor fool! 'tis plain to be seen / That one thus to live, indeed, 'tis a sin: / There's plenty to have you, if you only knew it, / 'Tis certain, indeed, you never would rue it., Provenance: McAllister, John A. (John Allister), 1822-1896, collector.
- Date
- [between 1840 and 1880?]
- Title
- The Old Bachelor.
- Description
- The bachelor walks holding a large umbrella under his arm. His nose and chin point towards a statue of a naked woman., Text: Your buttonless shirt, and ragged coat sleeves, / Proclaim you to be an old Bach; / Pray hunt up some young maid, I really believe / If you tried, you would soon make a match., Provenance: McAllister, John A. (John Allister), 1822-1896, collector.
- Date
- [between 1840 and 1880?]
- Title
- Oh! For a Husband.
- Description
- A woman stands with her eyes half open. The sender mocks the recipient's desire for marriage., Text: It is not good for a man to be alone, / Nor woman either-- so you're always sighing; / So you will strive to be the rib of one / Good man, if you should even die in trying., Provenance: McAllister, John A. (John Allister), 1822-1896, collector.
- Date
- [between 1840 and 1880?]
- Title
- Old Bachelor.
- Description
- The "Old Bachelor" sits on a stool in front of a fireplace. He holds a toasting fork, and a kettle sits near the fire. His appearance is generally ragged, with an overgrown beard, disheveled hair, and holes in his socks., Text: O! poor old Bach; you must be lonely, / Your stake in life is small; / I look at you, and wonder only / How you exist at all., Provenance: McAllister, John A. (John Allister), 1822-1896, collector.
- Date
- [between 1840 and 1880?]
- Title
- The Philadelphia Home for Incurables postcards
- Description
- Contains images of The Philadelphia Home for Incurables at Belmont and Conshohocken Avenues. Includes views of Inglis House built in 1927 after designs by Ballinger Company, showing elderly women sitting near the circle in front of the building. Also depicts an interior view of Founders Hall., Sheet numbers: 138B15 and 138B16., Divided backs., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Brightbill, George M., collector
- Date
- ca. 1930
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Brightbill postcards [Organizations (By Name) - 138]
- Title
- [Rising Sun Stove Polish by Morse Bros. trade cards]
- Description
- Series of illustrated trade cards depicting two cause and effect scenarios entitled "The story of a foolish man" and "The story of a wise man". In the four panels of "The story of a foolish man," a businessman buys an imitation stove polish from an "unprincipaled dealer" and as a result, suffers a cranky maid, dirty stove and late meals, which forces him to lose money and business. In the four panels of "The story of a wise man," a businessman purchases Rising Sun Stove Polish from a "respectable store" and as a result, enjoys a happy home, which allows him to tend to his business and eventually become a wealthy and well-respected Congressman. One print [1975.F.722] also depicts a package of Rising Sun Stove Polish on the verso and the other [1975.F.725] includes a bird's eye view of Morse Bros. manufactory in Canton, Massachusetts., Title supplied by cataloger., Advertising text printed on versos promotes Rising Sun Stove Polish created by Morse Bros. of Canton, Massachusetts. Cautions viewer to avoid imitations., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Rising [1975.F.722 & 1975.F.725]
- Title
- [Specimens album loose prints collection]
- Description
- Collection of loose prints from a specimen album probably compiled by a printer once associated with the Philadelphia lithographic firm Stein and Jones. Contains chromolithographic art supplements and advertising specimens; proof sheets; checks, bank notes billheads, and receipts; trade cards and labels; vignette specimens; proof sheets; and illustrations. Businesses and trades represented include banks, manufacturers, and the textile industry. Collection also includes a proof of a trade catalog for gas pipe fittings; job work, including an 1877 broadside for an "Assessor's Registry of Voters" of a Philadelphia ward; an advertising print for the Walnut Street House (Cincinnati, Oh.); and a sheet music cover containing a landscape view., Title supplied by cataloger., Various printers, including Simeon Boerum; Ehrgott, Fobriger & Co.; Geo. S. Harris & Sons; J. Ottmann; and Wm. F. Murphy Sons., Originally part of Specimens Album [P.9349]., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- [ca. 1860-ca. 1898]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *albums (flat) [P.9349.275-472]
- Title
- Geo. W. Taylor, n.w. cor. of Fifth and Cherry Streets, Philadelphia, manufacturer and vendor of free labor dry goods. Wholesale and retail free labor warehouse. Free labor groceries for sale
- Description
- Business card with printed type for the member of the Philadelphia Free Produce Association of Friends. Taylor, a Quaker, operated a textile mill that used only non-enslaved cotton as part of the Free Labor Movement. The movement active from the 1790s to the end of the Civil War advocated the boycott of goods produced by enslaved labor., Title from item., Date from manuscript note on verso: E.C. Knight & Co. 2 Bags Java Coffee for Geo. W. Taylor 11/21 '64., Originally part of the Library Company of Philadelphia Miscellaneous Ephemera Collection., Accessioned 2012., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [ca. 1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - T [P.2012.9.7]
- Title
- Camp Washington, near Centennial grounds, July, 1876. 7th Regiment N.G. Col. E. Clark, Com
- Description
- View showing the campground for the New York National Guard troop participating in the Great Military Parade held July 4, 1876 during the Centennial Exhibition. Most of the regiment stands in formation under the command of an officer on horseback in front of rows of tents in a clearing of trees at West Fairmount Park. Also shows the American flag flying over the camp, cannons, and a few soldiers on guard near a tent in the foreground. The Centennial Exhibition celebrated the centennial of the United States through an international exhibition of industry, agriculture, and art from May 10 to October 10, 1876. The Great Military Parade included around 10,000 military who processed through the city for over one and half hours., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 80
- Creator
- Rosenthal, Max, 1833-1918
- Date
- [1876]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *BW - Military [P.9684]
- Title
- [Collection of portraits]
- Description
- Bound volume of portraits primarily delineated by Max Rosenthal showing prominent Philadelphians, and historical and military figures, including members of the Continental Congress, clergyman, legislators, government officials, physicians, military officers, artists, and authors. Contains full-length, half-length, bust-length, and profile portraits, with some containing backgrounds and props. Also includes the front page of a September 1885 edition of "Paper and Press" containing a portrait and biography of Philadelphia publisher Henry Carey Baird and an article about printed blanks., Sitters include Daniel Agnew; William Allen; Richard Bache; Phineas Bond; Thomas Cadwalader; Stephen Decatur; William Ellery, Elizabeth Graeme Fergusson; Miers Fisher; Nicholas Gilman; Ann Diggs Graeme; Thomas Graeme; Joseph Hemphill; Thomas Hopkinson; Jare Ingersoll (1722-1801); Jared Ingersoll (1749-1822); Joel Jones; Moses and Samson Levy; Brockholst Livingston; James Mease; Rev. Henry Morton; William Plumstead; Samuel Powell; Charles B.J.F. de Saint-Memin; Edward Shippen; Edward, James, Matthew, and William Tilghman;George Walton, George M. and Thomas I. Wharton; William Whipple; and Jasper Yeates., Title from stamp on spine., Manuscript index of sitters (1-100) date stamped September 11, 1883 pasted in front of volume., Majority of lithographs signed: MR., Some prints include facsimile signature of sitter., Some sitters identified by manuscript notes., Two of the engravings after daguerreotypes by McClees & Germon., Engravers, lithographers, and printers include Max and L. N. Rosenthal, John Sartain, Henry S. Wagner, and Robert Whitechurch., Max Rosenthal was a skilled lithographer, mezzotint engraver, and painter who delineated the majority of the chromolithographs for the firm he operated with his brothers Louis N., Morris (i.e., Maurice), and Simon Rosenthal in Philadelphia from 1851 to circa 1872. Rosenthal continued to work as an artist and lithographer until 1910., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Index of sitters available at repository.
- Date
- [ca. 1855-ca. 1885]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums [Uz 3 10536.Q]
- Title
- Copy of the picture of the Semi-Centennial Reunion at Haverford [College] 10/27 '83
- Description
- Glass negative showing a framed photograph of a large group posed in front of Barclay Hall, the brick residential hall with a prominent central spire at Haverford College. The caption below the image reads, "Semi-Centennial Re-Union, Haverford College, Tenth Month 27th 1883, - Barclay Hall." Barclay Hall was built in 1877 to expand the living quarters of the college, originally founded in 1833., Time: 2:30, Light: Dark day, no sun., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
- Creator
- Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
- Date
- May 29, 1887
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.1131]
- Title
- Class of '89, Haverford College
- Description
- Glass negative showing the Haverford College (founded 1833) class of 1889 posed in a stone doorway with a pointed arch. The men in the last few rows stand while the first row sits on the stair. Most of the men wear jackets and hats., Photographer remarks: Developed too slowly? Intens. 5/85., Time: 1:35, Light: Good light, Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
- Creator
- Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
- Date
- October 7, 1885
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.770]
- Title
- Class of '89, Haverford [College]
- Description
- Glass negative showing the Haverford College (founded 1833) class of 1889 posed in a stone doorway with a pointed arch. The men in the last few rows stand while the first row sits on the stair. Most of the men wear jackets and hats., Time: 1:35, Light: Light same as last. [Good light], Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
- Creator
- Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
- Date
- October 7, 1885
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.771]
- Title
- [Haverford] Class of '88 on front steps of Barclay Hall
- Description
- Glass negative showing the Haverford College class of 1888, a large group of young men posed in rows on a set of steps at the residential hall, Barclay Hall. Some hold cricket bats and racquets. The back row stands while the front two rows sit on the steps. Some of the men hold racquets and cricket bats. They wear three-piece suits and hats. Barclay Hall was built in 1877 to expand the living quarters of Haverford College, originally founded in 1833., Time: 2:40, Light: Good light, sun out on other side of the house., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
- Creator
- Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
- Date
- June 2, 1885
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.612]
- Title
- [Haverford College] Class of '88
- Description
- Glass negative showing the Haverford College class of 1888, a large group of young men posed in rows on a set of steps at the residential hall, Barclay Hall. Some hold cricket bats and racquets. The back row stands while the front two rows sit on the steps. Some of the men hold racquets and cricket bats. They wear three-piece suits and hats. Barclay Hall was built in 1877 to expand the living quarters of Haverford College, originally founded in 1833., Time: 2:45, Light: Same light as 612. Good light, sun out on other side of the house., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
- Creator
- Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
- Date
- June 2, 1885
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.613]
- Title
- Family of Negro slaves from Loango
- Description
- Engraving was done after one of John Gabriel Stedman's own drawings, which record his impressions of Surinam. According to the accompanying text, it shows "a negro family in that state of tranquil happiness, which they always enjoy under a humane and indulgent master." Stedman described the illustration as follows: "The figures in the plate are supposed to be of the Loango nation, by the marks on the man's body, while on his breast may be seen J.G.S. in a cypher, by which his owner may ascertain his property. He carries a basket with small fish, and a net upon his head, with a large fish in his hand, caught by himself in the river. His wife, who is pregnant, is employed in carrying different kinds of fruit, spinning a thread of cotton upon her distaff, and comfortably smoking her pipe of tobacco. Besides all this, she has a boy upon her back, and another playing by her side." (vol. 2, p. 280), Plate LXVIII in John Gabriel Stedman's Narrative, of a five year's expedition, against the revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America; from the year 1772 to 1777 (London: Printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church Yard, & J. Edwards, Pall Mall, 1796), vol. 2, p. 280., Fels Afro-Americana Image Project, Scenes from Slave Life.
- Creator
- Blake, William, 1757-1827, engraver
- Date
- [between 1791 and 1796]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Am 1796 Sted 755.Q v 2 p 280, https://digital.librarycompany.org/islandora/object/Islandora%3A2701
- Title
- The Hottentots butcher ; The Hottentot mat-maker, potter & c
- Description
- Engravings accompany Chapter XIX, "Of certain Handy-Crafts the Hottentots exercise among themselves." In the foreground of the top image, two pairs of Hottentot [i.e. Khoikhoin] men work separately to butcher two oxen. In the left background, two other men butcher a sheep. A fourth pair boils water in cauldrons; and two others (right) hold the entrails of another animal. The bottom image shows several Hottentot mat-makers and a potter, all of whom appear to be women. (As Kolb wrote, the mat-makers "are, for the most Part, women: And they are very expert in their Business." [p. 236]) In the engraving, the mat-makers are involved in various stages of production: one background figure cuts the reeds out of which the mats will be woven; another woman carries the reeds, and yet another (slightly left of center) lays them on the ground to dry. The woman sitting on the partially finished mat is most likely weaving. In the foreground, a mat-maker strips reeds, while a potter makes a bowl. Several small pots are shown on the ground., Page from Peter Kolb's The Present State of the Cape of Good Hope (London: Printed for W. Innys and R. Manby, at the west end of St. Paul's, MDCCXXXVIII [1738]), vol. 1, p. 226., Fels Afro-Americana Image Project, Africa: Images, Maps, and Geography.
- Date
- [1738]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare U Afri Kolb 532.O v 1 p 226, https://digital.librarycompany.org/islandora/object/Islandora%3A2920
- Title
- [Anna Xinga and her commanders]
- Description
- Engraving features Anna Xinga or Nzinga (second from left), the daughter and rightful successor of the King of Congo. After the Portuguese prevented her ascension to the throne, she fled the kingdom. As Ogilby explained, "She and her People (for the most part) lead an unsettled life, roving up and down from place to place, like the Jages: Before any enterprize undertaken, though of meanest concern, they ask councel of the Devil; to which end they have an Idol, to whom they sacrifice a living Person, of the wisest and comliest they can pick out." Ogilby then continued, "The Queen against the time of this Sacrifice, Clothes her self in mans appareal, (nor indeed does she at any time go otherwise habited) hanging about her the Skins of beasts, before and behind, with a Sword about her Neck, an Ax at her Girdle, and a Bowe and Arrows in her Hand, leaping according to their Custom, now here, then there, as nimbly, as the most active among her Attendants; all the while striking her Engema, that is, two Iron Bells, which serve her in stead of Drums. When she thinks she has made a show long enough, in a Masculine manner, and thereby hath weary'd her self; then she takes a broad Feather and sticks it through the holes of her boar'd Nose, for a sign of War. She her self in this rage, begins with the first of those appointed to be sacrificed; and cutting off his head, drinks a great draught of his blood. Then follow the Stoutest Commanders, as do as she hath done; and this with a great hurly-burly, tumult, and playing upon Instruments about their Idol. Among all her most pretious things, she bestows no such care on any, as the Bones of one of her Brothers, who Raign'd before her, which lie together in a costly Silver Chest, long before gotten of the Portuguese." (p. 564), Illustration in John Ogilby's Africa: Being an accurate description of the regions of Aegypt, Barbary, Lybia, and Billedulgerid: the Land of Negroes, Guinee, and Aethiopia, and Abyssines, with all the adjacent islands, either in the Mediterranean, Atlantick, Southern, or Oriental Sea, belonging thereunto (London: Printed by Tho. Johnson, for the author, and are to be had at his house in White Fryers, M.DC.LXX [1670]), p. 565., Fels Afro-Americana Image Project, Africa: Images, Maps, and Geography.
- Date
- [1670]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare *Wing O163 14.F p 565, https://digital.librarycompany.org/islandora/object/Islandora%3A2961
- Title
- Dracht en wapening der Hottentots = The Hottentots clothing and their dress
- Description
- Set in a lush landscape near the Cape of Good Hope, the illustration features a group of Khoikoin, also known (pejoratively) as the Hottentots. Engraving accompanies a passage in which Ogilby offers a detailed description of their clothing and weapons. "Their Clothing is very sordid, and vile, most of the Men wearing onely a Sheeps Pelt, or Badgers Skin, in manner of a Mantle about their Shoulders, with the hairy side commonly within, and ty'd under their Chin. Such a Mantle consists of three Pieces, neatly sew'd together with Sinews of Beasts in stead of Threed. When they go abroad, or upon a Journey, they throw another Sheeps-skin, with the Wool on the out-side, over the undermost. Upon their Heads they wear a Cap of Lamb-skin, with the Woolly side inward, and a Button on the top. Their shoes are made of a Rhincerot's Skin, and consists of a whole flat Piece, before and behind of a like heighth, with a Cross of two Leather-bands fasten'd to their Feet. Before their Privacies hangs a little piece of a wild Wood-Cat, or ring-streaked Tyger, or Jack-alls Skin, ty'd behind with two Thongs. The Habit of the Women differs little from the former, being a Sheep-skin Mantle on the upper part of their Bodies, with the Wool inwards; but somewhat longer than the Men; also another Skin hanging behind to cover their back-parts, and a square Piece before their Privacies. On their Heads they wear a high Cap of a Sheeps, or Badgers Skin, bound to their Heads with a broad Fillet: In all the rest following the Mens Garb. . . . Many of them wear as an Ornament, the Guts of Beasts, fresh and stinking, drawn two or three times one through another, about their Necks, and the like about their Legs . . . . When they go abroad they have usually an Ostrich Feather, or a Staff, with a wild Cats Tail ty'd to it, in one Hand, in stead of a Handkerchief to wipe their Eyes and Noses, and beat away the Dust, Sand, and Flies, and in the other Hand a sleight Javelin. The Women never go abroad without a Leather Sack at their backs, having at each end a Tuft or Taffel, fill'd with one trifle or another. Their Weapons, or Arms, are Bowes and Arrows, and small Darts, three, four, or five Foot long, having at one end a broad sharp Iron fixed, which they handle and throw very dexterously." (p. 590-91), Double-page plate in John Ogilby's Africa: Being an Accurate Description of the Regions of Aegypt, Barbary, Lybia, and Billedulgerid: the Land of Negroes, Guinee, and Aethiopia, and Abyssines, with all the Adjacent Islands, either in the Mediterranean, Atlantick, Southern, or Oriental Sea, Belonging Thereunto (London: Printed by Tho. Johnson, for the author, and are to be had at his house in White Fryers, M.DC.LXX [1670]), p. 590., A seemingly identical copy of this engraving appeared in Pieter van der Aa's La Galerie agreable du monde (Leyden: 1729?). The Leyden version was signed by van der Aa., Fels Afro-Americana Image Project, Africa: Images, Maps, and Geography.
- Date
- [1670]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare *Wing O163 14.F p 590, https://digital.librarycompany.org/islandora/object/Islandora%3A2962
- Title
- African slave trade
- Description
- Illustration is set on the eastern coast of Africa, most likely in Sierra Leone. In the center, a slave-trader inspects a slave for purchase. To the left of the pair, another European slave-trader (presumably the seller) sits on a crate, smoking a cigar as he observes the inspection process. His book, the quill, and the ink-well suggest that he is prepared to record the day's transactions. To the right, another European trader converses with three African merchants, possibly members of the Mandigo tribe. The subject of their discussion may be the sale of goods in the Africans' trunk. To the far right, an overseer with a raised whip marches behind a row of bound slaves who are headed toward a ship., Plate in William Blake's The History of Slavery and the Slave Trade, Ancient and Modern (Columbus, Ohio: Published and sold exclusively by subscription J. & H. Miller, 1858), p. 112., Fels Afro-Americana Image Project, Images of the Slave Trade.
- Creator
- Felch-Riches, engraver
- Date
- [1858]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Am 1858 Blake 70419.O p 112, https://digital.librarycompany.org/islandora/object/Islandora%3A2802
- Title
- A Carib of Morne Ronde, St. Vincent
- Description
- Portrait image of Mary and her child, two Caribs whom Wentworth met in Morne Ronde on St. Vincent. According to Wentworth, Mary's features "were more of the African character, than of the aboriginal Indians, who were remarkable for the symmetry of their forms, and long straight glossy hair." "Her proportions, too," he wrote, "were singularly out of proportion, as if -- excepting her head and feet, she had been formed of the half limbs of a muscular giantess." (p. 337), Plate in Trelawney Wentworth's West India Sketch Book (London: Printed for Whittaker & Co., Ave Maria Lane, 1834), vol. II, p. 336., Fels Afro-Americana Image Project, Scenes from Slave Life.
- Date
- December 1833
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Am 1834 Wentw 5894.D vol 2 p 336, https://digital.librarycompany.org/islandora/object/Islandora%3A2740
- Title
- Dracht en wapening der Hottentots = Les armes et habits des Hottentots, aupres le Cap de Bonne Esperance
- Description
- Set in a lush landscape near the Cape of Good Hope, the illustration features a group of Khoikoin, also known (somewhat pejoratively) as the Hottentots. As the title suggests, the engraving shows their weapons and manner of dress. Both the men and the women wear loin-cloths and shawls bordered with fur. A few wear bands around their lower legs. Some of the Khoikoin carry spears; the central figure is also shown with a bow and a quiver., Double-page plate in Pieter van der Aa's La galerie agreable du monde, où l'on voit et un grand nombre de cartes tres-exactes et de belles tailles-douces, les principaux empires, roiaumes, republiques, provinces, villes, bourgs et forteresses . . . (Le tout mis en ordre & executé à Leide, par Pierre vander Aa [1729?]), n.p., In the absence of pagination, 57 has been written next to the plate., Seemingly, van der Aa copied from an unsigned engraving published in John Ogilby's Africa: Being an Accurate Description of the Regions of Aegypt, Barbary, Lybia, and Billedulgerid (London: 1670) under the title "Dracht en Wapening der Hottentots / The Hottentots Clothing and Their Arms.", Fels Afro-Americana Image Project, Africa: Images, Maps, and Geography.
- Date
- [1729?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare *U Gen Gal v 60-62 1729.F n.p. (57), https://digital.librarycompany.org/islandora/object/Islandora%3A2951
- Title
- Mother and great-grand-aunt of the two daughters
- Description
- Group portrait of woman holding her two daughters with her aunt sitting next to her on a couch., Title from photographer's manuscript note on verso., Photographer's manuscript note on verso: Age of the g-g-a 103 yrs. Does not wear glasses, can walk, attend to household duties and possesses a remarkable memory. Is hard of hearing but can keep up a rapid fire conversation. Has a fine sense of humor. Eats what she wants, when she wants it, does not worry and has never had indigestion. Age authentic. (Relate story of the fractured hip and dislocated shoulder blade). Had her hair bobbed., Gift of Margaret Odewalt Sweeney., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited.
- Creator
- Wilson, G. Mark (George Mark), 1879-1925, photographer
- Date
- ca. 1923
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Wilson 113 [P.8513.113], http://www.lcpimages.org/wilson/wilson113.htm
- Title
- Associate Presbyterian Mission, Trinidad
- Description
- View of the mission established by the Presbyterian Church in 1842. Shows a white man and woman couple with a dog greeting a Black man in front of two bungalows down the road from a Black man walking with a rifle over his shoulder. In the foreground, a fence surrounds the property from the road, and palm trees are visible. The Presbyterian Church relinquished the mission to the Free Church of Scotland circa 1852., Title from item., Date inferred from content., Illegible partial artist's imprint on recto., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of views of foreign countries. McAllister Collection, gift, 1886., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of the Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [ca. 1845]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department GC - Religion [5754.F.97b]
- Title
- Offering a substitute. A scene in the office of the provost marshall
- Description
- Cartoon addressing the impropriety surrounding the purchase of substitute draftees during the Civil War. Depicts four wealthy gentlemen attempting to find substitutes in a draft office. To the right, near an "Avoid the Draft" notice, a gentleman offers a wad of cash to a possible substitute. The man dressed in working man's clothes informs him, "I'm looking for a substitute myself." In the center, two gentlemen, one holding several bills, the other overweight and bemoaning "I walk but one square I chafe," display for inspection their wretched, raggedly dressed substitutes to two Union officers, including a doctor. The physician accepts a "Lee veteran" despite his extreme thinness and missing teeth, while the second officer tells the portly man that he would prefer him to the substitute and that "one days march will take down his fat and a little tallow will remove the chafing." To the left, the fourth gentleman, crying into a handkerchief, tells an officer that he would rather "bleed for his wife" than for his "suffering country." In the background, bandaged and ailing men line up in front of the marshall., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1862-15W [P.2275.17]
- Title
- Offering a substitute. A scene in the office of the provost marshall
- Description
- Cartoon addressing the impropriety surrounding the purchase of substitute draftees during the Civil War. Depicts four wealthy gentlemen attempting to find substitutes in a draft office. To the right, near an "Avoid the Draft" notice, a gentleman offers a wad of cash to a possible substitute. The man dressed in working man's clothes informs him, "I'm looking for a substitute myself." In the center, two gentlemen, one holding several bills, the other overweight and bemoaning "I walk but one square I chafe," display for inspection their wretched, raggedly dressed substitutes to two Union officers, including a doctor. The physician accepts a "Lee veteran" despite his extreme thinness and missing teeth, while the second officer tells the portly man that he would prefer him to the substitute and that "one days march will take down his fat and a little tallow will remove the chafing." To the left, the fourth gentleman, crying into a handkerchief, tells an officer that he would rather "bleed for his wife" than for his "suffering country." In the background, bandaged and ailing men line up in front of the marshall., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1862-15W [P.2275.17]
- Title
- "She lives way down dar"
- Description
- Scene depicting an older African American woman giving directions to another African American woman in front of her home. At her open gate, the woman, wearing gray hair and attired in a long-sleeved, patterned dress, a plaid shawl, and a white apron, points left indicating the desired direction. The other woman, attired in a bonnet, a long-sleeved shirt, and a skirt, holds a milk can in her right hand and looks left with her back to the viewer. In the background is a wooden house with a large vine propped up on poles., Title from manuscript note by photographer on verso., Signed by photographer on verso., Alternate title from lantern slide at the Staten Island New York Historical Society., Gift of Elsie Wood Harmon, 1982., Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014., Wood, a Philadelphia artist, turned to photography in the 1880s exhibiting his work, including genre studies of African Americans, at national and international photography exhibitions. His photographs won several prizes.
- Creator
- Wood, George Bacon, 1832-1909, photographer
- Date
- [photographed ca. 1886, printed ca. 1895]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department photo - Wood [P.8743.177]
- Title
- [Young men in bathing attire], G[erman]t[ow]n Boys' Club, Stone Harbor Camp, [NJ]
- Description
- Film negative showing a group of young men and boys from the Germantown Boys' Club standing near the water at Stone Harbor. Many of the group wear bathing attire. A long causeway is visible in the background. Founded in 1887, the Boys’ Parlors Association of Germantown served as a safe space for neighborhood children whose parents worked longer hours in an industrializing city. The name changed in 1907 to the Germantown Boys’ Club after joining ranks with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. Marriott Canby Morris served as the president of the club in the first decade of the 1900s., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
- Creator
- Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
- Date
- July 26, 1911
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.2013.13.419]
- Title
- Northland Leaving Phila[delphia] for Liverpool with E[lliston] P[erot] M[orris Jr.] aboard for A[merican] F[riends] S[ervice] C[ommittee] work in France
- Description
- Film negative showing a view of a large steamship sailing away across the Delaware River. The ship has four masts and two smokestacks expelling smoke. The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization originally founded in 1917 to allow conscientious objectors to serve during World War I. Their activities included driving ambulances, working in hospitals, and assisting communities. AFSC continued to serve as a peace orgzanication abroad and in America through the 21st century. Marriott C. Morris' son Elliston Perot Morris Jr. served with AFSC., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
- Creator
- Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
- Date
- April 16, 1919
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.2013.13.453]
- Title
- Photo[graphic] Society at Dr. Lurbrugg's Pine Beach
- Description
- Photograph showing a group of six men from the Photographic Society of Philadelphia gathered in a clearing at Pine Beach. Four of the men hold cameras and the man on the right holds a tripod. Two cars and another man are visible in the background. The men wear three-piece suits, and all but one wear hats. The Photographic Society of Philadelphia was founded in 1860 to promote the techniques and art of photography. Morris was a member of the Society by 1885., A manuscript note on the print labels the men as "Dr. Lurbrugg, Elias Goldenberg, John Allen, Bates, W.P. Pearsoll, McKinley, Mclu.", Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
- Creator
- Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
- Date
- May, 1926
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.2013.13.646]
- Title
- Use Merrick's thread. "Gully this cotton beats 'em all!"
- Description
- Racist trade card promoting Merrick thread and depicting a domestic scene of an older African American man sewing. Shows the man, in a cabin setting, seated atop a stool, his feet slightly turned in, and mending the seat of a pair of blue pants. The man holds th epants in his left hand and pulls a needle and thread through a patch on the pants in his right. The thread comes from a large spool beside the man which is marked with "Merrick Thread Co. Best Six Cord 8" logo. Behind the man is a window with a sill. Plants line the window sill. A candelabrum rests on a shelf attached to the wall below the window. The man is attired in a red button-down shirt, blue suspenders, brown pants, and brown shoes. Merrick Thread Co. was founded in 1865 by Timothy Merrick, Austin Merrick, and Origen Hall in Mansfield, Connecticut. After its founding, the company established mills in Holyoke, Massachusetts. In 1898, the company merged with thirteen other independent thread and yarn manufacturers to form the American Thread Company., Title from item., Date inferred from content and genre of print., Several lines of advertising text printed on verso. Verso is defaced and text is illegible., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1885]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Merrick [P.2017.95.122]
- Title
- The love drop
- Description
- Racist, card depicting a genre scene of an African American woman fortune teller with three white women clients. Shows the elderly African American woman, attired in a red head kerchief, spectacles, a yellow shawl, a long-sleeved white dress, and a white apron, sitting on a green, wooden chair and tea reading. She pours tea out of a cup, and it drips into a small bottle. A saucer is on the floor below. The illustration’s title, “The Love Drop” refers to a tea leaf reader’s term for the last drop that falls from the cup, which would supposedly provide a glimpse into affairs of love. In the right, three young white women look on at the fortune teller. The blond-haired white woman, attired in a hat decorated with flowers and a long-sleeved pink dress with black decorative ribbons, sits on the floor on a rug with her parasol next to her. To her right, seated on a wooden chair, the brown-haired woman, attired in a hat decorated with a black ribbon and red flowers and a yellow dress with black lace accents, leans forward holding her parasol in both hands underneath her chin. Sitting on the chair’s right armrest, the blond-haired woman, attired in a green dress decorated with black ribbons, looks on. Behind the women is an open hearth with a black pot hanging above the fire. A clothesline of laundry hangs in front of the hearth. In the left is a table with a red tablecloth and a shelf above it that has a copper coffeepot and plate. There are cups and saucers on the floor and a round container possibly of red knitting. A chair is visible in the far right., Title from item., Text printed on recto: The Love Drop. From Painting by Harry Roseland., Publication information and date from the copyright statement: Copyright 1903 by Harry Roseland., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- 1903
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Greeting Cards, etc. - Love [P.2017.95.249]
- Title
- [The love drop]
- Description
- Racist post card depicting a genre scene of an African American woman fortune teller with three white women clients. Shows the elderly African American woman, attired in a red head kerchief, spectacles, a yellow shawl, a long-sleeved white dress, and a white apron, sitting on a green, wooden chair and tea reading. She pours tea out of a cup, and it drips into a small bottle. A saucer is on the floor below. The illustration’s title, “The Love Drop” refers to a tea leaf reader’s term for the last drop that falls from the cup, which would supposedly provide a glimpse into affairs of love. In the right, three young white women look on at the fortune teller. The blond-haired white woman, attired in a hat decorated with flowers and a long-sleeved pink dress with black decorative ribbons, sits on the floor on a rug with her parasol next to her. To her right, seated on a wooden chair, the brown-haired woman, attired in a hat decorated with a black ribbon and red flowers and a yellow dress with black lace accents, leans forward holding her parasol in both hands underneath her chin. Sitting on the chair’s right armrest, the blond-haired woman, attired in a green dress decorated with black ribbons, looks on. Behind the women is an open hearth with a black pot hanging above the fire. A clothesline of laundry hangs in front of the hearth. In the left is a table with a red tablecloth and a shelf above it that has a copper coffeepot and plate. There are cups and saucers on the floor and a round container possibly of red knitting. A chair is visible in the far right., Title supplied by cataloger based on P.2017.95.249., Date inferred by the date of the original painting., Text printed on verso: Post card. This side for address only. Place stamp here. United States, Cuba, Canada and Mexico one cent. Foreign two cents., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1903]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Greeting Cards, etc. - Love [P.2017.95.249a]
- Title
- La Bamboula
- Description
- Racist trade card specimen depicting a caricature of a dancing Black boy. Shows the bare-chested boy, attired in a red, white, and blue feathered headdress and skirt and gold hoop earrings, necklace, bracelets, and anklets. His feet lift off of the ground, and he holds his hands up as he dances and smiles. On the ground beside him is a spiked, wooden club. In the background, green jungle foliage is visible., Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1890]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. - And he got [P.2017.95.197]
- Title
- Correos. America del Sur
- Description
- Trade card promoting South American postal services and containing a montage of images representing South American culture. Includes a genre scene depicting a Black boy attired in earrings, a wide-brimmed hat, a white, blousy, long-sleeved shirt with open collar, red sash belt, and blue-striped pants and holding sheets of mail with stamps (left); depiction of a group of postage stamps of Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru (upper right); and a vignette of laborers harvesting sugar cane (lower right). Also includes, on the lower edge, pictorial details of the coats of arms of Peru and of Chile., Title from item., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. - Correos [P.2017.95.200]
- Title
- [Correos. America del Sur]
- Description
- Trade card specimen promoting South American postal services and containing a montage of images representing South American culture. Includes a genre scene depicting a Black boy attired earrings, a wide-brimmed hat, a white, blousy, long-sleeved shirt with open collar, red sash belt, and blue-striped pants and holding sheets of mail with stamps (left); a map of the countries of South America (upper right); and a vignette of laborers harvesting sugar cane (lower right). Also includes, on the lower edge, pictorial details of the coats of arms of Peru and of Chile., Tiitle and place of publication from variant of print within collection. See P.2017.95.200., Date inferred from genre of print., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. - Correos [P.2017.95.201]
- Title
- Cuba. Sugar plantation. Havana City and Harbor. Morro Castle. Santiago Cuba
- Description
- Trade card specimen depicting vignettes of a black man in a hat smiling, a sugar plantation, Havana City’s harbor, Morro Castle, and Santiago. In the top left is a circular vignette of a black man, attired in a brimmed straw hat and a white-collared shirt, who looks to the right and smiles. In the top right is a sugar plantation with a man in horse-drawn cart hauling sugar cane. Tall stalks of cane line the road. Beneath is a scene of the harbor in Havana City, with ships coming in and out. Mountains are visible in the background. In the left are palm trees. A vignette of Morro Castle, the fortress guarding Havana Bay, is depicted with a ship passing in front of it. In the bottom of the card is a depiction of Santiago, showing a wall with an American flag flying on a pole with mountains in the background and water winding around the land below. In the foreground are products from Cuba, including fruits, such as a pineapple, a pouch labeled “tobacco,” and a box of cigars., Title from item., Date deduced from the content., Text printed on verso: Cuba. The area of Cuba is 41,655 square miles. The island is long and narrow and follows a curved line through its centre; is 720 miles long and its average breadth is 80 miles. The highest part of the island is the range extending in the southwest from the Punto de Maysi to Cape Cruz. There are mountains immediately above the harbor of Trinidad de Cuba in the south, the highest of which is 2,990 feet above the sea level. The climate is hot on the coast and temperate on the higher levels. Ten per cent of the area is, or was, cultivated. There are large tracts of the island still unexplored. A census taken in 1887 reported the population to be 1,631, 687. Of this, 528,998 were negroes and mulattoes. The present population is uncertain. Probably, as the results of devastating war, it has been cut down at least a fourth. Principal cities are Havana (the capital), Santiago de Cuba, Puerto Principe, Holguin, Sancti Spiritus, Matanzas. Before the insurrection, there were over 1,000 miles of railroad in operation on the island. The chief produce is sugar and tobacco. There is also production of mahogany, fruits, honey and wax. Gold and silver have been found in paying quantities. The iron mines of Cuba, all of which are located near Santiago, overshadow in importance all the other industries on the eastern end of the island. The ore of these mines is among the richest in the world, yielding from 62 to 67 per cent of pure iron. The principal imports are flour, rice and jerked beef. The chief exports are sugar and tobacco., Stamped on verso: 3259 12., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1890]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. - Cuba [P.2017.95.202]
- Title
- [African American man with a basket of produce and carrying a dead duck]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an older African American man, possibly a peddler, carrying a dead duck and a basket of produce. The man is balding and has tufts of white hair on the sides of his head and is attired in plaid pants, a collared shirt, a collared jacket, and a plaid scarf tied around his neck. He holds a dead duck by the legs in his left hand. Around his left shoulder, he carries a straw handled basket, which has the leaves of a vegetable sticking out of it. Behind him in the background is a shelf that has a bottle and a glass on it., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Printed in red ink., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 25 [P.2017.95.236]
- Title
- Copy of the picture of the Semi-Centennial Reunion at Haverford 10/27/1883
- Description
- Photograph showing a framed photograph of a large group posed in front of Barclay Hall, the brick residential hall with a prominent central spire at Haverford College. The caption below the image reads, "Semi-Centennial Re-Union, Haverford College, Tenth Month 27th 1883, Barclay Hall." Barclay Hall was built in 1877 to expand the living quarters of the college, originally founded in 1833., Photograph from negative number 1131., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
- Creator
- Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
- Date
- May 29, 1887
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.2105]
- Title
- Copy of the picture of the Semi-Centennial Reunion at Haverford 10/27/1883
- Description
- Photograph showing a framed photograph of a large group posed in front of Barclay Hall, the brick residential hall with a prominent central spire at Haverford College. The caption below the image reads, "Semi-Centennial Re-Union, Haverford College, Tenth Month 27th 1883, Barclay Hall." Barclay Hall was built in 1877 to expand the living quarters of the college, originally founded in 1833., Photograph from negative number 1131., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
- Creator
- Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
- Date
- May 29, 1887
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.2106]
- Title
- Virginia stock
- Description
- Racist, allegorical, satiric print showing a line of enslaved black women and girls, shackled to each other by their wrists, and standing side by side in a tropical setting. The female figures are depicted with exaggerated facial features and short wavy hair. They wear simple pale-colored dresses that fall to their knees, are cinched at the waist, and have long sleeves. The figures look to the distance, at each other, and toward the viewer. Some stand with their feet pigeon-toed or pointed out. Some of the women wear earrings and one of the girls is portrayed with her eyes looking straight up. Coconut trees and greenery are visible in the background., Gabriel Shire Tregear (1801/2-1841) was a British colorist turned print publisher who specialized in series of comic and sporting prints, including "Tregear's Black Jokes" and "Flowers of Ugliness.", RVCDC, Description reviewed 2022., Access points revised 2022.
- Date
- 1836
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department GC - Allegories - Flowers [P.2016.45.3]