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[Tobacco house] [graphic] / W. Newman del. sculp.

Plantation scene -- coffee [graphic] / Felch-Riches. Columbus. O.

Piantazione di zucchero. [graphic] / G.M.T. sc.

The Negroes stringing and rolling tobacco. [graphic].

Town & plantation of the Fulahs [graphic].

Nigritae exhaustis venis metallicis conficiendo saccharo operam dare debent. [graphic].

Tread-wheel [graphic].

Oeconomie rustique, culture et arsonnage du coton [graphic] / Prevost sculp.

La figure des moulins a sucre [graphic] / A. W. delin. ; H.B. s.

Tobacco plantation [graphic].

Chorus -- sing, darkeys, sing [graphic] / Whitney-Annin sc. ; Darley

View of cotton plantation and gen [sic] in West Indies in 1764 [graphic] / F. Fuchs sc.

[The manner of making sugar in the sugar-mills, Brazil] [graphic].

Scenes on a cotton plantation [graphic].