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Philadelphia as it is in 1852.

Cooper Shop Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, the first opened for Union Volunteers in the United States. 1009 Otsego St. Philadelphia.

Memorial chart centennial jubilee.

Grand Union ball in honor of the recent brilliant victories achieved by the land and naval forces of the United States, at the Academy of Music, Tuesday evening, March 4, 1862.

Penn talking to the Indians

P.S. Duval & Co.'s steam lithographic establishment, artizan's building Ranstead Place west from no 26 South Fourth Street Philadelphia.

P.S. Duval & Co.'s steam lithographic establishment, artizan's building Ranstead Place west from no 26 South Fourth Street Philadelphia.

Wm. Penn's treaty with the Indians, when he founded the province of Pennsa. 1681.

Treaty Tree.

Alois Senefelder. Inventor of lithography

Testimonial to Samuel B. Fales Esq. from the Union Volunteer Refreshment Committee,

Wm. Penn's treaty with the Indians when he founded the Province of Pennsila. 1661

Wm. Penn's treaty with the Indians when he founded the Province of Pennsya. 1661


Penn's Treaty; Boon and the Indians.

P.S. Duval & Son.

P.S. Duval & Son lithographers. S.W. corner 5th and Minor street. Philadelphia.

Philadelphia fashions fall & winter 1847 by Samuel A. Ward & Asahel F. Ward, no. 62 Walnut St.

Bergner & Engel's Brewery. Office, 412 Library Street. Brewery, 32d and Thompson Sts. Philadelphia.

William Wirt Library and Literary Institute of Philadelphia [certificate]

The Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons

The Weccacoe Engine Co.'s house and the reception of the United Fire Co. of Baltimore.

The Artillery Corps of Philadelphia Greys, (Company D), Comd. by Capt. Geo. Cadwalader, First Regiment of Artillery, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, P. M.

Interior view of Independence Hall, Philadelphia.

R. & G.A. Wright [graphic] : Manufacturers of the celebrated gold medal perfumery and importers of French, English & German druggist & fancy articles, no. 23 South 4th St. Philadelphia. / Reen, engr.

S.F. Jacoby & Co. Importers & dealers in foreign and domestic marble in all their varieties. J.K. & M. Freedley dealers in American marble.

In commemoration of the great parade of the Philadelphia Fire Department October 16th 1865