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Rev. Francis Burns

A brown study

Dr. Franklin erhalt, als Gesandter des Americanischen Frey Staats, seine erste Audienz in Frankreich, zu Versailles. am 20ten Martz 1778.


Mr. & Mrs. Jay Rial with Rial & Draper's Ideal Uncle Tom's Cabin. [graphic].

The first reading of the Emancipation Proclamation before the cabinet. [graphic] / From the original picture painted at the White House in 1864; Painted by F.B. Carpenter; Engraved by A.H. Ritchie.

The British surrendering their arms to Gen. Washington after their defeat at York Town in Virginia October 1781

Bishops of the A.M.E. Church

The last days of Webster at Marshfield

The first colored senator and representatives

Die Americaner machen das Corps des General Bourgoyne zu Gesangnen, bey Saratoga. am 16ten Octobr 1777.

Hon. Abraham Lincoln,

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States signing the Emancipation Proclamation

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, late president of the U.S. assassinated April 14th, 1865.

Abraham Lincoln, late president of the U.S. assassinated April 14th, 1865.

[Bust-length portrait of Abraham Lincoln] [graphic].

Gerit Smith abolitionist

Robt Adrain [graphic] / Engraved for the Democratic Review by P.H. Reason. From a painting by Ingham.

W. Wilberforce, Esqr. M.P.

Brig. Gen. Edw. A. Wild. [graphic] / Engd. by A. H. Ritchie.

Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass

Hon. Anson Burlingame, M.C., from Massachusetts

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln

Jno. W. Holm

Frances Wright. [graphic] / J. Gorbitz; J.C. Buttre.

John Brown

The dawn of liberty [graphic] : General Gage said "The very children here draw on a love of liberty with the air they breathe. You may go my brave boys, and be assured if my troops trouble you again they shall be punished." / Max Rosenthal del.; L.N. Rose

The United States Senate A.D. 1850

Diogenes his lantern needs no more, an honest man is found! The search is o'er.

Ellen Craft, the fugitive slave. [graphic] / Hale's Dagotype.; J. Andrews & S. A. Schoff, sc.

Daniel Webster addressing the United States Senate

The Washington family.

The Beecher-Tilton puzzle

Soldiers memorial. 4th Regiment. Company F. U.S. Col. Troops [graphic] : Mustered into the United States Service at Baltimore, Md., Aug. 4, 1863, by Col. Wm. Birney.

The game of secession or sketches of the rebellion

Robert Bogel.

Distinguished colored men

Heroes of the colored race

Parson Brownlow.

The Union Sons, of Johnson Society, of Philadelphia.

William Wilberforce Esq. M.P.

Gerrit Smith [graphic] / Engraved by J.C. Buttre.

Edwin A. Atlee. [graphic] / On stone by A. Newsam.

Maj. Gen. Cassius M. Clay

Frederick Douglass
