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Compliments of Ketterlinus Printing House. Philadelphia.

Geo. S. Harris & Sons. Printers & lithographers. Nos. 718, 720, 722, 724 Arch St. Philadelphia.

Craing, Finley

Wm. H. Hoskins, 913 Arch St., Philad'a. Lithographer & engraver. Stationer & blank book manufacturer. Steam power printer.

Specimens for Theo. Leonhardt & Son, Philadelphia.

[Advertisement calendar for printer]

Wm. F. Scheible, No. 49 South 3rd St. ab. Chestnut, Philadelphia.

[Specimen sheets for Theodore Leonhardt & Son, High Grade Lithographers 922 Locust Street Philadelphia.] [graphic]

[Times Printing House trade cards]

[Charles W.R. Smith trade cards]

Trade cards, advertisements, and bill heads for Philadelphia merchants.

Wagner & McGuigan's lithographic establishment for drawing lettering & printing no. 116 Chesnut [sic] St. Philadelphia.

[Chestnut Street, west from Seventh Street, north side, Philadelphia]

[Chestnut Street, above Fourth, south side] [graphic]

Illustrated Philadelphia. Vincit qui se vincit. Vol. IV. [graphic] / Collected from fugitive sources only by Chas. A. Poulson.

Illustrations of Philadelphia [graphic] / Vincit qui se vincit. Collected by Chas. A. Poulson.

Specimen sheet Union, patriotic and humorous designs upon envelopes
