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- Title
- Compliments of Ketterlinus Printing House. Philadelphia
- Description
- Series of captioned, trade cards depicting a comical, theatrical scenario promoting the Ketterlinus Printing House established by Eugene Ketterlinus in 1842. Act 1st shows a dandy wooing a pretty peasant girl under the scornful eye of an older, plain milk maid and her riled cat in the foreground and a hunter in the background. Act 2d shows the peasant girl pleading with the milk maid as the dandy skulks away as the hunter watches from the background. Act 3d shows the girl and dandy pleading with the surprised-looking hunter, his gun and dog at his feet, as the "old maid" with her cat walks away. Act 4th shows the hunter wooing the coy milkmaid as the dandy and peasant girl walk away hand in hand., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 13, Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center – Warshaw Collection - Printers & Printing - Vertical Box 2 - Ketterlinus - Act 3, Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center – Warshaw Collection - Printers & Printing - Box 2 Folder 3 - Ketterlinus - Act 1 - Act 4, "Act 3d" trade card housed Printers & Printing Box 2 Folder 3 Printers: General., Kettterlinus Printing House began to advertise under that name ca. 1875.
- Creator
- Ketterlinus Printing House
- Date
- [ca. 1875]
- Location
- Smithsonian Institution | Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center – Warshaw Collection - Printers & Printing - Vertical Box 2 - Ketterlinus - Act 3, Smithsonian Institution | Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center – Warshaw Collection - Printers & Printing - Box 2 Folder 3 - Ketterlinus - Act 1 - Act 4
- Title
- Geo. S. Harris & Sons. Printers & lithographers. Nos. 718, 720, 722, 724 Arch St. Philadelphia Branch houses: New York: S.E. cor. Grand & Brewery. Chicago: No. 53 State St
- Description
- Advertisement calendar for the year 1884 for the firm renamed Geo. S. Harris & Sons in 1876 that contains a large genre scene bordered to the left by pictorial details . The scene, set in a colorfully decorated room, shows a woman lighting the cigar of a man. The woman attired in a dress with a trim decorated in a mosaic flower pattern uses a slip of paper marked "1884" to light the cigar of the man who is attired in dress-tails. Border details include an oriental-style vase of roses atop cloth draped over the calendar, and the lithographer's tradecard. Also includes decorative trim in the upper edge. Harris, first listed as a printer in 1847, operated one of the largest Philadelphia lithographic studios in the later 19th-century. The firm specialized in cigar box labels and stock trade cards., Not in Wainwright., pdcp00051, Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 35, Free Library of Philadelphia: Philadelphiana - Tradesmen's Cards
- Creator
- Geo. S. Harris & Sons
- Date
- 1884
- Location
- Free Library of Philadelphia. | Print and Picture Collection. FLP FLP Philadelphiana - Tradesmen's Cards
- Title
- Craig, Finley & Co. Lithographers and printers. Commercial stationery, stock certificates, and checks. 2218-20-22 Vine Street, Philadelphia. Established 1867 Telephones. Bell: Rittenhouse 7842. Keystone: Race 6379
- Description
- Blotter illustrated with an exterior view of the Philadelphia printer's factory and adjoining buildings on the 2200 block of Vine Street. Signage with the firm's name adorns the three-story main building depicted with a working smoke stack. Pedestrians walk in front and across from the building. Also shows a car and a Craig, Finley & Co. truck parked in the street. Established as Craig, Butt & Finley in 1869, the firm was renamed Craig, Finley & Co. in 1872. It remained in operation until 1950., Image caption reads: A Plant Equipped Solely for the Production of First Class Lithographing and Printing, Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 123, See also the Craig, Finley & Co. entry in the online Philadelphia on Stone Biographical Dictionary., Gift of Erika Piola.
- Date
- [ca. 1930]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Ph Pr - 11 x 14 - Industry - C [P.2014.18.2]
- Title
- Wm. H. Hoskins, 913 Arch St., Philad'a. Lithographer & engraver. Stationer & blank book manufacturer. Steam power printer
- Description
- Series of illustrated trade cards entitled, "Sweepe withe ye olde yeere all that's bad awaie, and a newe lyfe begynne on Newe Yeere's Day," "Ye Newe Yeere cometh, so I pray of you putte offe ye olde manne & putte on ye newe," and "If Newe Yeere bring thee aught lyke this let's hope thou may'st deserve thy blisse". Illustrations depict symbols of the New Year, including an old man sweeping inside near an ornate door with a poster reading "This house to let apply"; one man entering a room as another man leaves at the stroke of midnight; and a man kneeling down to pick a flower from the base of a tree as his female companion stands nearby., Advertising text printed on versos: Holiday goods. We have on hand the largest stock of holiday goods ever offered before. Writing desks, portfolios, traveling cases, pocket books, card cases, letter cases, cigar cases, back gammon boards, gold pens, bronze inkstands, bronze thermometers, and Russia leather goods of every description. Diaries 1876 our specialties. Wedding invitations, envelopes, made to order any size, business cards, checks, drafts, &c. Bank note style, illuminating of crests, arms, monograms, &c., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1875]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Hoskins [1975.F.427 & 428; P.9111.17]
- Title
- Specimens for Theo. Leonhardt & Son, Philadelphia
- Description
- Advertisement containing examples of vignette views and genre scenes executed by the Philadelphia lithograph firm. Views include "Palo Alto Iron Company's Works" in Pottsvile (est. in 1854); a tropical farm; small and industrial towns; and a hill-side village. Genre scenes show two young girls on promenade, and a mother with her child seated on her lap. Decorative elements adorn the upper corners. Leonhardt & Son was a partnership established circa 1874 between Theodore Leonhardt and his son Arno. The firm continued to operate into the early 20th century., Gift of David Doret., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 88
- Creator
- Theo. Leonhardt & Son
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *BW - Advertisements - L [P.2002.27]
- Title
- [Advertisement calendar for printer]
- Description
- Advertisement calendar for 1858 containing classical figures, patriotic imagery, and scenes of a printer's establishment. Imagery includes the allegorical figures for art, music, prosperity, commerce, and time; the American eagle, shield, and flag; birds; cherubs; water sprites; and floral ornamentations. Scenes show artisans at work at lithographic and printing presses, a woman colorist, an artist at his drawing table, and a printer choosing typeface. Other pictorial elements depict symbols of art, trade, and industry, including a palette, globe, and bust. Filigree borders several of the images., Not in Wainwright., Name of possible printer from manuscript note on verso., Inset cut in upper portion of print., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 3, Originally part of Charles A. Poulson's scrapbooks of illustrations of Philadelphia.
- Date
- [1858]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *BW - Advertisements - C [(2)1525.F.3]
- Title
- Wm. F. Scheible, No. 49 South 3rd St. ab. Chestnut, Philadelphia
- Description
- Advertisement for Scheible's various business and manufacturing enterprises. Image includes an elaborate border of scroll work and flowers that contains a montage of pictorial elements that include a train, an encampment of tents, an awning, a man in uniform holding a flag, children, and a seal press. Border surrounds text that reads "Manufacturer of awnings, verandas, tents & bags. American & foreign flags & signal birgies, pennants, streamers & c. Manufacturer of seal presses & rail road baggage checks. Stencil cutting, die sinking, engraving and emboss printing. Orders for lithographic work promptly attended to.", Not in Wainwright., Date from Poulson inscription on recto: Jany. 1859., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 117
- Date
- [January 1859]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department BW - Advertisements [P.8729.14]
- Title
- [Specimen sheets for Theodore Leonhardt & Son, High Grade Lithographers 922 Locust Street Philadelphia.]
- Description
- Includes nine specimens of ornamented bank and commercial stationery border designs, including two with variant borders, vignette illustrations, and the text, "Theodore Leonhardt & Son, High Grade Lithographers 922 Locust Street Philadelphia. Bonds, Certificates of Stock, Diplomas, Bank and Commercial Stationery Our Specialty." Illustrations depict an exterior view of "Independence Hall. A.D. 1776" including street and pedestrian traffic and an eagle standing upon a clutch of arrows and greenery. Borders are composed of scalloped edges, and/or rosettes, and/or geometrical patterns. Leonhardt & Son was a partnership established circa 1874 between Theodore Leonhardt and his son Arno. The firm continued to operate into the early 20th century., Not in Wainwright., Title supplied by cataloger., Date inferred from content., Includes registration marks in upper and lower edges., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 124 & 124a, Gift of David Doret.
- Creator
- Theo. Leonhardt & Son
- Date
- [ca. 1930]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *BW - Advertisements - L [P.2019.64.41&42]
- Title
- [Times Printing House trade cards]
- Description
- Series of trade cards for the Times Printing House, located at 610 Chestnut Street and later 725-727 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia. One illustrated trade card depicts portraits of George Washington and Ulysses S. Grant, an eagle, and patriotic bunting., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1876-1890]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Times [P.9111.13; P.9111.16; P.2006.20.67]
- Title
- [Charles W.R. Smith trade cards]
- Description
- Series of illustrated trade cards depicting a cat; women's hands holding and displaying flowers; nuns walking with open umbrellas in the rain; a girl sitting on a fence; a woman pouring tea; girls bundled in matching coats, hats and hand warmers; and a bride attired in her wedding gown holding a bouquet of flowers., Title supplied by cataloger., Advertising text printed on rectos promotes Enlish linen note paper, Easter cards, and Valentines., Advertising text printed on versos promotes fine stationery created and sold by Smith from his 130 South Eleventh Street shop, including wedding cards and programmes, note paper, envelopes, and stylographic pens., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1883]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Smith [1975.F.744; 1975.F.754; 1975.F.765; 1975.F.771; 1975.F.773; 1975.F.782; 1975.F.803; 1975.F.817-820]
- Title
- Trade cards, advertisements, and bill heads for Philadelphia merchants
- Description
- Contents: [1] J. Yeager engraver Juniper first door below Chesnut & Race Street 103 Philada. -- [2] Printing done with expedition and care, by Richard Folwell, No. 33, Carter's Alley -- [3] Jonathan Meredith, tanner and currier, Philadelphia -- [4] Spectacles, hardware in general also whips and canes of every description, made and sold by John McAllister, No. 48 Chesnut Street Philadelphia -- [5] Edward Penington sugar refiner No. 155 Sassafras Street, Philada. lump -- [6] Jno. P. & Chas. Wetherill, manufacturers of white lead, billhead, dated May 23, 1829, and addressed in MS. to Messrs Pleasants & Graff -- [7] Carpenter's chemical warehouse Philadelphia -- [8] Superior black ink ... Clemens & Baker., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Zinman, Michael, collector
- Date
- [between 1797 and 1847?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Coll. Zinman Trade cards 111893.O (Zinman)
- Title
- Wagner & McGuigan's lithographic establishment for drawing lettering & printing no. 116 Chesnut [sic] St. Philadelphia Portraits, landscapes, anatomical & architectural drawings, views of stores, fancy prints, show cards, maps, plans, certificates, circulars, all kinds of fancy labels, cards, &c., printing in illuminated colours & gold, transferring from steel, copper & stone. Wagner & McGuigan have received the highest award [a silver medal] for their lithography from the Franklin Institute of the state of Penna. Orders done with neatness and despatch
- Description
- Advertisement containing an interior view of the shop at 116 Chestnut Street (ie. 320 Chestnut Street) after a daguerreotype depicting a long row of presses lined along the perimeter of the room near tall windows for natural light. Pressmen work on stones propped flat and on an angle. The man at the first press rolls ink onto a stone, as another man, probably an apprentice, carries a stone from the reserve of fresh stones arranged and stacked on the shelves on the opposite wall. Bottles and other supplies line the shelves between each window, and several packaged stones are piled on the floor in the foreground awaiting shipment. View includes a standing press. A foreman, possibly Wagner or McGuigan, attired in a suit observes the printers. Includes views of the recto and verso of the silver medal awarded to Wagner & M'Guigan for "skill and ingenuity" in lithography by the Franklin Institute in 1844 below the image and flanking the advertising text. Advertisement shows text printed in various fonts and shades to demonstrate the range and ability of the recently established lithographic firm of Wagner & M'Guigan (fl. 1846-1858)., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 113, T.B. Shaw, possibly Trueman Shaw, operated from the same address as Wagner & McGuigan (116 Chestnut) between 1846 and 1849., Smithsonian Institution NMAH H&CL - Harry T. Peters America on Stone Collection [DL *60.3081]
- Creator
- Aub, Jacob, artist
- Date
- [ca. 1847]
- Location
- Smithsonian Institution, NMAH, Home and Community Life Collection SI NMAH H&CL - Harry T. Peters America on Stone Collection [DL *60.3081]
- Title
- [Chestnut Street, west from Seventh Street, north side, Philadelphia]
- Description
- View showing the north side of the 700 block of Chestnut Street. Businesses include: Joseph Monier, bookbinder and printer (Chestnut and Seventh); Washington Hotel (711 Chestnut); and the Masonic Hall (713-721 Chestnut), built 1853-1855 after the designs of Sloan & Stewart and razed by fire in 1886. Also includes partial view of Girard Fire Insurance Company (639 Chestnut) and signage for the The One Dollar Store, variety store, on the south side of the block., Attributed to Robert Newell., Unmounted half of stereoview., Title supplied by cataloguer., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Newell, Robert, 1822-1897, photographer
- Date
- ca. 1870
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Newell - Streets [(7)1322.F.59a]
- Title
- [Chestnut Street, above Fourth, south side]
- Description
- View of Chestnut Street, between 4th and 5th Streets, south side, looking west. Primarily depicts the Philadelphia Bank building (400-408 Chestnut, designed by Philadelphia architect William Strickland, built 1836) which served as an office building and displays signage for Aetna Life Insurance Company; Commonwealth Bank; Edward Borheck, optician; and Alfred J. Reach's cigar store. Includes a partial view of the U.S. custom house (formerly the Second Bank of the U.S., also designed by Strickland, built 1818-24) and the U.S. Post Office building (1863-1884). Right hand corner of the image contains a large sign advertising card and job printing probably for the firm of Glessner & Co.; and a sign advertising a patent medicine, Wright's tar syrup. Also contains two horse-drawn carriages and a street vendor's stall., Title from manuscript note on verso., Yellow mount with sqaure corners., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Bartlett & French was a partnership between Philadelphia photographers George O. Bartlett and William French ca. 1867-1869.
- Creator
- Bartlett & French, photographer
- Date
- [ca. 1868]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Bartlett & French - streets [(8)1322.F.21f]
- Title
- Illustrated Philadelphia. Vincit qui se vincit. Vol. IV
- Description
- Scrapbook containing clippings, prints, and ephemera predominately dated 1855 pertaining to the built environment, and social, cultural, economic, and political climate of Philadelphia. Contents include illustrated newspaper, periodical, and guidebook clippings describing prominent city landmarks, including cemeteries, benevolent institutions, and churches; columns reporting about city improvements; reports, lists, and statistics about mortality rates, market prices, and sheriff and real estate sales; and editorial and public interest stories related to local politics and mores, prominent trades, social events, municipal services, and city demographics. Subjects include the new Masonic Hall (history of the local organization, dedication ceremony, and description of building); the history and demolition of the second building of the Chestnut Street Theatre; the centennial anniversary of the Pennsylvania Hospital; the state of local trades, including Jules Hauel & Co.’s perfumery, the soda water business, "plaster images," lithography (P. S. Duval, p. 24), preserves and pickling (Jacob L. Wendall), milkmen, shipbuilding, manufacture of cassimeres, and over-worked and underpaid needle woman; municipal issues, including the mayor’s veto of councilmen wearing police badges, the reforms to street names and numbering, extended hours at the public squares, and the report of the Grand Inquest of 1850, including prison reform recommendations., Several articles describe new construction, predominantly churches, and improvements to the city infrastructure, particularly on Chestnut Street. Subjects include Fourth Baptist Church, First Reformed Dutch Church, First Baptist Church, Christ Church Germantown, New Moravian Church, and St. Jude’s Church;the opening of part of Delaware Avenue; the Market Street tunnel (1844); the extension of West Chester Railroad to Media; Reading Railroad Bridge; inauguration of the Wagner Free Institute; Germantown; the new offices of the Board of Surveys; the fancy and perfumery store of T. H. Peters & Co. (700 block Chestnut) and saddlery of Lacey and Phillips (700 Lodge Street); the opening of Belmont Avenue; the 1850 building season; and preservation of trees in areas of construction in West Philadelphia. Subjects addressed through editorials include the decrepit state of the Merchant’s Exchange (annotated "as written by G. G. Foster for the "Sunday Mercury"); the chimes of the Christ Church bell; the ca. 1765 cartoon “The Election, A Medley…” (p. 15); the horse market at Bush Hill; Chestnut Street and Custom House vendors; the omnibus system; a G.G. Foster article about “daylight ruffians" and their haunts; and "Negro Minstrelsy and Jakeyism." Other articles satirize "Philadelphia Customs" like cleanliness; advertise baby shows organized by P.T. Barnum and colleagues; and provide commentaries about the sale of the late Edward D. Ingraham’s library and estate; Phoebe Ann Rush’s mansion; Governor Pollock’s visit to the "colored High School in Lombard Street"; tariffs established by hotel keepers (1855); the extent of foot traffic at Third and Chestnut Street in one hour; the demographics of South Street; and stocking the Delaware with salmon., Ephemera includes seven lottery tickets, issued between 1796 and 1833, and playbills for Chestnut Street Theater and Deutches (i.e., German) National Theater. Lotteries represent the Union Canal of Pennsylvania, Washington Canal, Connecticut, Maryland, New York and Delaware. Scrapbook also includes detailed manuscript notes about "Morris’ Palace"; the Farmers & Mechanics Bank; Chestnut Street Theatre signage; "List of American Theatres"; "St. Peter’s church steeple and bells"; and "The German Theatre.", Graphic materials, predominately views and illustrations of landmarks, and advertisements, include wood engravings, engravings, and cameo stamps. Views and illustrations include images of Fairmount Water Works; "The Coal Wharves at Richmond, near Philadelphia"; Masonic Hall; Philadelphia Bank; "Front View of the American Sunday School Union Buildings, 146 Chesnut St., Philadelphia"; St. Mark's Church; the Philadelphia Library (i.e., Library Company); and the Orphan Asylum. Advertisements depict “A View of the Laboratory and Residence of Dr. Schenck, S.E. corner of Coates and Marshall Streets…”; Charles Ellis & Co., wholesale druggists (56 Chestnut); Beck & Co., perfumery (205 Arch, i.e., 500 block); "Messrs. Glenn & Co.’s Store, 180 Chestnut Street" (i.e., 700 block); Dr. McClintock’s Family Medicines (Ninth and Filbert); Blanchard & Co., wallpaper and upholstery (227 Chestnut, i.e., 700 block); James, Kent, Santee & Co., wholesale dry goods (147 N. Third, i.e., 200 block); M. Walker & Son, wire railing manufactory (Sixth and Market); Fritz, Williams & Henry, leather (29 N. Third); S. A. Harrison, warming and ventilating warehouse (Walnut near Sixth); "Northeast corner of Third and Chestnut Streets" (includes Moran & Sickels, printers); “Anthy. Finley’s Bookstore, corner of Chesnut and Fourth Streets”; Joseph Maples, sculptor and marble cutter (Arch near Broad); F. H. Smith, pocket book and port monaie manufacturer (Fourth and Chestnut); Fowler, Wells & Co., phrenologists (231 Arch, i.e., 600 block); Lippincott’s clothing warehouse (400 block Market); W. P. & G. W. Hacker, china, glass, queensware (60 N. Second); Henry Duhring & Co., hosiery and yarns (22 N. Fourth); and Lindsay & Blakiston, publishers., Cameo stamps advertise Jones’ Exchange Hotel (77 Dock); W. & E. H. Hawkins, flour & feed mills (Ninth above Poplar); and William Gorman boys clothing establishment (Ninth and Market). Majority of the advertisements include street and pedestrian traffic. Graphics also include prints from William Birch's and C.G. Child's "Views of Philadelphia" series; vignettes depicting an "ice water" fountain, trunks by T.W. Matson, "chamber furniture," a woman using opera glasses, a spit, an arm chair, the exterior of the “Book & Stationary, No. 104 South Third Street,” “Statue of William Penn,”and ladies bonnets; and illustrations of “the fashion of ladies costume of 1853 – not exaggerated!” including shawls and overcoats and military and fireman’s caps “worn in 1854”., Majority of contents annotated with a date or explicative manuscript notes by Poulson., Cut outs pasted on title page. Imagery includes allegorical female figures representing art and writing, a pedestal, and a gilted memorial vignette., Verso of title page contains Poulson inscription: “The dates of the articles herein, are those of the newspapers &c from which they were cut. Cutout of vignette of roman garbed woman holding a mirror frames the inscription., "Index to set in back part of vol. XI.", Insert opposite p. 40: Lettersheet inscribed with explicative text about “picture representing the building at N.E. corner of Third and Chestnut street." Insert opposite p. 44: 2 lettersheets inscribed with explicative text about contents (Wetherill Family and Finley's Bookstore) on p. 44. One signed by Thompson Westcott and dated 1858. Insert opposite p. 88: Lettersheet dated 1855 and inscribed with explicative text about the Philadelphia Bank received by Poulson from “Mr. Robins the present Prest. Of Philadelphia Bank”, Scraps with manuscript notes about the estates "Solitude" and "Landsdown House" tipped in before p. 80., Artists, engravers, and printers include Beller; Joseph H. Brightly; J. H. Byram; Edward Clarkson; W. Croome; George Devereux; W. E. Gihon; Gilbert & Gihon; A. Kollner; Jacob Maas; H. L. Stephens; William Strickland; H. Tanner; and R. Telfer., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Poulson, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1789-1866, compiler
- Date
- 1796-1855, bulk 1855
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Poulson scrapbooks - vol. 4 [(4)2526.F]
- Title
- Illustrations of Philadelphia
- Description
- Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings and graphics dated between 1858 and 1859 pertaining to the built environment, and social, cultural, economic, and political climate of Philadelphia. Subject matter includes overviews of Central High School, the schism between Orthodox and Hicksite Quakers, and the construction of the Continental Hotel; descriptions of Maelzel's Chess Automoton; reports of sold, new, forthcoming, and razed buildings, particularly on Arch, Chestnut, Walnut, and North Third streets; the development of Fairmount Park; police station and fire hose company demonstrations and events; reports on the state of local trades and manufacturing, including wool, buttons, and straw goods; descriptions of fancy balls of local clubs and organizations, including the Sons of Malta; passed city ordinances, including the forbiddance of market wagons standing on Market Street; church events and pew sales; estate, building, and personal library sales by noted auction house M. Thomas & Sons; public displays of art, including Thomas Sully's "Illustrations of Robinson Crusoe" at the Earle's Galleries; theatre engagements, particularly at Walnut Street Theatre; weather conditions and their effects on the citizenry; and local anecdotes, including scams. Also contains real estate, stock, and cattle market price lists; classified, commencement, benevolent institution, and "Balls and Parties" listings; an illustrated sheet music advertisement for "Philadelphia Passenger Rail Road Polka by Goldsmith"; a public notice against coal ashes thrown on side walks; Poulson's invitations to club meetings (Wistar Party and Franklin Lodge); and periodical illustrations, advertisements, and prints showing businesses, schools, household furnishings and implements, and social satires, predominately about women's fashion., Graphic materials include engravings, lithographs, trade cards and cameo stamps depicting A. Wiltberger, druggist (233 N. Second); Charles Adams, dry goods (Arch & Eighth); D. G. Wilson and J. G. Childs & Co., Philadelphia Plantation & Road Wagon Works (2612 N. Second); Edwin Greble, dealer in foreign and domestic marble (1700 block Chestnut Street); E. P. Moyer & Bros., harness and trunk makers; Gans Leberman & Co. (16 N. Third), wholesale clothing emporium; George Doll & Co., importers of fancy goods (14 N. Sixth); Jones, White & McCurdy Dental College (700 block Arch); Lightfoot, Shoemaker & Co., hats (415 Arch); Mount Vernon Hotel (117-119 N. Second); North, Chase & North, stoves, heaters and ranges (Second anf Mifflin); [Samuel] Simes, chemist (Twelfth and Chestnut); Schaffer & Roberts, fancy goods and notions (429 Market); Watson & Cox, wire manufactory (46 N. Front); Wm. A. Drown & Co., umbrella manufactory (246 Market); Wm. Colbert, Safety Envelope Manufactory (123 S. Fourth); William Warnock, dry goods (39 N. 8th St.); the Hope Hose & Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 2 of Philadelphia; "H. Sebald, Designer & Engraver on Wood"; Maas & Vogdes, fancy printers; [William] McRea, stationer, card engraver & printer; "Phalon’s Cocin or Cocoa-nut Oil"; and "Spalding’s liquid glue." Prints also depict vignette images of cooking ranges, stoves, a piano, and a window awning, and cartoons satirizing ladies crinolines and the political "Salt River.", Majority of contents annotated with a date by Poulson., Title page illustrated with a lithograph and wood engraving. Lithograph is a ca. 1856 lithographer's advertisement issued by Wagner & McGuigan after the work of lithographer Maurice Traubel and artist William Croome. Depicts an allegorical, patriotic scene with the figure of Columbia, attired in a toga, American flag, and laurel wreath, and with a broken shackle under her foot as she stands on a pedestal. Wood engraving shows "Independence Hall.", Verso of title page contains Poulson inscription: "The "Articles" in the book are taken from fugitive sources only; and the dates affixed to each are those of the newspapers &c from which they were procurred." Cut out designed with ornamental pictorial details frames inscription., "Index to set in back part of vol. XI.", Artists, engravers, printers, and publishers include J. H. Byram; George G. Evans; Familton & Chemin; F. Pilliner; David Scattergood; Robert Telfer; [Wellington?] Williams; and Van Ingen & Snyder., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Poulson, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1789-1866, compiler
- Date
- 1858-1859
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Poulson scrapbooks - vol. 1 [(1)2526.F]
- Title
- Specimen sheet Union, patriotic and humorous designs upon envelopes
- Description
- Advertisement containing twenty-five examples of Civil War envelope vignettes published by King & Baird. Majority of the vignettes include titles and slogans. Designs depict the American flag; liberty, the American eagle; soldiers (including the martyred Colonel Ellsworth); caricatures of Brigadier General Henry A. Wise (former governor of Virginia), Jefferson Davis, and the Southern gentry; a portrait of Washington; an abolitionist scene showing the whipping of an African American man entitled "The persuasive eloquence of the Sunny South"; and a racist caricature of an African American man on all fours carrying a whip and asking in the vernacular, "Whar's Jeff Davis?" Also contains a description of the envelopes and shipping information, as well as the scale of prices ranging from "25 Assorted Envelopes, (25 kinds)" at 25 cents to 1000 at 5 dollars., Title from item., Text printed on recto: Single copies of this sheet will be mailed free of postage, upon receipt of six cents, by King & Baird, Book and Job Printers, 607 Sansom St., Philadelphia., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of miscellaneous Civil War prints. McAllister Collection, gift, 1886 [5786.F.161a]. Accessioned 2002 [P.2002.45]., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Creator
- King & Baird
- Date
- [ca. 1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *GC - Civil War [5786.F.161a; P.2002.45]