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[Two men working in a field], canoeing, Egg Harbor River, NJ [graphic].

[Susquehanna River, Harrisburg, PA] [graphic].

Ripplemead from the hill.

[Regional planning map of Norristown, Pennsylvania.]

[Aerial view of the Schuylkill River looking southeast from Manayunk, Philadelphia.]

Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa.

Junior High School No. 3, Trenton, New Jersey.

Sloop on Shrewsbury R[iver] from st[ea]m[e]r Albertina. [Monmouth Beach, NJ] [graphic].

[Three empty canoes, Egg Harbor River, New Jersey] [graphic].

[Two men with a canoe at the water's edge, Egg Harbor River, New Jersey] [graphic].

[Navigating the river, Atsion River, New Jersey] [graphic].

[Canoe carrying two men, Atsion River, New Jersey] [graphic].

[Three canoes, Egg Harbor River, New Jersey] [graphic].

Catboat on [Mana]squan R[iver]. Too slow. Stern view. Dauntless [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

Shutter picture from [railroad] car window of Shenandoah River, [VA] [graphic].

Old millwheel & bridge over the Hawkskill, at Luray [VA] [graphic].

Steamer Helen on Shrewsbury R[iver], [Sandy Hook, NJ] [graphic].

Sloop on the Shrewsbury River, [Sandy Hook, NJ] [graphic].

On Brandywine looking up from below 3rd dam, on race bank, [Wilmington, DE] [graphic].

Sharpie on Shrewsbury R[iver] from pier at Oceanic, [Monmouth Beach, NJ] [graphic].

Sail-boat near carriage bridge, [Mana]squan R[iver], [NJ] [graphic].

Boats at Union landing from Royal Star, [Manasquan River, NJ] [graphic].

Royal Star sailing on [Mana]squan R[iver], from dock, [NJ] [graphic].

Royal Star, bow on from dock, [Manasquan River, NJ] [graphic].

Royal Star, side view, [Manasquan River, NJ] [graphic].

[Man on boat Thalatta docked on river bank] [graphic].

Sanam River. Cat boat "O.K." [graphic].

New B & O Bridge over Brandywine, from rocks on N. bank, [Wilmington, DE] [graphic].

[New B & O Bridge over Brandywine. From rocks on N. bank]. [Wilmington, DE] [graphic].

Bridge from top of bank, farther up, [Brandywine, Wilmington, DE] [graphic].

[Boat on] Shrewsbury River, [Highlands, NJ] [graphic].

Natural Bridge, from path down [from seat on path leading down under it, Cedar Creek, VA] [graphic].

Natural Bridge [from seat on path leading down under it, Cedar Creek, VA] [graphic].

Natural bridge from bed of stream, [Cedar Creek, VA] [graphic].

Distant view of Natural Bridge, [Cedar Creek, VA] [graphic].

Nat[ural] Bridge from hillside up-stream, [VA] [graphic].

Cat boats "Eleanor" & "Louise" in race on [Mana]squan River. [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

Cat-boat Moonta & others in race on [Mana]squan River, [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

Cat boat "Annie." Winning boat in race on [Mana]squan R[iver], [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

Two cat boats in sunlight. [Mana]squan River, [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

Cat boat Favorite opp. Rod Clark's, [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

Elk Mt. from bridge over French Broad River below Richmond Hill, [Asheville, NC] [graphic].

Bridge over French Broad R[iver] at Richmond Hill, from the hill, [Asheville, NC] [grapihc].

Asheville Station from Lahkieostee Farm. French Broad R[iver] in foreground, [Asheville, NC] [graphic].

Dam on Pacolet River, [NC] [graphic].

Tug Jamesburg & boat with freight cars on it, [Taken from steamer Columbia, Delaware River] [graphic].

Yachts on [Mana]squan R[iver], Orion in race, Wilbur Smith sailing her, [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

Yachts on [Mana]squan R[iver], stern view of several, [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

Frou-frou on [Mana]squan River, bow on, [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

Frou-Frou, stern view, [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].
