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Frou-frou, bow on, [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

Yacht race on [Mana]squan River, Royal Star, [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

Sharpie Virginia [sailboat] on [Mana]squan River, [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

Sanford Bell & "Gertie" in race on [Mana]squan R[iver], [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

Gertrude cat-boat on [Mana]squan River, [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

Mischief & other boats in race on [Mana]squan R[iver], [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

White Wings on race, [Mana]squan R[iver], bow on, [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

Little Clarry Marsh sailing the "Mary," stern view. [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

C[entral] R[ail] R[oad] of N.J. tunnel & bridge from L[ehigh] V[alley] R[ail] R[oad] station, [Poconos] [graphic].

[View of the river], canoeing, Egg Harbor River, NJ [graphic].

Steam tugs, Columbus and Alert. Vessels of all classes towed to and from sea and about the harbor; towing to and from Schuylkill and all other descriptions promptly attended to. S. Flanagan No. 78 South Delaware Avenue.

[Boys digging near Schuylkill River, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Schuylkill River and houses atop hill in Manyaunk, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Eaglesfield estate near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania] [graphic] / Drawn by T. Birch.

[Children playing in a river], Pocono Lake, [PA] [graphic].

[Man on the riverbank], Browns Mills, [NJ] with Photo[graphic] Society [graphic].

[Group on riverbank, Browns Mills, NJ with Photographic Society] [graphic].

U.S.S. Idaho, [Egg Harbor River, NJ] [graphic].

U.S.S. Idaho, [Egg Harbor River, NJ] [graphic].

[Children playing in a river, Pocono Lake, PA] [graphic].

[Man on the riverbank. Browns Mills, NJ with Photographic Society] [graphic].

[View of the river. Browns Mills NJ with Photographic Society] [graphic].

[View of the river, Browns Mills NJ with Photographic Society] [graphic].

[Group around a campfire], canoeing, Egg Harbor River, NJ [graphic].

[Empty canoe in water, Sea Girt] [graphic].

Paradise Valley day trip [graphic].

Paradise Valley day trip, [British Columbia] [graphic].

U.S.S. Idaho, canoeing, Egg Harbor River, NJ [graphic].

[Man fishing in a river] [graphic].

[Four unidentified 35 mm snapshots depicting a view of a river; a gardner; an inn-like building; and a wedding]

[View of the river], Browns Mills, [NJ] with Photo[graphic] Society [graphic].

[Group on riverbank], Browns Mills, [NJ] with Photo[graphic] Society [graphic].

A favoring wind. Shrewsbury River [graphic].

White Wings [sailboat] Manasquan River, N.J. [graphic].

City wharf scene. [graphic] / From life by A. Kollner.

Aerial views of downtown Norristown, Pennsylvania.

[View of farmland near the Schuylkill River near Bridgeport and Norristown, Pennsylvania.]

Reading Iron Company Foundry, Reading, Pennsylvania.

Aerial views of Norristown, Pennsylvania.

Aerial views of the city of Reading, Pennsylvania.

Moon development, Morrisville, Pennsylvania.

[Girard Avenue Bridge and Pennsylvania Railroad Bridge spanning the Schuylkill River, Philadelphia.]

Robin Hood Dell, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Piers on the Delaware River south of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge, South Philadelphia, Philadelphia.

Luckenbach Lines steamship on the Delaware River, South Philadelphia, Philadelphia.

[Delaware River looking north from Dock Street, Philadelphia.]

[Ships on the Delaware River, South Philadelphia, Philadelphia.]

Philadelphia fashions, spring & summer 1845, by S. A. & A. F. Ward no. 62 Walnut St.

Vertical views of Philadelphia along the Delaware River.

USS Constitution sailing on the Delaware River, Philadelphia.
